The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Abandoned ::. My dead little Yoshi fangame

My dead little Yoshi fangame
Author: Fifth Submitted: 13th May, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Abandoned Downloads: 726

Edited By Fifth on 14/12/2017

Yeah, I know how fangames are generally received. Nonetheless:
Here's my dead little attempt at a Yoshi's Island-esque fangame. I was going for sort of an adventure-style to the gameplay, but didn't get very far. So the game basically ends when you get sick of the one tiny test area I've got.
While the graphics aren't ripped, exactly, most of those for Yoshi were drawn with the original next to 'em, so a lot of it is copied pixel-for-pixel.

That little dangly thing around Yoshi's neck is supposed to be some sorta pendant what protects him. If you get hit, stars come flying out of it; if you collect the stars, you can recover lost energy, if not, the pendant can break, leaving Yoshi screwed.

Oh, and if you press backslash, Yoshi will change to a random color.


----- EDIT -----

Okay, I might as well upload the source for this game, in case someone can get something useful out of it:

Have fun, but remember: there was a reason I abandoned this. It's VERY messy.

Oh, and read the readme.txt first. At least some of it.

Review This Download (884kb )

Posted by guri-n ha 13th May, 2005

it's ok, but at some parts it gets buggy.
Posted by Phredreeke 13th May, 2005

It's a fan game! Get your flame throwers ready!
Posted by hishnak 13th May, 2005

Man thats cool...How come you couldn't kill the baddies by throwing things? The jumpings just a bit off from the real yoshi's island though.
Posted by Airflow 13th May, 2005

It look really good. Why won't you finish it? :(
Posted by Bear Cub 13th May, 2005

the file is damaged
Posted by chrilley 13th May, 2005

If you drew the sprites almost exactly as the original looks like... why didn't you just rip em? :S
Posted by X_Sheep 13th May, 2005

So nobody can say that the graphics are ripped :P
Posted by AndyUK 13th May, 2005

almost a perfect recreation, i think yoshi runs a little too fast in this though.
Posted by DaVince 13th May, 2005

Holy Moly! You shouldn't have discontinued this! :'(
Posted by Linkman 13th May, 2005

How do you get past the endless water?
Posted by Joey Drasal 13th May, 2005

Umm how am I supposed to play the game if there is no files to zip?
Posted by Ski 13th May, 2005

It is slightly buggy, but other than that, its great! i loved yoshis island for the gba...
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 13th May, 2005

@MMFfreak- this is an abandonware game, so the level might not be finished. :P Downloading...
Posted by Fifth 13th May, 2005

Wow... thanks for the comments! I abandoned this because I began to realize just how buggy and unreliable the engine was... and because it was difficult to come up with/implement ideas... and because the code was extremely messy (this started as a Yoshi fangame, but then I buried all the Yoshi-related stuff to turn it into an adventure game, then recovered it all when the adventure game fizzled) and difficult to decipher... and, finally, because school started stealing all of my time. Anyway, I'm glad it was well-recieved, as unfinished as it is.
Posted by Peblo 14th May, 2005

Lol, I would have used this in my 51% done Yoshi fangame if my engine wasn't so darn sexy.
Posted by ben mercer 14th May, 2005

I really like what you did with the water and the paralaxing clouds/backgrounds and stuff. I'm not really a yoshi fan though.
Posted by Death Reaper X0 14th May, 2005

Aw I liked it :(
Posted by DaVince 14th May, 2005

Hey, Peblo, now I am looking forward to YOUR fangame! At least, if it is as sexy as you say! :D
Posted by Airflow 15th May, 2005

My fan game is sexy too. It's tits are just saggy.
Posted by Spram 20th May, 2005

If you dont want it, release the "source". Someone can continue it. Not me, I'm to busy, but this is too good to pass.
Posted by Jimmy Pig 22nd May, 2005

I love fan games, i dont see what peoples problems with them are, its not like your trying to sell these games, there just here for fun.
Posted by Fifth 23rd May, 2005

Okay, I've released the "source". Look, edit, take, use... I've abandoned this, so it makes no difference to me. But in case anybody does.... Good luck. You'll need it.
Posted by Reno 23rd May, 2005

Thx. I WILL make this cool unfinished fangame into a real full on game. And mabye even with internet mode!
Posted by Reno 25th May, 2005

OK, I've figured out everything exept how to use exits. It's Confusing!
Posted by Fifth 25th May, 2005

Indeed... the exits were probably the most annoying part. Okay, first off: do you understand how a sprite property works? For every space in every page in a level, there are four values: the tile value (what the tile looks like), the tile property (empty vs. obstacle vs. slope vs. coin etc.), the sprite value (what sprite occupies that space, if any), and the sprite property (a changable value in case you need to tell the sprite to do something else). Now, sprite values aren't used in every sprite, but they can convey an extra bit of information (the simplest: giving a piranha plant the sprite value 2 will turn it upside-down). With level exits, though, you need much more than one value. THAT'S where the trouble comes in. So the level exit sprite not only takes information from its OWN sprite value, but from those from each of the four spaces to the right, and even from its Y-position on the page! To make a level exit, you don't have to position it near where you exit, just in the same page, on the far left, and with a specific Y-position: Y=0 exit off the top of the page Y=1 exit off the bottom of the page Y=2 exit off the left of the page Y=3 exit off the right of the page Y=4 exit through a pipe going up Y=5 exit through a pipe going down Y=6 exit through a pipe going left Y=7 exit through a pipe going right Now, as the level exits relate to the page as a whole and not the spot where you exit, you can only have one of each type of exit per page. However, this shouldn't really be much of a limit. So, once you know where the exit sprite will be, you'll need to start with its sprite properties. The sprite property of the sprite itself determines the destination map (maps, unfortunately, must be a six digit number, and can only go up to 000255). Again, as there's only room for one value on the sprite itself, the rest of the data is stored to the right. Next is the destination page X, the destination page Y, the destination co-ordinate ( X + 20 * Y ), and the entry type (1=standing, 2=rising up from a pipe, 3=lowering down from a pipe, 4=walking in from the right, 5=walking in from the left). If all this is done correctly, the exit SHOULD work. Let me know if you have any more troubles with it.
Posted by Gerwin Kramer 15th July, 2005

man..this IS a good game. the graphics arew very nice and the engine..I see no prob. too bad u didn finished it...
Posted by Cybo Games 7th September, 2005

good, but stopped playing it through being buggy, just after you get the key good game mate i got to the end of the water :)
Posted by The MPP 13th December, 2017
Rated :

The download link doesn't seem to work anymore, could you try to fix it?
Posted by Fifth 14th December, 2017

Sorry about that, The MPP!

I've updated the download link, so it should be working again.
Posted by The MPP 8th March, 2018
Rated :

Wow... this game is... amazing! Just add a MIDI or something and it would be a perfectly playable game!
Comment edited by The MPP on 28/12/2018






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