The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Cedric and the Revolution

Cedric and the Revolution
Author: bernie[FA] Submitted: 25th December, 2005 Favourites:1
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 1281

This is my second release. It's an AGS game this time, originally made for the December 2005 MAGS competition (see for more details).

In CatR, you follow the adventure of Cedric and Victor as they try to get a demonstration up and running. It's not as easy as it sounds and they end up doing something completely different, but hey, at least they tried, eh?

CatR is a comical fantasy adventure featuring 13 locations, two main characters and lots of puzzles. It plays similar to the old LucasArts games.

Review This Download (1.7mb )

Posted by Noyb 26th December, 2005

Fun! Awesome adventure game, dude!
Posted by Zethell 26th December, 2005

Simon the sorcerer, Day of the Tentacle, Beneath a steel sky... The list goes on :]

Nice game
Posted by hishnak 26th December, 2005

How do you get the gargoyle tears? Anybody?
Posted by Noyb 27th December, 2005

@hishnak: Talk to the gargoyle. He'll reveal an allergy he has. Try to exploit this. The item needed is kinda small, so look hard in the rooms available to you.

Posted by hishnak 27th December, 2005

I know, he's allergic to bird feathers. I searched the place ten times trying to find some feathers!
Posted by UF Comtec 27th December, 2005

Splendid! Just my type of game... best game on TDC for a while actually.
Posted by vortex2 27th December, 2005

Great little game! I just beat it heh.
Posted by bernie[FA] 28th December, 2005

Thanks for the comments!
hishnak: The item you need can be found in the king's room.
Posted by hishnak 28th December, 2005

Yea, I found it. Wow, great game. Probably my favorite click game so fare.
Posted by UF Comtec 28th December, 2005

Yay! I finished it now.. too bad it wasn't a bit longer, and had speech. Would be cool.
Posted by vortex2 28th December, 2005

" It's an AGS game this time" So it isn't a click game
Posted by Qwertybub3 29th December, 2005

You can post AGS games here?
Posted by Bibin 30th December, 2005

wow, sweet game! but the sprites don't fit in with the BG very well.
Posted by 31st December, 2005

I agree,But this Game is a very great action game!..Nice Game!
Posted by Dustin Gunn 1st January, 2006

Action game? It's a great ADVENTURE game, to be sure.
Posted by KevinHaag 2nd January, 2006

@bernie: did you make the backgrounds? If so, what did you use to make them?
Posted by bernie[FA] 2nd January, 2006

Kevin: I used Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for the backgrounds.
Patrick Kurts: Yes.
Posted by DaVince 4th January, 2006

Hey, this game's great. Why don't you go try another, bigger adventure game?
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 5th January, 2006

I can't seem to get the coffee powder. The logical thing would be to crush the beans with the hammer but I can't use the hammer and beans together and I can't put the beans on the anvil in the Blacksmith's shop. What do I do?
Posted by bernie[FA] 7th January, 2006

I forgot to make a custom message for using the hammer on the beans. For some reason I didn't think of that possibility when making the game.
Here's a hint: To solve the coffee beans problem, try to get an animal to help you.
Posted by istvan 9th January, 2006

Most excellent game Bernie. I'm a big fan of your work
Posted by feldmesser creations 17th January, 2006

I HAD TO say that we rarely see games this well made on this site, all thumbs up for this... awsome. Every one should try it. Bravo bernie
Posted by Naufr4g0 8th February, 2007

I started to play this game and I think it's fine. It remembers me the old LucasArts adventures and it reproduces faithfully their gameplay and graphics.
I haven't yet finished the game but I think the game is really fun.
What about an italian (and other languages) translation?
Posted by Airflow 25th February, 2008
Rated :

It's better than Reactor 9. The story is easier to get into. I Especilly like the environment the game is played in. It's a cut above the rest.
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 9th October, 2008
Rated :

This guy's adventure games are so underrated. They beat Yahtzee's 5 Days A Strager series to a pulp, but nobody is talking about his games, while I keep hearing people yapping about Trilby over and over. Sigh.





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