The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Ug Combat Un-Evolved

Ug: Combat Un-Evolved
Author: Aaron Tomko Submitted: 9th December, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 613
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Aaron Tomko on 11/19/2006

Ug: Combat Unevolved is a platform party game in the vein of Super Smash Brothers designed to support two to four players across keyboards or joysticks. You take control of one of the warring tribes' warriors, or UGs as they are called, and fight for the control of the Great Shiny! There are many different modes of play and each has loads of options. As you play the game more and more, you can unlock extra gameplay such as new play modes, new levels, or even a few secret areas.

For more information about this or any other Xarion Games series, please visit the official site at:

Review This Download (4.10mb )

Posted by The Chris Street 9th December, 2004

Not that many people use winRAR, you'd be advised to change it to a zip file ;)
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 9th December, 2004

Link doesn't work. I tried save as, copy + past the URL and click download now
Posted by Noyb 9th December, 2004

Works for me. This is a great multiplayer game! However, the ball in the soccer mode should be reset after each goal, because you can just charge the net and get lots of cheap goals.
Posted by AndyUK 9th December, 2004

Nice collection of games, i did well in the fire one until my bloke got trapped at the start. then i accedently quit without saving. thumbs up!!
Posted by Jamesbuc 9th December, 2004

Cant you just change the end of the file from .rar to .zip???
Posted by Jamesbuc 9th December, 2004

ah no... It seems you cant. :(
Posted by Sashman15 9th December, 2004

Good game, hope it wins GOTW.
Posted by Jack Galilee 9th December, 2004

Screenshot remnids me of Unga Bunga
Posted by CsaR 9th December, 2004

Cool game. Played it with my roommates. Though the platform engine seems a bit off from time to time.
Posted by Aaron Tomko 9th December, 2004

Ok, first just let me say, thank you for all of the interest you've all shown. Noyb, you'll be happy to hear I changed the cave ball mode, and now the ball resets in the center after each score. I've fixed the link and changed the file type to a Winzip format. I hope this helps. And to Alexander Pecheny, a big thank you for the vote of confidence. Csar, it does have some kinks, but it interests me to know which you have been dealing with. If you have the time, please DC-mail me and I'll try to rectify it if possible. Ok, as always, let me know if you have any questions.
Posted by Aaron Tomko 9th December, 2004

I forgot to mention that if you have trouble downloading from the link provided above, please visit the site and download it directly. Also on another note, please vote your opinion. I would love to see what you guys think. If you don't like it I welcome any constructive criticism. And for anyone interested, there will be a new section added to the website by next week with multiplayer strategies. If you have found any of your own, please send me them and I'll post them on the site along side your name. Thank you.
Posted by ChasetheCheese 10th December, 2004

Nice, really nice, I liked it a LOT :D Keep up the good work ;)
Posted by Silveraura 10th December, 2004

I only use Winzip because it seems that more people use it, but to be honist, rar does alot better job at compressing, people are just too lazy to get something like Winrar, not saying most people dont have it, but people who dont need to get it. The trial may run out, but you can still use it. :-) Btw, downloading.. sounds good.
Posted by AfterStar 10th December, 2004

This game is cool!I wished i had my friends here to play with :( !
Posted by Weston L 10th December, 2004

What a nice guy, the author... Also, good work! I've only begun to play it. You have my vote!
Posted by Silveraura 10th December, 2004

Got my vote. :-P Good game.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 11th December, 2004

Yay. You updated your site and i can download it from there!
Posted by The Chris Street 11th December, 2004

Not sure why this game made the front page really, as Shadowcaster told me that only games with a reliable host can make it there... Oh well, guess I should add it to GOTW then.
Posted by Nuklear41 11th December, 2004

Nice graphics.
Posted by Aaron Tomko 11th December, 2004

Thank you nucklear. I spent almost eight months working on this game, and it's always nice to hear it was worth the time. And to the TDC staff, thanks for posting my game on the front page. I know the host is un reliable, but I am happy to see you still accepted it. TEH CIRCY CLAUS!!1!! did make a good point as angelfire sites can go over bandwidth very easily, and temporarily I have uploaded the file to my main website. I will be setting up a better host very soon, but until then hopefully the original link in addition to this one help. the webhost doesn't allow direct linking to files, so copy and paste this into your address bar. Enjoy.
Posted by Satansboss 11th December, 2004

Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 11th December, 2004

This looks like fun. Downloading...
Posted by Aaron Tomko 12th December, 2004

Thanks Satansboss, that's always nice to hear. Also, to those who gave my game a thumbs down, I was merely wondering what determined your decision? I am very interested as I wish to avoid any mistakes that might have caused you not to enjoy it. Again, thank you for all of the compliments.
Posted by Aaron Tomko 19th December, 2004

Just wondering if anyone has finished unlocking everything yet?
Posted by Noyb 24th December, 2004

Yes, if there's nothing past the secret mode that appears in the bottom-right of the game mode selection. (Trying to avoid spoilers)
Posted by Aaron Tomko 24th December, 2004

Cool. Just wondering. And by the way, Merry Christmas everyone!
Posted by Mr. Long 26th December, 2004

Posted by cielx 27th December, 2004

this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Aaron Tomko 27th December, 2004

Thank you very much guys. Always nice to hear. I hope everyone has a very safe and happy holiday!
Posted by Oswalde 28th December, 2004

Very fun with other players, but you shoud definately make a single-player mode. Also, you get major points for using "Rock Lobster" as level music!
Posted by Aaron Tomko 28th December, 2004

Heh. It's funny you should mention a single player mode. I had initially designed the game with a single player mode, but the AI program was very bad and easily manipulated. I'm fine with programming AI in other settings, but in a platformer environment I still need much practice. I am; however, working on a sort of 2D RTS game within the UG universe. It's set after the tounament, and a new tribe has appeared. The tribe attacks and steals the Great Shiny and so begins a great battle between all of the tribes. I'll post a preview when there's more to tell as the engine is still being worked out.
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 28th December, 2004

A great game, and you got GOTW, another testament to it's greatness, and it has unlockables, wery good, and I loved the secret mode(Though th hazard there was H-A-R-D, you could just hide on a place others and the hazards cant reach, but the hazard would be close to the position and nobody dares coming toward you). Anyway, GREAT GAME!!! The only one I've sen that is bettr is Jonny RPG(Personal opinion).
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 28th December, 2004

Wait a second, do you post on newgrounds?
Posted by Aaron Tomko 30th December, 2004

Thanks for the nice compliments Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson. And, no, I don't post on new grounds. Despite the fact that I've been klicking for over nine years, I've only just now started posting my games.
Posted by Comrade the Soviet Under Dog 20th January, 2005

looks awsome, I'll download, and leave a comment.
Posted by Comrade the Soviet Under Dog 21st January, 2005

OMG awsome game dude... dudett... yea... awsome! for some reason I cant help myself from saying: SNIPER THE WHITE MAN FROM FAR DISTINCE! when ever I have the bow...yea... awsome
Posted by Aaron Tomko 24th January, 2005

It's dude Comrade, and thanks. It's always nice to hear that people are enjoying my game. I hope to upload some more once my cable connection gets installed.
Posted by aloha 11th July, 2014

Can someone PLEASE post a download link of this game? The original site does not seem to be around anymore. I would really really appreciate a link.





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