Hey guys, I doubt any of you know me, but for those who do remember (or still have their copies registered to Nasser Muhandes >:[), welcome me back or something.
(In case you're wondering, "wtf is this n00b", look at the registration date of my user account)
Anyway, I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Nash, I've been using Klik & Play since 1994 when it came out, I was an active community member since 1997, all the way back from The Wall boards, The Majestic Realm, the creation of TDC, Total Klik... basically, I saw it all right from when there was nothing. I still remember all the good laughs (and hax0rizms lolol) in the IRC channels... the power struggle to pwn #K&P from CraigJ, Borg, Clan Horse, the fall of the DALnet channels, etc.
I used to be in several groups, namely Cellosoft, 83rd Stasis, Fallen Angel Industries (I still have the CCA source files to Black Squall, and a lot of their unfinished projects). I started countless games and never finished anything.
I still have ALL the CCAs I've created since year 2000. I also still have the /garbage/photos folder - back then I used to put up an archive of Klikker photos. It's probably well outdated by now...
I quit from the community when I realized that all the cool people had left or moved on to bigger things. I eventually moved on to modding other game engines like Doom and Quake.
But after many years, I still realize that the Klik community will always be my baby, and I DO plan to finish those countless games I started.
So anyway, my main point in posting here is that... I've been out of the loop for many, MANY years - I didn't even know MMF2 is out. I still use MMF 1.5.
Before I get into the whole game-making scene again, I'd like to know what's the current standards of MMF games are like. I'm sure what I thought was the coolest, most advanced thing I ever made in 2002 is well outdated by now.
I'd appreciate it if anyone can recommend me some high quality, FINISHED games just so I know what level of quality people are expected to produce these days.
Thanks in advance. It's good to see the community is still strong.
- Nash
Registered to Nash\
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
2nd September, 2008 at 11:13:03 -
WB nash, where did you put the garbage/photos? I couldn't find it.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
Hey Nash, I remember ya and your 2D Doom engine, twas pretty good!
The standards of game making have increased... this is almost a bad thing as it takes users ages to finish their projects... my advice is to not compare yourself to anyone else, be your own man, don't try and live up to high standards and enjoy yourself
Hey Peblo, well it went offline for a while when my web host forgot to pay his fees. There's a copy still on my hard disk waiting to be uploaded. When it's uploaded, I'll let everyone know.
Chris - You're Circy aren't you? I remember. We all really gave you a hard time back then didn't we. Well don't worry, I'm sure we've all grown up now...
EDIT: So how about you guys recommend me some good finished games? The last good finished game I played was Eternal Daughter. I also have some old favourites which I still consider good to this day... Destruction Carnival, The Spirit Engine, Factor X... very old games, no? Yes that's how outdated I am...
Edited by the Author.
Registered to Nash\
Peblo Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less
Registered 05/07/2002
Points 185
2nd September, 2008 at 20:21:29 -
Nope ED was the last good game to come out.
"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"
You know, I don't think there is a certain standard everyone has to reach, TDC takes any kind of game from anyone. Besides I wouldn't worry, if you were in Fallen Angel since a lot of FA games are still some of the best ive played. You'll be fine.
Multimedia fusion 2 doesn't actually do much that you couldn't do with MMF1.5 anyway.
Er for recommended games id say...
Star girl and the thief from the exploded moon
(You probably know Bernie, he made some other decent games too actually if you check his profile)
Knytt Stories is a fun, albeit simple, platformer which is really well known, especially for a freeware game. This is really a love it or hate it kind of game.
Pixel Thief's Gridquest is definitely worth at least checking out. If nothing else, you can't deny it's technically impressive. So many randomly generated levels, in The Games Factory no less!
So which site is THE Klik community these days? Back in 1997 it used to be The Majestic Realm or maybe The Wall, and towards 2000, there weren't as many Klik sites as there are today (and it was more like split into two sides - good and evil - The Daily Click or Total Klik ).
I see the ClickTeam boards are full of people but can that be considered THE community?