This is a test of the semi-3D space flight engine that will be used in an upcoming game. Keep going until you die; destroying asteroids and Y-Wings. Sorry about no screenshots...
ok, i need the feedback so I can make it look like its actually 3D when it isn't... And i can't use the mode7 object because I have an older version of MMF that it doesn't work for.
ok fine, its just that i don't like the mode 7 graphics thingy, it gives out poor quality graphics... i think that the way we are doing it now is just fine. oh, and one other thing... this was made in Click 'n' Create/Multimedia Fusion Express so don't be too ruough on it. i transfered it into MMF so its un-crackable and so that i could get the right transitions... there, i'm done with my excuses.