The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Seek & Dread Online V. 1.29

Seek & Dread Online V. 1.29
Author: Kingson Submitted: 10th July, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 694
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 24/01/2025

Edited By Kingson on 7/10/2004

Seek & Dread Online is a multiplayer game like Counter-Strike only in 2D. Your equipment are 9 firearms, he-grenade, gas-grenade, flashbang and C4. Your mission is to kill the most enemies (Deathmatch) or to eliminate the other team (Team mode: police vs. terrorists). There are lots of maps and nearly every day come new.

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Posted by ChrisB 10th July, 2004

Ooh, I'd like to see how it's improved since the last version :)
Posted by MitjiZ 10th July, 2004

how long I have to wait, that the e-mail message comes? 15 mins? hour?
Posted by Teapot 11th July, 2004

This is really fun, but there are some bugs: -If you are using a firewall, and someone hosts a game with a new map, you cannot get the map -If you are behind a wall, you can only join games and not host them
Posted by Zephyr 11th July, 2004

I dont think the first one is true, and the second one is not a bug, lots of online games are that way. (Well, freeware wise, not commercial) I've been playing this game for a long time, and as Kingson already know, I love it!!! GAMEPLAY SPEED NEEDS TO BE INCREASED!!!!!!!!!
Posted by stars 11th July, 2004

oh ya this is one of the best (well actually the best) CT make over game!!! SWEET NICE GAME
Posted by danjo 11th July, 2004

please list improvements over previous versions.
Posted by Jack Galilee 11th July, 2004

I miss the old onE!
Posted by Nuutti 11th July, 2004

noooo! cannot load ctrlx.cox :( and i cant play it cos i have too old windows for ctrlx.cox omglol
Posted by 11th July, 2004

Damn. That's surely not the game, which praises graphics...
Posted by Chrisbo 11th July, 2004

it's alright. btw im chrispiss on there :) thanks for hosting that game zephyr, you are teh awesome!
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 11th July, 2004

signed up and...... No e-mail? actually i signed up again used a different e-mail account, still no e-mail?
Posted by Assault Andy 11th July, 2004

I would have played this more. But same with me I'm behind a FW. What port do I need to unblock. Is it 1203?
Posted by Kingson 11th July, 2004

It is 1203!
Posted by Joshtek 11th July, 2004

Kingson, if you use ControlX 95 edition then people with win95 can play.
Posted by AndyUK 11th July, 2004

sounds like fun counter strike is too exteme for someone new to join like me. i die almost before im even connected. so lets hope this is easier for 'n00bs'
Posted by Panicos 11th July, 2004

It seems to be and IT IS a nice game. Specialy this NEW edition!!!!!!. but i have a problem and would need you to solve it. (PLS) . I've been trying lot of times to Join the game but i Can't Connect. Also i've been trying to HOst a game but there no maps to choose....!!!!!!! What can I do??? -----------------PS: GREAT GAME---------------------
Posted by Panicos 11th July, 2004

It seems to be and IT IS a nice game. Specialy this NEW edition!!!!!!. but i have a problem and would need you to solve it. (PLS) . I've been trying lot of times to Join the game but i Can't Connect. Also i've been trying to HOst a game but there no maps to choose....!!!!!!! What can I do??? -----------------PS: GREAT GAME---------------------
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th July, 2004

Pretty cool. One tiny small thing bugs me though, and probably not anyone else. Use 'AND' ink effect for blood, not 'OR.'
Posted by Shadow99 11th July, 2004

UG, I see the new version still requires players to REGISTER?!?!? DUDE, this isn't a MMORPG! You're losing a lot of players due to the lame registration process! Wise up!
Posted by Kingson 11th July, 2004

Panicos you should extract all files of the zip-file. Shadow99 some day you will be able to play without registration.
Posted by Gamer 11th July, 2004

Great game, but you really need to fix the controls and make it so you can change your password to something easier to remember.
Posted by Buster 12th July, 2004

Wheres my damn password, I've been waiting for the e-mail for 2 days now.
Posted by FlameCritter 12th July, 2004

You obviously did SOMETHING wrong, slug.
Posted by tdc052621 12th July, 2004

reminds me of tomclancey's splintercell
Posted by Thunderstorm 12th July, 2004

this is very very very very very good game!!!!!!!! :D
Posted by 12th July, 2004

make the mouse aimer thingy move faster, and make it so u buy stuf instead of picking it up
Posted by Shadow99 12th July, 2004

