The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Stargirl and the Thief from the Exploded Moon

Stargirl and the Thief from the Exploded Moon
Author: bernie[FA] Submitted: 27th February, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 926
75th Place     (4.36 / 5)
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Rikus on 2/28/2008

What the hey! Some guy with non-brand glasses stole Stargirl's Starscooter! Now, we can't tolerate that, can we? Sure, Stargirl is short, flabby and has stumpy legs, but she sure as hell has DETERMINATION! RAWR!

Stargirl has to beat 17+ levels so she can finally clobber the snot out of the thief. Let's wish the missus luck, shall we?! She also may find unbelievable riches as secret levels if she's careful enough. Hooray!

Stargirl is a pretty slow and sometimes frustrating platformer inspired by Super Mario Bros. 2, Donkey Kong (GB) and Cave Story. It was made during a 2 week period, much like Kitty 1. It's a relatively small game.


-30 frames/sec
-Key quests
-Picking up enemies/objects & throwing them at each other
-A few bosses
-4 different endings

It's still almost a beta, but I think I got most of the bugs sorted. The gamepad support is a little wonky. I hope it works well enough.

That's all! Have fun!

Review This Download (2.6 mkb )

Posted by Hempuli 27th February, 2008
Rated :

The full-scale-screenshots wont work for me. Those little ones tell enough though. Downloading
Posted by Hempuli 27th February, 2008
Rated :

This game was really good quality IMO, as your other games It is a bit slow-paced, yes, but I can get over it Also, your musics have improved a lot and it is finally an enjoyment to listen to them!
Posted by bernie[FA] 27th February, 2008

Thanks! Only most of the music isn't from me, it's from various Amiga games. I made the worldmap theme and the tune that plays in the middle of level 5-3. I suck at musics.

Thanks for playing! Image
Comment edited by bernie[FA] on 2/27/2008
Posted by bernie[FA] 27th February, 2008

The links to the screenshots are correct. I have no idea why they won't display properly:
Posted by The Chris Street 27th February, 2008

I hate you!


You say it's almost a beta... is it a full game?
Comment edited by Chris Street on 2/27/2008
Posted by bernie[FA] 27th February, 2008

I think I fixed most of the bugs. It's a full game and only lacks some testing, thus it's still more of a beta.
Posted by Cecilectomy 28th February, 2008
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nice stuff!
Posted by Rikus 28th February, 2008
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cheers in joy! I fixed the screenies i think it was because the "&" sign was in there.
Posted by erghhhhx 28th February, 2008
Rated :

This seems nice, i I'll play it when I get home.
Posted by eyeangle 28th February, 2008

It is good, but if you've got so much creative talent. Why copy mario?
Posted by NeoMonkey 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Graphics are great, as always in your games. But this is platformer, that doesn't bring anything new... It is just copy of mario and lyle in cube sector.
Posted by bernie[FA] 28th February, 2008

I disagree that a platformer has to bring something new and revolutionary to the world of gaming. I'm not gonna do that so if you want that, this game and my games in general aren't for you.

And yes, I totally ripped off Donkey Kong (GB) and Super Mario Bros 2. I see many more similarities with these games than with Lyle. Plus, I think there are not enough games featuring picking up/throwing.

The other problem is, I don't have much time for making games. Games like these are the result.

Thanks for playing!
Posted by viva/volt 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Very nice graphics, as per the usual, but I'm not a fan of the slower gameplay really... It's quite a lot harder than AGWAK (my favourite game from you) but then so was Darkside Adventures... Maybe I just suck at these.
Posted by bernie[FA] 28th February, 2008

I added an option to change the game speed to the starter app, maybe it helps a little.
Posted by renkin 28th February, 2008

I've just played the first level (twice) so far, but it looks very promising. Thank you!
Posted by Ski 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Excellent as always, brillo gfx, I don't care if it has slow gameplay or similar features to Lyle in cube sector (that game is really highly over-rated anyway)

Also I'm getting sick of people saying "It's just a normal platformer blah blah blah". I really don't think that matters at all, considering it has such a professional feel to it that the majority members on this site aren't capable of reaching.
Posted by Del Duio 28th February, 2008

The graphics look great, as always. I'm a big fan of Super Mario Brothers 2 (US, not the lost levels or whatever it is) so that's no problem here. Comparing this to SMB2 and Lyle in Cube Sector should never be taken as an insult, as those are both great games.

I also agree about not having to break new ground with every new game that comes out. Aside from that being impossible, does that mean you won't play the next DS Castlevania? Chances are it's going to be a lot like the other 4 or 5 most recent games from that series, and that's not a bad thing.
Posted by Hempuli 28th February, 2008
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By myself I like this way more than AGWAK and Darkside. Darkside had such a strange colour scheme and the level selection system wasn't the best I've seen x)
Posted by Hill Gigas 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Looks terrific!
Posted by erghhhhx 28th February, 2008
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Very good game, especially the graphics.

