BBFC smash!
Author: | Deathbringer
Submitted: | 23rd June, 2007
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Shoot 'Em Up
| Downloads: | 362
Rated: |
Edited By Deathbringer on 6/24/2007
The BBFC decided to ban Manhunt 2, despite the fact that it most likely does not show any of the reasons for which they now ban films, which are:
1)Actual violence against actual people shown for entertainment
2)Sexualised violence which glorifies rape
3)Sexual content at all involving children
4)Unnessescary violence/torture of actual animals
Rather than taking a stand for treating all mediums equally, the tabloids where rumbling about the "dreaded videogames" and the cowards backed down. I thought an excessively violent "response" in the form of a videogame would be appropriate, however "Scum Slaughter", the game i planned to make when the last Manhunt scandal blew up wasn't finished... or started. Soo i dusted off a crappy old platformer i made in a cracked version of TGF a good 5 or 6 years ago, polished it a bit and bunged it on the 'net.
If i was you i wouldn't actually download this, it's a crappy-looking, bug-ridden, default-platform-engine using turd!
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