xbox360= rehash of boring shit games with better graphics
wii=rehash of childish yet entertaining(to somepeople)games
ps3=rehash of good games with much better graphics
even though its more expensive id prefer a ps3,and frankly i believe they are in the box seat no matter what they price is,nintendo is only prolonged by its aging hudling small convention of fanboii's,but i think it should(by should i think it deserves to,but that it wont) do better than xbox360,which has done nothing special at all,but now we can have halo with the latest snotshine rendering JOY(and i bet there will be a new improved(snotshine version) of dead or alive extreme beach vollyball-with a revolutionary and large new list of bikinis IM SOLD!)
the controler thing is interesting,wii will have some novelty there,but not enough for me,shit sony can drop what ever motion control they have aslong as they dont bring back the baterang
Apparently the tilt functionality of the pslol controller was added a week and a half before e3, and added to the demos two or three days in advance.
I have a feeling it's going to go M$, Nintendo, Sony this generation. Sony just fucked themselves with the PS3's price; cause while a large portion of japanese people may be willing to drop that kind of money on it; the rest of the world won't be as quick.
I don't know, historically the first console of a generation flounders when the others come out. But then again, it's not the usual gunfight with N saying "haha, fuck you, MS and Sony!" and Sony saying "haha, fuck you, consumers!"
funny thing is ps2 was the first console out of that generation,and well,its sales today still beat xbox to a bloody groveling pulp,but things can change
as long as the good games come out on pc im sitting happy
Yami I agree. Its like when people say they've grown too old for cartoons.
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
10th May, 2006 at 12:30:02 -
I'm thinking about the Wii at present. I'm really liking the whole control scheme and it looks like the most fun. The only thing that would get me to buy a 360 is Halo 3. The new trailer for it was... interesting, but not really all that amazing, I hope they show more soon! As for the PS3, I'm interested in that aswell, the graphics look pretty gorgeous on everything they show and the eyetoy capabilities look interesting.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
10th May, 2006 at 12:36:46 -
I'll tell you what, I own a PS2 at the moment, and that was mainly bought for GTA. With Microsoft's lower price, and the announcement of GTA4 for both platforms, the 360 seems like a much more viable alternative all of a sudden. The best bet I think will be to wait and see what happens when all three consoles are out.
i have a gamecube dude,which i only bought for resident evil 4,and thats still the only game i have,ive wanted to explore other titles,but they just arent sold in this country,the gamestores will have whole walls of ps2/xbox/xbox360 and they will have one tiny 3 shelf cabinet no more than a metre wide hiden behind something for preused gamecube games(mainly mario,which i am not interested in)...its stupid
as for gta4,well,i bought the first 2 ps2 ones,but never bothered to finish them,that cuzzybro-gansta one was alright to mess around on but i could never be bothered playing a gta seriously,let alone suffering that crap
oh interesting tid bit,which i thought was really stupid,new zealand news had the new ps3 controller on tonight,and were all googaahing over its amazing new feature as if nothing else existed...which..well,was stupid,they really should seriously not talk about anything they arent following properly...
If Nintendo get the non-gamers then they are certainly in for the biggest sales. Nintendo > MS > Sony.
If they don't get it then MS will probably pick up the numbers. Just seems logical at the moment. £400 for a system that plays games? Nobody seems to mention to price of games too, which will cost more than 360 games on them BluRay discs like. Probably cost about £60.
Nintendo charging the cheapest for consoles and games is only a good thing.
Anywho, I don't know how or why but I've started to want a 360. Thinking I will wait for the new cooler running CPU to come out first though. And Halo 3 will likely be crap- I played Halo 2 .
does seem to be the general tone around the internet that Sony have shot themselves in the foot this time round.
The PS3 looks shite IMO. For the prototypes they probably took a log, chopped it in half, WHACKED a chunk out for the Disc to go in and WHAM. ps3...or maybe not ¬_¬
wii=rehash of childish yet entertaining(to somepeople)games
Right, you obviously haven't seen that there's a new ResEvil coming out for Wii, along with this cool looking game called "Day of Crisis", and then there's Red Steel and Call of Duty 3. Metal Slug and I'm pretty sure there's a Tomb Raider on the way as well. Metroid Prime 3.
From this list of titles, I think it's pretty clear Nintendo isn't going to ignore the more grown up among us this time.
Looking at the Ps3 and the games for it, The only killer app that comes to mind is MGS4. In fact, it's about the only game I really want to play; warhawk looked all right too but not in a "rush ot and buy me" way. I'm sure GTA4 will be fun, but that's over a year and a half off. Oh, yes, there's armored core 4, I love mechs.
The only game I see that interests me on the X360 is ChromeHounds; but that's cause I'm a mech freak. But Bioshock is probably the game that will get me to buy an X360 eventually, just like I broke down and got an XBox for MechAssault 1+2, Dues Ex: Invisible War, and possibly Half Life 2 (Did they make this for the Xbox, or is that an X360?)