Solgryn ive sent you the like in a PM because im using one of the characters in a game and i dont want every one steeling him >.<
ive made 3 sprites for you:
A Zulu
A Demon
And a Banana man =P
Cant wait for the new TDC Chat good luck
Oh no! I've seen many chat programs come and go, not to sound like a downer but you better do a damn good job if you expect this program to be useful for more than a month. Gimmicks come and go, Gwerty is seemingly forever. Good luck Rikus, MAYBE with you're backings to the community people will actually care.
<offtopic>I should come to TDC more often, maybe if I wasn't JIPPED out of points! I deleted most my crap to keep the site clean and no good deed goes unpunished... 20,000 points pl0x</offtopic>
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.