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Worms Breakout
Author: Brusi Submitted: 12th August, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Bat And Ball Downloads: 452

Edited By Brusi on 2/28/2005

Worms Breakout's name says it all. It's a breakout game set in the world of Team17's Worms. If you think all breakout games are the same, well let this prove your wrong. Try it and immidiatly get addicted. Get fun bonuses, destroy those bricks with all those loved weapons you know from Worms 2, Worms Armageddon, and Worms World Party. Play your way through two game worlds full of challanging levels, not those boring easy ones. There's new stuff in every level!

Special Features:

- Amazing Breakout experience, Based on the settings of Team17's popular Worms game series
- 20 different, challenging levels
- Seven different kinds of weapons, taken from the "Worms" series
- Variety of utility bonuses to pick up during the game

Worms Breakout Homepage:
AnyKeySoft Homepage:

Review This Download (2.3mb )

Posted by Leric 12th August, 2004

I like this game & the weapons & stuff from the Worms series is more than just a cheap gimic, it actually adds to the fun of the game, good job!
Posted by X_Sheep 12th August, 2004

I remember this one. It was even featured on the Worms 2 site :P
Posted by Wormware 12th August, 2004

Very nice game, nice gfx, and realistic, wormy weapons! Nice work!
Posted by Noyb 12th August, 2004

This is how to do a paddle game. No crappy random bounces here, just DX-Ball style bounces, where the angle the ball leaves depends on where it hits the paddle. Powerups and weapons make it fun, too.
Posted by 12th August, 2004

nice job!!! good game
Posted by danjo 13th August, 2004

the part i think looked nice was the background from zeb
Posted by Teapot 13th August, 2004

Wow, this is probably the best breakout game I've ever played (sorry Wong Chung Bang). This is very fun!
Posted by 13th August, 2004

nice ripping:P
Posted by 13th August, 2004

truly, nice ripping, it looks almost pro!...think u could make a freeware version of worms, the strategy game???
Posted by Kris 13th August, 2004

great idea, although it's a bit of a pain to bash the number keys to find the right weapon (you could add some labels maybe)
Posted by Silveraura 13th August, 2004

Awsome, perfect way to mix worms with breakout I think. Thought it would be nice if u could swich weapons with the Key Pad too, because I'm not used to using the numbers at the top of the letters, so that makes the game harder for me. Anyway, great game!
Posted by X_Sheep 13th August, 2004 It's now official. :P
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 13th August, 2004

Amazing job at the rippin' of Zeb graphics! :P Other then that, this is a pretty good break out clone.
Posted by Kris 13th August, 2004

I dont think worthington is going to mind if people use his graphics
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 13th August, 2004

I played this about 3 years ago I think. It's pretty fun I guess.
Posted by Strife 14th August, 2004

This is great! :D The only thing I would recommend is an inventory at the bottom of the screen that shows what weapons you have.
Posted by Strife 14th August, 2004

...Let me rephrase that. You should put numbers next to the weapons (1, 2, 3, etc.) that show you which key to press. Or, you should be able to pause the game to select your weapon (make all the blocks invisible while it's paused).
Posted by James Melton / Eluminite 14th August, 2004

Not bad, especially for TGF. Having played many breakout games thoughout my life, this one has a nice 'originality' to it. The physics still leave much to be desired though. The direction the ball leaves the paddle seems to do solely with where it hits the paddle, without taking enough consideration of its initial direction or the speeds of either the ball or paddle. The bounce off of bricks is a bit annoying (especially at the beginning of a level when they are too close to get a good start). It might just be the way the shapes collide, but it doesn't feel right to me. The weapons need to do more. They are what sets this apart from most breakout games, yet they don't appear to do much (other than create fancy explosions). If you want to keep the system of some weapons doing more damage, there needs to be a way of indicating how damaged a particular block is (opacity, color, cracked, etc). The non-projectile weapons (esp shotgun) could also use a targeter. Above all- where's my score? The strength of arcade games is striving to beat a high score- either a personal best, another's best, or both. Sorry if I seem overly critical. Again, this is great work especially for TGF. There's just a lot of potential in the game.
Posted by FrankenKyle 17th August, 2004

I don't get why everyone says a great job was done with ripping. All you have to do is open zeb with TGF and either make it into a library, or you can just pick objects from it. It isn't really that amazing to rip graphics from an open source game.
Posted by Bartman 21st August, 2004

Oh shut up.
Posted by Dalal 24th August, 2004

Sarahes we are talking about worms!
Posted by Yuhkaz 28th August, 2004

Thats still easy PN, print screen.






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