Easy Fastloop Movement
Author: | Fifth
Submitted: | 24th June, 2007
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Engine
| Downloads: | 578
Rated: |
This is just a really simple (but fairly effective) fastloop-based movement engine for MMF 1.5 (and above, I'd assume). You need only insert a small chunk of code into an application, and then any object with the Group.Good qualifier will be capable of moving around, using its alterable values A and C for horizontal and vertical movement (and a few more for various things; a complete list of values and flags used is inside the code).
And that's it!
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 http://www.geocities.com/f4fth/easy-movement.zip (11 kb ) Please Note: The server this files is hosted on does not allow direct linking, if you are having trouble downloading this file, right-click the URL and select Save Target As.
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