The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow
Author: Steve Swiftman Submitted: 14th June, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 362

The Day After Tomorrow. This game isn't strictly based off the movie so don't be disappointed. This is just the first half of the game. The sequal will follow in the coming months. Anyway, you are Jack and you're basically on an adventure to find out what is going on. There is a level where the storm is drawing near and you have to do whatever it takes to avoid it. You even get to ride to bicycle. Anyway, have fun and e-mail me if you have any ideas for the sequal or if you want to help contribute anything. I'm pretty new at making games so maybe you can teach me a few things.

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Posted by BeanKing 14th June, 2004

Posted by Muggus 14th June, 2004

Hahaha love that you got some Muse in there...besides that...
Posted by Willy C 14th June, 2004

wow, the gratest game ever.
Posted by J.A.P 14th June, 2004

I can give some tips if you like, I have some experience from coding and stuff :)
Posted by Steve Swiftman 14th June, 2004

thanks, give me an e-mail
Posted by Gaspy Conana 14th June, 2004

LOLOLOLOL, thats the best ever! My favorite TDC game in a long while.
Posted by Vampire Reaper 14th June, 2004

ahahahahahahahhahahh !it is a joke, isn't it?
Posted by Tiri 14th June, 2004

well all i can say is i wouldnt put my name in the credits for that
Posted by m. collar 14th June, 2004

Posted by Steve Swiftman 14th June, 2004

Posted by Kingson 14th June, 2004

Well is this a game?
Posted by PreviousPlasma (DarkSoft) 14th June, 2004

Jesus, what is it with the slew of shit the day after tommorow games?
Posted by Weston L 14th June, 2004

You have an awesome last name... Swift Man. That would be great super heroe name.
Posted by Steve Swiftman 14th June, 2004

Posted by Gaspy Conana 14th June, 2004

of coarse it's a joke you faggots
Posted by tdc052621 14th June, 2004

lol, i wouldnt post a game with this name again.Circy would send you to hell without looking
Posted by X_Sheep 15th June, 2004

Good thing the description is longer than that other Day after Tomorrow thing :P
Posted by Shadow99 15th June, 2004

This game is awful. If it was a joke, please allow ALL cutscenes to be skipped next time. That will make it easier to like. If this was NOT a joke, please kill yourself.
Posted by DasGuy 15th June, 2004

Completely aweful. Regardless if its a joke or not. Talk about crap in a flaming bag. Worst joke of all time...
Posted by Steve Swiftman 15th June, 2004

This was not a joke. I scrapped this project and I'm working on a new game with much better graphics and gameplay, promise. I'll have a demo out soon.
Posted by Wraith Storm 16th June, 2004

Hmmmm... No screen shots usually means a no download for me, cause im on that stone-age 56K thing, but with after reading all these posts i was laughing so hard i gotta try this game ;)
Posted by Simon Colmer 16th June, 2004

OMG, this is like the best game like ever, i like the gfx, sooo profesional and i like the way at the beggining the dude on the bike like sits while walks, lmao and the wot i think is the storm is square the the end, oh this is soooo gooooooooood
Posted by Wraith Storm 16th June, 2004

MASTERPIECE!!! ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE!!! This is without a doubt one of the finest moments in videogaming history! If only Atari had people like Mr. Swiftman the Jaguar might still be going strong!Even against systems like the GC and XBox. The graphical powerhouses would crumble before "The day after tomarrow" born from Mr. Swiftman's creative genius! And i have to say Steve... Can i call you Steve? Your a good man!
Posted by Steve Swiftman 16th June, 2004

Posted by Broomie 16th June, 2004

Aww you don't get to burn books in this one. Fuck this game.
Posted by MisterBull 19th June, 2004

**takes a dump in you're soup*.. you're too nice =P
Posted by Steve Swiftman 19th June, 2004

"in you're soup" WRONG, it's suppose to be "your" not "you're"
Posted by awesomeanimator 16th July, 2004

"Aww you don't get to burn books in this one. Fuck this game." dude that had me laughing so hard
Posted by Paul_James 23rd August, 2004

the credits are longer than the game itself rofL!
Posted by DaVince 16th May, 2007

HAHAHAHA Doesn't work





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