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How to stop cheats
Author: DELETED!_by account owner Submitted: 18th March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Tutorial Downloads: 355

Edited By firespell on 19/04/2006

This tutorial shows how to stop people from cheating in your vitalize apps. Read below for info on exe apps.

Remember v-player? it was deleted about 4 days ago and now i fix the problem i created lol. This cca shows how to stop people from cheating and then automatically ban them from running the ccn again.

4 lines and 2 frames. Happy ccn protecting!

Things to do when adding to your game:
1. Change what it sets and checks score to no greater than 9999999
2. on the title screen of your game set the score to 0.

*16 April 06*
High score board hack protection (v-cade):
Right click on secret key box, click edit, click 'password field', And players will not be able to get your secret key.

*If it is an EXE it only needs the 2nd one.*
*If its a ccn it needs both of them*

*19 April 06*
If you are going to compile a game in TGF make sure you make ALL text to Active objects!!! (there is a VERY good reason but i cant say)

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Posted by DELETED!_by account owner 18th March, 2006

After downloading it try to crack the score protection. Then post results here so i can fix it. I think its pretty uncrackable though.
Posted by DaVince 18th March, 2006

You have been forgiven.

Posted by DELETED!_by account owner 26th March, 2006

Im Geussing its unhackable since no one has posted any bugs here...
Posted by The Chris Street 27th March, 2006

Could also be because only 7 people have bothered to download it.
Posted by DELETED!_by account owner 28th March, 2006

i geuss so... *removes it* this is 1 of 2 ways to do it and if you want a highscore system by using the v-cade this is the best way. i geuss ill just remove it now
Posted by Mr. Esch 12th April, 2006

It seems pretty stupid (no offence) to post how to protect it because if you know how it's protected, it can easily be cracked. The best way to avoid cheating in any game is just to make comparisons against values stored ingame. These values should have little relevance to the score itself i.e. if the score is increasing, the check value is decreasing. I did this once to a guy who thought he could cheat any score system I made and I left a few nasty surprises for him. Checksums on php scoreboards are usually bad because the majority use checksums that use basic arithmetic which are pretty easy to crack if you're any good with algebra... but thats going slightly off topic.
Posted by DELETED!_by account owner 19th April, 2006

I have been un able to crack it and no one else has.





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