FORBIDDEN WORLD Graphic Engine version 3 Textured
Author: | Fanotherpg
Submitted: | 7th June, 2006
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Engine
| Downloads: | 467
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Edited By Fanotherpg on 5/10/2008
Now engine is implemented in 3 my Open Source games: Forbidden Way Eozsof Duked Cade tower: Eozsof
And this is why you download FWE which is this engine with small plot.
Maybe few of you remember that I want to create a very big cRPG in TGF. It was with graphic like in Diablo II but it won't work. So I change it to a pseudo 3D. It's next version of FW engine I textured walls and correct last bugs. I want also to inform that engine was written on a base of Russ Horton 3D Engine for CnC Open Source from 97' but I written it from 0 because I have to add many new options. Like open spaces. You can download a original Horton engine from my page http:/// which is Open source and you can edit it. But my version is only Exe. It is written in TGF.
Known bugs:
Changes entered from presentation version
- I change window size because now there's no need to have a bigger one to correct showing minimap.
- I created different labirynths I hope that you'll like them.
"Partially" corrected bugs:
None all had been completly deleted
Completly corrected bugs:
-Detectors shows on perspective section. This bug will be eliminated because map'l be creating in memory and in this version corridors are where there are.
-Bad wall z position (layers) is very rare bug but it is. It'll be corrected by using layer object or better code.
- False, disappearing, showing walls in wrong places were completly eliminated after a long work.
- When we stand by side to wall walls are bad presented.
- Engine like we can see from minimap presents only corridors with 1 free place and on open spaces or rooms we need more than 1 free place it's partially corrected because know I can show more than one free space but walls sometimes showed walls are wrong.
- Sometimes you can enter a wall as a ghost it is created by faster movement from placed in original Horton example. This bug was probaly deleted because I created two groups which deactivates and activates each otcher. It's in partially corrected bugs because I don't know if it's completly corrected.
- Other graphic bug you can see at the start of game, at first moment you see 3 walls but you stand at front of 1!! (look at minimap)
- View is only in straight line
Else info:
You can send comments on my e-mail address: You're also welcome on my homepage http:/// where you can find more information. Please comment my engine. And what you think about project Info on my page.
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