The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Forbidden Zone (early demo)

Forbidden Zone (early demo)
Author: chrilley Submitted: 16th February, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 309

Edited By Smarty on 2/17/2007

This is a space shoot 'em up game. If you've played Klik & Play's old Gracillis V you know what I'm talking about. If not, then imagine yourself controlling a ship and defending yourself against incomming waves of enemies. There will also be some kind of story later on, but for now there won't be much else but to shoot some freaks down.

It's still in it's early stages. But I'd like some feedback. Better now than when it's too late to change the shit!

Instructions on how to play is included in the readme and is also presented in the game.

I also don't mind anyone wanna help me with this game in any way. If you got some free time over or just wanna mess around with the engine, you find my mail in the readme. I don't want any stupid bots to mail me so I won't put it up here.

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 (500 kkb )

Posted by Hempuli 16th February, 2007

The engine is good, but the game is too repetitive. You just shoot same aliens and the background looks always the same.
Posted by chrilley 16th February, 2007

Yes, I've been thinking of adding more visual stuff to the scenery. I agree that it's dull as it is right now.

Currently there are only 2 kinds of alien ships, but there will be more as soon as I figure them out.

I'm glad that the engine wasn't too bad.
Posted by chrilley 17th February, 2007

I added one new obstacle to encounter, the large beam. For now it will just shoot randomly but later it'll probably actually try to hit. We'll see.

The download has been edited with the new addition.
Posted by Joshua Green 17th February, 2007

This game made my sticky keys go crazy! If you could change the fire button to like spacebar or something it would really help alot. I also think that the side moving inertia is a little much cuz I kept crashing into the side while trying to dodge. Well, enough criticism. I liked the game. Good job.
Posted by chrilley 17th February, 2007

CTRL + Y, to show the controls, from there change the Fire Button 1 key to Space.

I'm not sure either if I should keep the side walls lethal. Maybe on some levels.

Thanks for feedback!
Posted by steve 21st February, 2007

go into your windows settings and remove the stick keys function





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