Flamecritter: He didn't do anything wrong, the last time this game was released I had to register twice and waited 30 minutes for a password. It's a stupid idea, and that's why there was almost never any other players online last time. Kingson, isn't it HARDER to setup a registration process than to just let players play without one??? You make it sound like you will work towards a system someday where players can play without registering. Wouldn't that be a lot easier??? Just let players start up the game, type in a name, and log on for Gods sake!
Posted by Zephyr 12th July, 2004

Ukrainianite, for the first, there is an option called TURNING SPEED in the lobby, and for the second, you have to play LTS for that.
Posted by UNstopable Flying Asshole 13th July, 2004

n00bs r newbs taht became bad
Posted by BladeMaster 14th July, 2004

HEY!!! i can't log-in!! after i enter my password they say: password not found!!!! that suck ass!! can someone tell me how to do???
Posted by BladeMaster 14th July, 2004

and i tryed the copy and paste thing... it dos'nt work 2!!! dam'n!!! what should i do?
Posted by AfterStar 14th July, 2004

Excellent game,many improvements since last version!Please remove the registration process!!!Please?
Posted by BladeMaster 15th July, 2004

u did'nt answer my question mr. anderson
Posted by Matt 16th July, 2004

wow... nice game... -DOWNLOADED- but ive tryied every user name i can think of... but i always get the same message: "username or email already taken" either this is a super popular game or my emails been stolen :| ps: ive even tryed "asjdgfasy" as a user name XD
Posted by Chace 17th July, 2004

I registered perfectly, got my pass and logged on to the lobby but I just can't detect any servers and nobody can detect my hosted server. Anybody know what to do? :(
Posted by Zephyr 17th July, 2004

My (banned) character is in the third screenie, hooray for me, hooray for me!
Posted by BladeMaster 18th July, 2004

Posted by Soga 18th July, 2004

Don't worry, people. Kingson is going to remove the forced registration in, although there WILL be registration. Guest players however, cannot join clans or take the name of registered players. So just sit tight... BladeMaster, just wait for a couple of days before he takes down the registration if you're having such problems.
Posted by awesomeanimator 18th July, 2004

dude, this is awesome. always a lot of people online too...
Posted by Silveraura 20th July, 2004

dude, I cant sign up, I keep getting UserName or E-mail Address already exists! I've tried all my e-mail addresses & even typed in "gajkldhfjsjbv" as a user name, this is messed up!
Posted by Victor T 21st July, 2004

this games crap go play its way better with better graphics, kingson banned me because i was playing 2vs all...=/ oh wells the game sucked anyways and he also shut down the game becuase i said his games was really bad =) i like the scoring tho
Posted by 22nd July, 2004

Good, but i don't really play ONLINE games... PS. A.T 1.0 is now updated to 1.2v and zipped. (Check it out)
Posted by Rain2 22nd July, 2004

Umm only 1 problem found besides a lack of players.. the reticle is slow.. it makes my laser mouse feel like its got a ball back in it.. other wise great game
Posted by BladeMaster 23rd July, 2004

try counter strike 2d!! it's the best 2d online game ever!!!
Posted by Kingson 23rd July, 2004

Are you kidding victor? Btw Icewind Dale is a great game play that! Furthermore play Counter-Strike its in 3D folks and theres a new version of Commander Ken!!! @Rain2 You can increase the mouse speed if you spend a second in the lobby!
Posted by Zephyr 23rd July, 2004

Thanks for bringin' er on back Kingson, my computer doesn't even get turned on without it...
Posted by BladeMaster 24th July, 2004

give me tha link to those games kingson! i wanna try seek and dread online.... so would u take all this registration s**t of? thanks:D
Posted by Soga 24th July, 2004

BladeMaster, I think he's trying to filter out people like you with the registration. You obviously cannot ask politely, so why should he respond politely? You reap what you sow.
Posted by Comrade the Soviet Under Dog 7th January, 2005

Looks cool, I'll leave a comment when I play...
Posted by Nuklear41 18th May, 2005

kingson your games are just a piece of shit so leave the community.





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