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The Line continues
Author: Beppo Submitted: 9th November, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 804
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 24/01/2025

(Episode 2)
"It seems The Line continues. You've been running from a long time, but maybe your run is going to end.
Maybe there is something. Something apart from you. Something you could reach, getting as many linesavers as you can. Maybe it's not only a presentiment: it exists. The end of The Line exists.
Or maybe not?
Why wonder? You can't turn back. Your world became more dangerous, your enemies more cunning and cruel, the end of your world closer and closer, behind you. You can't do anything else than running. In front of you there are the enemies you already know, but with your advance some others, unknown since now, will income: jaws could be opened under your feet, or you could be poisoned and paralized by strange crawling beings, or being flatted by something unexpected at your back. Enemies that you can face only with your new abilities. Now you can leave your world for some instants, you can quickly levitate like a bubble but, like a bubble, you will be more vulnerable. But don' fly too long, anyway you're a wave, a part of The Line, and you must return there.
Moreover, you will find new powers through your way. They will become many useful in difficult moments.

Before you start your run again, it's better that you know one other thing. The imbalance of forces you gave rise in your world at your birth caused an equal and contrary wave-effect. More you proceed in your walk, more this negative being become strong and powerful. Probably you will find him, first or then. His defeat will sign your victory.
Or maybe not?"

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (63)
Posted by Monkey Soft 9th November, 2003

This is far better than the first...
Posted by ZipGames 9th November, 2003

A great game. One of the best Clic-Game ever...
Posted by CYS 9th November, 2003

This is great!
Posted by Silveraura 9th November, 2003

Alot better then the first one. I also love the music. All the new enimies & stuff make this yes one of DC's best. Small game but deffently a very, very, very nicely done arcade type game! From what I see there are NO bugs as like the first game. Keep the line going I can't wait to see what The Line has in its future. 3D perhaps? Ok I should stop. X-D
Posted by Silveraura 9th November, 2003

I got 401 points, thats my best so far.
Posted by Spram 9th November, 2003

The music is great. The idea is so original I dont know what I'm doing.
Posted by Spram 9th November, 2003

Brandon: 3D? The game is barely 2D! :D
Posted by CHiBiAzNSaMuRai 9th November, 2003

Whoa..words cannot describe the unworthyness that I feel right now...
Posted by Killerjedi 9th November, 2003

I feel high... this game is incredible! Oh, it's Psycho Mode that's gettin' me up there, whoaaoaa...a... trippy... heh, just kidding. But wow, this is awesome.
Posted by CYS 10th November, 2003

i don''t see the difference between psycho and normal... :P And the game has certainly a weird choice of music... Very good, very unique, very fun!
Posted by zago 10th November, 2003

>Brandon: 3D? The game is barely 2D! mm 3d? 2d? 4d? nooo!! 1D !! XD
Posted by Teapot 10th November, 2003

The one is one dimensional. Up until now it seemed endless, but maybe not. WOW review coming up (11/10 maybe)
Posted by Spram 10th November, 2003

Beppo: Is there anywhere I can get higher quality versions of your songs? I mean, If you've done them. If not, where did you get them, the music is cool.
Posted by Spram 10th November, 2003

That includes "Massacro Giallo" from "Chinese are Dangerous".
Posted by CYS 10th November, 2003

That review is.... uhm...delete it!
Posted by Teapot 10th November, 2003

sorry bout the review im sure i gave 10 for everything sorry
Posted by Teapot 10th November, 2003

sorry 4 ne1 i distressed wiith that accidental 5/10, FIXED 10/10 (should be 11 thought) :d
Posted by Teapot 10th November, 2003

shuddup alex it does deserve 10 in evrythang, name one bad thing. beppo you rule
Posted by istvan 10th November, 2003

Damien M: id just like to say if you were a newbie, youd be the BIGGEST NOOBIE ever
Posted by Steve Harris 10th November, 2003

nice work
Posted by Beppo 10th November, 2003

Hei, tanks to all!! Nobody reached the final boss till now?? Hehe... This time the line isn't so long...
Posted by NUB 10th November, 2003

Whos to say there is no such thing as a perfect game? It all depends on the user's opinion. if Damien thinks its a perfect game thats his view, if you think it isn't then you also are entitled to your own opinion, but please, just stop bitchin about it. V good game BTW, cool music.
Posted by Penguin Seph 10th November, 2003

If there was a perfect game, you could'nt stop playing it long enufoug to write a review!;)
Posted by Robert100chat 10th November, 2003

