Cade Tower: Eozsof
Author: | Fanotherpg
Submitted: | 1st May, 2008
Favourites: | 1 |
Genre: | Role Playing Game
| Downloads: | 359
Rated: |
Game of the Week Winner
Edited By Fanotherpg on 5/1/2008
===Basic Info===
Game in The Elder Scrolls : Battle Spire style. Our target is to get out from title Cade Tower and survive.. And how we do it it is only on our hands and our skills..
===Game information===
CT:E is online cRPG survival on FWGEv4 and it possibilities are:
- Engine in 2.5 Dimension (pseudo 3 Dimension) supporting and presenting 'half closed' areas
- 15 different spells separated for 5 magic schools (3 area spells)
- For one game we choose 2 magic schools
- Spells thrown using two hands (you can throw two different spells in one time)
- You can connect spells in combos
- Ovule of physics thanks to use spell telekinesis
- 2 sides of conflict
- 3 enemies for each side + 1 boss
- Possibility to join one side (isn't necessary to end game)
- Possibility to end game in few ways (8 ) not depending what school you'll choose
- Jumping move system like in old dungeon crawlers
- Surface which we'll travel across is almost 0.25 square kilometers
- 17 levels each with different place of rooms and corridors
- 4 interactive objects
- Fast rapid action with online scores
- No saving if you die it would be end(!)
- Natural randomness and advanced enemy AI (enemies attack when you're danger for them)
- Different ways to get points
- With each time game can look different thanks to choose different magic schools
other ally
other method of game end..
Like in real world of Fantasy your enemies wouldn't be normal enemies but mages
monsters... You as a mage can't use weapon or armor
but only spells.
You were greatly promised magic neophyte devoted to Cade Tower master the best magical school in Eozsof. But you have a huge desire of power and this is why you were spying Master Yoba with your brother.
He discovered that your minder is controled by Draco the legendary evil soul which want to reborn once again to start war beetwen Heaven Progetory and Hell. It was few days ago...
Hour after that discovery brother informed you and dissappeared for few days.. After that time Master informed school that your brother suiceded himself... You didn't believe in that story and it's why you have been closed on top of Cade Tower and chained.
You were exposed on Torments during day a blazing sun and wild birds during night mighy winds and incredible freeze.. But now after few days of punishment chains broken...
You're only just liberate Cade Tower prisoner.. You're teared with internally dithers... You're angry and furious for everybody you desire for revenge and blood..
But something in deep of you wants you to don't do something foolish which you'll be regret.. But now you decide you rule you choose Draco champions.. Cade Tower apprentices... Your live.... Your destiny... It's your time in Eozsof..
Press up/down arrow or W/S button - Move forward/backward
Press left/right arrow or A/D button - Turn left/right
Hold shift and press any arrow or W/S/A/D button - Strafe in selected direction
Click on spell icon with left/right mouse button - Select spell for left/right hand
Click on enemy/ceiling/floor/interactive object left/right mouse button - Throws spell selected
for left/right hand
Press 1/2 button - Select spell for left/right hand
Press N/M button - Turn off/on sounds/music
Press Enter button - Change windows in help screen
===Additional Info===
Game is available in Vitalize! 4 at V-Cade:
Game EXE version has got own online highscore system:
There is also available open sourced MFA file of engine (with deleted highscore system information).
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