Author: | RyGuyX
Submitted: | 15th December, 2003
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Arcade
| Downloads: | 251
Rated: |
Edited By RyGuyX on 10/1/2004
It's me again, the maker of Bunny Shooter, I have many games, all of which can be found on my site, but unlike my friend Jay Whitehead, I will not be submitting them all at once and flooding you all with things to try. You probably have better things to do, anyway. And if you don't, you should get some. Anyway, here's the description...
Before the cell phone helicopter game... before I knew of any simple java games of this... before I ever saw anything else like it... I saw an attempt at this game by a person known only as Demolition. His game contained no real images... I believe it was a blue line, some blue background, and brown rectangles of varying sizes. But it was fun. And I wanted to make something fun and simple
This, ladies and gentlemen, is Caveworm.
I'm sure most of you have played this game in one form or another. If not: you're a worm who's flying through an underground passage and crashing in to things kills you. Most times it's just one super long increasingly harder cave and the only objective is points.
Contrary to the story of the flooding cave, I made up a different one in about 5 minutes to explain why you're rushing through the caves. Also, I included a boss, 5 levels, all of which are actually humanly passable, and an automatic saving feature.
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Registered 29/08/2002
Points 495
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