Only one thing... I'd prefer it if the Stargirl were infront of blocks and stuff, but hey - still great game.
Posted by NeoMonkey 28th February, 2008
Rated :

For 2 week game it looks good though. Hope you get more time, so mayby you could do one of those great adventure games again
Posted by renkin 28th February, 2008

I just got 5/4 coins on level 1-3. Bug?
Posted by AndyUK 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Wow, awesome game. I prefer this to your other games so far Bernie.

I got to 2-3 before i died on that Bamboo boss. Dunno if i'm actually hurting him or if i'm supposed to kill the other guy in the tree.
Posted by The Chris Street 28th February, 2008

Throw the bombs at the guy in the tree, if you look its he who is controlling the robot.
Posted by Hill Gigas 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Wow, this took only two weeks? It's a really well made game!
Posted by JustinC 28th February, 2008
Rated :

Not bad. A little slow for my tastes. . . but super mario bros 2 was my least favorite of the mario games. The jump seemed too low and it was frustrating that if you throw an enemy and it lands on a small platform there's really no way to get up without getting hit.
Posted by -Liam- 28th February, 2008

"Even a flabby girl like you can do it."


Very well made btw. Very fun to play. Reminds me of Mario Bros 2 and Wario Land put toheather
Posted by bernie[FA] 28th February, 2008


Renkin - you found a bug! Thanks for reporting; gonna fix.
Posted by Josh Whelchel 28th February, 2008

Adam, your comment here doesn't reflect your rating of Bonesaw. >_<

Anyway, good game Bernie. Enjoyable and cute.
Posted by Ski 28th February, 2008
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This game has nothing to do with Bonesaw...why are you even bringing that up?
Posted by danjo 28th February, 2008
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this is a decent game. well done.
Posted by erghhhhx 29th February, 2008
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Decent does not equal 5 stars, does it..?
Posted by axel 29th February, 2008
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The graphics are excellent, as always, but the gameplay and the engine are a bit flawed in my opinion. I can't quite put my finger on it, I think it's a bit too slow and mechanical for my taste.

Still, a fantastic effort, for only two weeks! I know how hard it is to create something fun and bug-free within such a short timeframe, let alone something this good-looking!
Posted by Josh Whelchel 29th February, 2008

Hey Adam, it's no matter, what's important is that this is a fun game. I'm not a huge fan of slow gameplay, but it's still pretty awesome. (:
Posted by AndyUK 29th February, 2008
Rated :

This has a really tight engine and good level design. I can't really fault it at all.
Maybe the main sprite is a little... ugly? I guess that is intentional.
Posted by Zethell 1st March, 2008
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Hehe, nice Super Mario 2 Rippoff.

Wish the movements was a bit more sharp, overall a great game.
Posted by Hayo 1st March, 2008
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I like this.
Posted by Devernath 1st March, 2008
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Very professional. I personally find the fact that you completed it so quickly is the main reason for applause.

Posted by mojofltr 1st March, 2008
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This is really nice. I haven't played very far, but the engine has a very polished feel to it... a bit like Doki Doki Panic.

Posted by quefuk 2nd March, 2008

Das Spiel ist ja geil, Bernie! Ich finde das Geräusch der Springpilze besonders cool! Ist es aber wirklich nötig, so Witze um den armen Fettsack zu reißen? Image
Comment edited by quefuk on 3/2/2008
Posted by RenatoDep 2nd March, 2008
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Very Nice!
Posted by Sheexy 3rd March, 2008
Rated :

So amazing, sent you a DC mail about the bugs and such I found.
Posted by TechVision 4th March, 2008

What a great game.
Posted by Ecstazy 29th March, 2008

Nice game and all, but couldn't you put some checkpoints in level 6-1?
Posted by Jon C-B 9th June, 2008
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Good but I liked a game with a kitty much much more.
Posted by Roseweave 16th June, 2008

It's pretty nice and has a cute concept, but it's a little annoying to play too. I found the coins were too difficult to collect. Usually in similar games it starts out quite easy, to give you encouragement, whereas it was still fairly difficult in the early levels here. I liked some of the puzzles though - like in 1-2 using having to get that block through the pillars in the water. I liked the first boss fight too, I like bosses that aren't just throw shit at the big guy, I like that you had to use his own attack against him.

The presentation is of course very good and I liked the look, sound and feel of the game.

You shouldn't disregard people saying that it might bring "Nothing new". The thing is, I need a reason to play THIS game over another which might give me something different. Even if a game doesn't seem to bring anything new, often the overall product is still engaging in ways others weren't. Even if you don't want to develop gimmicky new ideas, there are still ways to make your game feel "new".

Though it's good at least that it doesn't feel like an MMF game.

Also I found one visual bug - on a lot of the blocks, you can walk to the end and look as if you're floating in mid air! It happened with the boss's brick in the first boss fight for example.

Posted by sententia 19th October, 2008
Rated :

I really liked the graphics, the gameplay seemed polished but as you said it was frustrating at times.






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