As far as I can see, there's nothing for Muslims to worry about. If their faith is unending, they shouldn't sweat it that some guy drew a bomb on Muhammad's head.
In my opinion, they really should know better than offending the muslims, we all know they take religion that seriously. Christians don't care that much if someone makes a joke or parody of Jesus. It's different.
However, it's just idiotic to go boycott whole Denmark just because a few DANISH CITIZENS OMG had offended them. It isn't as if christians go around killing jews on the streets because "they killed Jesus".
The Romans killed Jesus, Axel, you ignoramus. Jesus was a Jew himself.
I just read the most idiotic article in the Daily Mirror by some Muslim woman, saying they've overstepped the boundary because Islam forbids idolism - wake up you fools, these Danes aren't Muslims. She also said the cartoons weren't funny. Oh deary me, is she missing the point of this article about free speech or is it just me?
I've officially changed my mind, these extremists are stupid. Stupid and ignorant. I bet hardly any of them have read the text accompanying the cartoons.
Well, if you insult the sole purpose of some people's lives, people are bound to be angry. Free speech is one of the worst things ever introduced into society
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Free speech is great, but people tend to forget that while speaking freely should also respect people. Another thing is, the newspaper wanted to get a debate going. Any bloody idiot should know you don't start a serious debate with drawings (at least not drawings depicting muslim stuff). People have a very nasty habit of looking only at the pictures and drawing conclussions from that.
Yet another thing is that it seems both the Western/danish societies refuse to try and get some understanding of how the other society works. They wanted our prime minister to punish the newspaper, but having free speech, he couldn't/wouldn't do it. They simply couldn't understand that freedom of speech was above him.
Much in the same way, the newspaper should have been wiser than to put drawings like that in an article. Imho, they should only have written the article and not have pictures by it.
The muslims here in Denmark don't boycut our stuff. As one of our (muslim) comedians said: "Danish muslims drink danish milk". My guess is that it's because they know how our system works.
Having a bunch of Imams (islamic priests) travel the middle east showing pictures of muslims (that were never published in the newspaper) getting analled by a dog, while praying and Mohammed as a paedophiliac doesn't help either.