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OMG ! Pirana Jar
Author: sylzayz Submitted: 20th July, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 246
Game of the Week Winner

Myself and adam decided to take a break from jak frost today, and challenged ourselves to make a game within 4 hours!

We thought of making a virtual pirana game because piranas kick ass! and remember, we are not programmers! lol! but i think we accomplished something cute so we thought it would be nice to share it with you guys.

And to conclude, BIG THANKS to nastyman for is entertaining music! thanks dude!

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Posted by 20th July, 2006

Ahaha, great work on this one!
Great name, to start with. OMG! Pirana Jar!
Really cute Piranas also, but i didnt know they ate cheese! ;P Hah, i love how they chase the ball around. lol, great work dudes!

You could add some stuff to it though, theres not much of gameplay in it. But i like it! Thumbs up!
Posted by RenatoDep 21st July, 2006

I'll have to try this one when I get home... Although, Pirana is spelled wrong...because it is a portuguese word and should be written "Piranha" instead
Posted by Ski 21st July, 2006

Posted by sylzayz 21st July, 2006

We used the french version of the word ! --Pirana--

you can even see a french word on the bubble tank -Poisson-
Posted by Ski 21st July, 2006

Posted by 21st July, 2006

Ahahaha, didnt think about that one. Poisson-Clean!
I know a little french, not much though... Hard language.
Posted by RenatoDep 21st July, 2006

french isn't well, I guess because I speak português. Yea...I guess you are right. Piranha is how it is supposed to be written because it came from the amazon, but other languages translate it or change it
Posted by RenatoDep 21st July, 2006

Oh, and what's the objective of the game?
Posted by Ski 21st July, 2006

There is none... Its just for fun, and was a break from Jak Frost which we worked on loads
Posted by ..:.Phox.:.. 21st July, 2006

I live in Portugal as well.

Piranha IS the right way to write it.

but since it's a game name, I gess it passes, and gets a point for originality! lol
Posted by Ski 21st July, 2006

Thanks And I love that cat in your avatar
Posted by sylzayz 21st July, 2006

forget the name ! , play the game !
Posted by AndyUK 21st July, 2006

damn, i made a really long comment and clicked download, now it's gone.
Posted by sylzayz 21st July, 2006

lol what was it ? im curious
Posted by pwincess 21st July, 2006

i love the fishies!!! lol no seriously ...good graphics..good music...neet coding..easy gameplay...makes no sense...


btw: i love the way the goldfish dies... so cruel
Posted by DaVince 22nd July, 2006

Ah hah hah, this is great.

But only entertaining for 10 minutes at max.
Posted by Ski 22nd July, 2006

Well its not an RPG -_-
Posted by alperoz49 22nd July, 2006

First of all ,a good ,entertaining game but do we have some purpose in this game? cuz i think ,always putting some foods in the jar will become boring time after time. Nice and simple gfx which i like , piranhas are well drawn, also music is not the best but fits the game which is the important part, but again whats the purpose of this game?

Final desicion : thumbs up

My suggestions ; this could be a very nice puzzle game with some good ideas and diffrent types of Jars. Pls work on this game and upgrade it with some good ideas with this graphics.

Posted by sylzayz 22nd July, 2006

there is no purpose its only an experiment me and adam did. We built the game in 4 hours ,so its obvious it would become a little repetitive I agree.

You had a good idea there with the upgraded puzzle game for Pirana Jar. It was only a *break* from our work on Jak frost, but i promise i will look at the possibility to make a full game out of it after we are finished with Jak frost
Posted by Del Duio 22nd July, 2006

What you've done is a great idea. By making little games like this while tackling a bigger project, you'll help yourselves to not get burnt out on the main game.

