Well, it derpends on what kind o' pornography it is, yesir. Normal people like thems pretty girls wit all the fixin's, but then there be weirdos who like kitties, like yer Great Great Uncle Floxin. Oh yesir, Great Great Uncle Floxin had a giant kitty farm filled with kitties of all shapes n' colours! Fancy colours too! And they was all naked! You remember that, don't yer, son? Yes, that was a golden year fer the family, 1888! I remember it as if it were yesterday, son! We was all on the Kitty Farm watchin' Great Great Uncle Floxin go after one o' them lil' fancy chinese kitties (he was always partial to thems, ya know). So then, you says to him 'Go git em', Uncle!' You was only a little feller then, yesir! I remember that day! You was wearin' one o' them lil' silk dresses with yor red clown makeup on! You were wearing a mink-skin fur coat over that, and yer name was Mavis. So Uncle says to you, he says: "Mavis, fetch me one o' them Chinese cats! I's to old to catch em' meself!' So you says 'Kay, Uncle!' So you got a hold o' them little cats, and he had his way with em', but the sad part is he had a heart attack from it! Yesir, he was to old to be doin' them things. So he died, but his son (yer Great Uncle Chavis) countinued the cat-lovin' legacy and had three cat-children with yer Great Aunt Meowy (she's a cat, you know?) So these three kids were called freaks! Do you believe that, kid? Yesir, so yer Uncle Chavis sold all three of em' to the circus. One of em' was eaten alive by the bearded lady (she was chinese, ya see?) The second one committed sucide by takin' a giant helibet and beatin' himself dead. The third one grew to the ripe old age of seven, and then he was attacked by some crazy knife-weildin' Frenchman who shouted some fancy french stuff, and fed it horrible explodin' eclaires. He was found in bits, ya see.
So the important thing is you tried, son.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
"Retarded" has a D in it... and "Christian" has an I in it, for that matter. I'd start on the huge amount of ignorance that saying "not being a Christian is dumb" shows, but as your age isn't in double figures yet I think I'll let it past.