A perfect game would mix the best types of games together and come up with a very good story line and graphics. This looks promising and definately worth downloading even if u try it and don't like it.
Posted by Simen 10th November, 2003

This game... ROCKS!!!
Posted by Monkey Soft 10th November, 2003

A perfect game will never exist...
Posted by Lew 10th November, 2003

It's very very good, buttt the first song I heard (the high pitched one) is from a game called VIB Ribbon, which is a very similar game (you stole the idea from that, didn't you XD) also a lot of the effects are from that. Oh well, if you could get music generated levels, and allow cd input, you could make a well cool VIB ribbon freeware version :)
Posted by Astral_86 10th November, 2003

The line...? Seems wierd ! Downloading....
Posted by Alex Scobell 10th November, 2003

Great game! :D
Posted by JackNtheBox 10th November, 2003

When I downloaded The Line, I was intrigued by its simple graphics but addicting gameplay. With simple controls and a simple, yet increasingly involving story, I knew this game would become a classic. Now, to my boyish delight, The Line has a child in The Line: Continues. With added power ups, the ability to float, new enemies, and a dementive boss, I can't help but relish in the world of Beppo Soft's creation. Currently my score is 912, and before I am robbed of valuable sleep, I intend to thwart Wavell's menace and unlock the final extra. Replay value is greatly enhanced by the Extras feauture. Yes, it seems Wavell will continue to tug the strings of clickers for years to come. Excellent work Beppo Soft! Now that the brown nosing is over, I must re-enter Wavell's world and stop the menace for good. Or until the third game comes out that is.
Posted by Beppo 11th November, 2003

Oh, tanks (again) for all comments... Lew: you are right, musics are stolen without pity from vib ribbon, but NOT the idea... I know it seems incredible, but I discover Vib Ribbon when I posted the first episode and someone said me: "oh, it is like vib ribbon" "What??" ;) Thanks people for making my game so famous, I never imagined such great success for a yellow line. No, this game isn't perfect, because the perfect game will never exists... But the important is that many peolpe liked it :D
Posted by Lew 11th November, 2003

Ah well...Still very cool!
Posted by aequalitas 11th November, 2003

absolutely awesome! but the music doesn't work for me... strange, the sfx works ok
Posted by CYS 12th November, 2003

You need to put the game with its music in C:\
Posted by bo jonny 13th November, 2003

i got 51 points :P this was a very fun game even tho i didnt realy understand it. i think that if this game just had abit better grafics(i know its just lines but still) it could be sold for gameboyadvance or some phone.
Posted by Teapot 14th November, 2003

changed review, much more proffessional sounding now
Posted by Entropy Blaster 14th November, 2003

Beppo rules!!!
Posted by THQ 14th November, 2003

.. i unlocked all the extras up to the one that shows what the next line is going to look line... but yeah.
Posted by Blackgaze 16th November, 2003

kinda cool but what the hellis going on????
Posted by vortex2 18th November, 2003

It is a pretty fun and addictive game! I really like the engine. hmm, I suppose most of my previous posts include a very very long list of things you could mabey do in my mind to make the game more fun, however I am not "entirely" sure what in the world is going on in the game :P. It seems to do what it does pretty well. Good Job, and I look forward to other games from you.
Posted by Beppo 22nd November, 2003

I don't lie. You didn't understand: I NEVER played vib ribbon (I even haven't psx), and I known of its existence when the first line episode was out. I took the game style idea from a tv spot of about 30 years ago, I've also mentioned it in the extras. You will probably not belive me, but it is so. I stolen the music from vib, that's right. I downloaded them.
Posted by Wormware 26th November, 2003

And what if it was a ripoff? This is a good game! Keep going!
Posted by Peblo 26th November, 2003

Ah wow, people actually know about vib ribbion, the strangest game in history
Posted by Bastian 27th November, 2003

This game is cool, but it getts very boring after a while.
Posted by Nickstudios 28th November, 2003

I dont know i liked The Line 1 better.Maybe it's because that one had good music.
Posted by Kåre Kølle Johansen 3rd December, 2003

Its made with tgf or fusion?
Posted by LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios) 3rd December, 2003

I liked the first line, but its been so long I hardly remeber it, I like this even better. Did you make the music yourself?
Posted by Beppo 5th December, 2003

- Made with tgf, compiled with mmf (for some effects and extensions) - Musics are stolen from vibribbon.
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th January, 2004

i was gonna download but my laptops battery is almost dead :) it wouldnt last for 4mb :(
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 2nd April, 2004

Im gonna play it again and review it






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