P.S: Tell me there's an unlockable cow you can toss in the water like you see on National Geographic.
Posted by sylzayz 22nd July, 2006

! thanks Del duio !

dammit..i should of thought of that ! unlockable cow ! (maybe in the sequel)
Posted by Ski 22nd July, 2006

Posted by Liquixcat 22nd July, 2006

Jak Frost? Pfft. Sounds like crap
Posted by Ski 22nd July, 2006

OMG! OMG!11 LOL well it wont be, the coder is damn sexy
Posted by Liquixcat 22nd July, 2006

Posted by Ski 22nd July, 2006

Thanks for the review alperoz49

Please remember we gave ourselves a time limit to make this game (4 hours), like a challenge. Through out this we had a phone call and sylvain went for his lunch, so I think we did pretty well lol. If we had longer Im sure we would have added puzzles and what not

Its kinda like a virtual pet, its pointless, just something to mess around with.
Posted by RenatoDep 23rd July, 2006

Oh Sweet Fox, I didn't know you were portuguese.... I have a cultural brother here on TDC!
Posted by alperoz49 23rd July, 2006

Thanks for the review alperoz49
Please remember we gave ourselves a time limit to make this game (4 hours), like a challenge. Through out this we had a phone call and sylvain went for his lunch, so I think we did pretty well lol. If we had longer Im sure we would have added puzzles and what not
Its kinda like a virtual pet, its pointless, just something to mess around with" "quota"

But you can't say we did this game in 4 hours so its a good game , cuz if theres no point i can do a game in 1 min."Actually lately everyone do the same thing "i did this in 20min" , "i did this in 1 hour" etc..." I dont make comments on games looking at completing time.I look the games itselves.

Basicly "OMG! Pirana Jar" has some original ideas which can be upgraded later. Thats why i don't care about 4 hours.Spend more time on it and then release it. This is more like an engine.( i dont say its bad its a good game or wannabe)

Don't get these words of mine negative.I want this game be ipmroved, thats why i say this things.

Posted by Del Duio 23rd July, 2006

Yeah, if you could turn this into a complete game with levels and a time limit that'd be awesome. Maybe toss in some electric eels for hazards to the piranahs. And cappyberras! (Basically 4'L x 3'H rats!) Those animals live in the same waters as the piranahs so it'd make sense. Have a bonus level where the fish have to eat a cow or horse in a minute or less (just like in real life!). Remember, half the fun of watching piranahs is how FAST a pack of them can almost completely devour an animal 50x it's size! Thumbs up!
Posted by Ski 23rd July, 2006

Cappyberras are cute My brothers want me to keep piranha but they dont realise my facilities are just not big enough
Posted by sylzayz 23rd July, 2006

one day i saw on discovery channel--> a baby bird fall of his nest into a pool filled with piranhas, and got eaten in less then 1 minute. really impressive !
Posted by Ski 23rd July, 2006

LOL was it a white stork by any chance?
Posted by RenatoDep 23rd July, 2006

me being from Brasil, I grew up in near the São Francisco River, one of the largest rivers in Brasil, which in some sections were filled with Piranhas, the way you could tell was by looking at the herd of cows and horses, they didn't have lips, because when they would drink water out of the river, the piranhas would attack them lol
Posted by RenatoDep 23rd July, 2006

Adam, your brothes want to keep piranhas??
Posted by Ski 23rd July, 2006

His friend has them and theyre all like omg theyre so cool plz keep piranha, personally I find them boring-looking compared to marine fish. Closest thing we have to Piranha is Pike, which used to brush by my mums legs when she went water skiing and fell in -sexy
The river next to my town has no piranha lol It has seals, the occasional dolhpin, eels, crabs and whales that come up river to die... and the occasional bodies of people :S
Posted by pwincess 30th July, 2006

Grats for becoming game of the weeks Adam and sylzayz!
Posted by Ski 30th July, 2006

Thanks Sylvain did most of it to be honest
Posted by pwincess 30th July, 2006

wellll i saw that but you helped alot too
Posted by sylzayz 31st July, 2006

wow gotw ....NICEZZ !!!!!!!!
Posted by sylzayz 4th August, 2006

shut up
Posted by Ski 5th August, 2006

lol Indeed
Posted by Yai7 15th August, 2006

Not good!!!
Not good at all! It's more than good!!! It's awasome!!! Awasome!!! =

Great job!!! We were waiting for it since Dogz in 1995.
This is one more thing that God should be proud of and remember of giving to human being.

Thanks for putting my tunes in it also! Keep working on such stuff! =
Posted by DaVince 30th May, 2007

alperoz49 has never heard of small stuff to play with, lol. Don't make the game any bigger, except for that unlockable cow.
Posted by OMC 21st March, 2009

Da link id brokeded. ;__;






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