i consider my self a clicker+programmer (php/html), a composer, a spriter (though only a moderately good one)....not much of a level designer..not in 2d anyway
lol! People are making a big deal about something. I wonder what ever it could be?
I think some people misunderstood my post. I wasn't talking about my kliking skills:
Design: designing traps to kill off the faeries!
spriting: hunting down poor helpless sprites(another term for faeries) and feeding them to the cheese!
backgrounds: camoflauging the trap!
3D: umm... 3 dingos?
Animation: ability to create a zombie army
special FX: ability to turn anything shiny
Programming: umm....
sounds: ability to be very quiet so the leprachauns won't notice me until I spring out to catch them
Music: crap...I can't think of anything!
If you want you all can be generous with yourselves and say you're really good at torturing small magical creatures too.
Programmer/Spriter/Game Designer... But I never finish a game, my harddrive is full of games with half a level. One of them is a game with an arm. Thats it. Yaya!