The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Village End

Village End
Author: Steve Swiftman Submitted: 16th June, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 241

This is just a small game that I made a while ago that I dug up. You basically Train warriors, buy houses for your town, and send the warriors off to war where you can make money. The more warriors you have fighting, the more money you will reap in. Also, you get cash for having a lot of houses.

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Posted by Cybermaze 17th June, 2004

Well ... hmm ... this is hardly a game. There is no challenge, no goal and no ending. You basically just press 3 buttons. One to buy a house, one to train a warrior and one to send a warrior to battle. Then (if you are not allready sleeping) youll get loads of money at some point when you have many houses and warriors in battle. You cannot loose. And there is really nothing to do (apart from pressing 3 buttons).
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 17th June, 2004

Well, this game is very well coded, :) but I agree with Cybermaze: it gets sort of boring because there isn't anything to do.
Posted by Muggus 17th June, 2004

Not alot to it...:-/
Posted by Dustgather 18th June, 2004

It's a good idea in theory, its just poorly implemented :/






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