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Tinmen Red Lite
Author: MichaelParent Submitted: 13th May, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 189

Tinmen Red is the third edition in the Tinmen series.
Tinmen can stand a little heat, but don't linger in the flame for more than a fraction of a second. Use the steam-catapults to launch the tinman closer to his goal.

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Posted by istvan 14th May, 2004

Nice. I enjoyed the first one of these I played, so I should enjoy this! P.S what happenned to Tinman Brown? I cant see it on your other creations list??
Posted by MichaelParent 14th May, 2004

Unfortunately, I had to format and re-install my computer a while back, and lost my identity here on the site. Its floating around on the site somewhere, under a different identiny I can't remember ;) I'll try to fix that when I get the time. Have you tried "Blue" yet?
Posted by X_Sheep 14th May, 2004

The different identity was MichaelVParent :)
Posted by Shadow99 14th May, 2004

these games are greate. You should make a long game in this fashion.
Posted by CYS 14th May, 2004

Fun game this is.
Posted by X_Sheep 15th May, 2004

I just want a bigger screen size :P
Posted by Strife 15th May, 2004

Niiiiiice. I like the idea of Tinmen games with different themes (red, blue, brown, etc.) Someday, when you've made all the Tinmen games you can possibly make, you should combine them all into one huge Timen game. Now THAT would be fun. :D You could also add a feature that allows the player to mix and match the various levels. :)
Posted by istvan 19th May, 2004

Oh, Ive played all the tinmans, am a big fan of the series. I even reviewed Tinmen Brown. Tell me, have you been selling the full versions?
Posted by Jamesbuc 21st August, 2004

Is that all you think about Phizzy? Urine and condoms?
Posted by 19th February, 2005

It is, you know...





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