The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Turn-based Strategy ::. Battleship Online

Battleship Online
Author: chrilley Submitted: 19th June, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Turn-based Strategy Downloads: 298
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By chrilley on 11/16/2008

I'm quite positive that someone around here (if not everyone) has played the classic Battleship board game? Well, this game is like that plus it's online! All you need is a friend to play against since... well... it's a 2 player game.

For those who have no idea what this game is about here's the short story: It's a turn-based strategy game were you place out your fleet and then battle your opponent by shooting randomly on the map until you hit something. There's a help file included in the game with the actual rules and some yadda-yadda.

Because I got some hosting problems(can't find a good free one) I have this uploaded on the best public upload space I could find.

Review This Download (1.41 mkb )

Posted by LIJI 22nd June, 2007

Very nice.
Also fully Wine Compatible
Posted by Zezard 22nd June, 2007

I'll wait with the voting until some friends who I can try it with are online. But it's always positive with these games which got something, a little extra .

Wouldn't hurt with a singleplayer mode though ...
Posted by Matt Boothman 22nd June, 2007

Impossible to play, there was nobody online. And unless you share IP addresses over MSN, there never will be anyone. Could do with a lobby so that people can play without having to arrange it beforehand.
Posted by chrilley 22nd June, 2007

@ LIJI: Thanks again!

@ Norris Boothman: Good idea, I should be able to add a lobby and challenge system without much problem.But one catch is that I will need a server up and running for it 24/7, or it really would be impossible to play.

@ Zezard: It's possible I might add singleplayer later.
Posted by Moonyjacob 22nd June, 2007

i'm gutted i cant download it
Posted by Simon Colmer 22nd June, 2007

you can just use a public moo server (or even more then 1 if some are down)
just if you do you will need to encrypt your info so it isn't easily hacked!
Posted by Steve Harris 22nd June, 2007

Can't dload either.
Posted by chrilley 22nd June, 2007

Seems the upload site went down or something. I have no luck when it comes to hosting, hang on I look for another.
Posted by chrilley 22nd June, 2007

And it's up yet again!
Posted by Milo 23rd June, 2007

All I get to is "Connecting to blah blah blah"
Posted by Simon Colmer 24th June, 2007

i got it downloaded and i ended up testing it on myself (lol)
Good game, just get a lobby sorted and u have a good game!
Posted by waffleton 26th June, 2007

Someones cheating in GoTW
Posted by chrilley 26th June, 2007

I've voted for my game. But I don't know where the other 15 votes came from.
Posted by bigpoo4 27th June, 2007

Needs a lobby/server list.

"But one catch is that I will need a server up and running for it 24/7"

You could use free webspace and make a database of servers
Posted by The Chris Street 7th July, 2007

Create enemy AI... well, an enemy that shoots at any potential position, and then never shoots in the same place twice...
Posted by Tropik 16th July, 2007

Good game. You can created function for single player.

Sorry... i am Polishman. I don't speak good on english...





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