A day outside (1 frame beta)
Author: | Hempuli
Submitted: | 27th July, 2006
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Demo
| Downloads: | 336
Rated: |
Edited By Hempuli on 3/18/2007
Edited By Hempuli[Reactor productions] on 7/29/2006
Edited By Hempuli[Reactor productions] on 7/27/2006
Hi everyone,
I have been silent quite long time(what a good thing),
but now i have to bother the community.
I'm making a point'n'click game, and the engine
looks pretty good in my opinion, but i need feedback!
So if you have time, please test and comment.
The story is not ready yet , but the base is that the hero, Adrian, has been playing computer for 2 weeks, and one day he decides to go outside. It is going to be hard, as you can see even from this beta
Your point is to get outside in that first frame.
Left mouse button: take items, use items etc.
Right mouse button: unactivate choices.
I haven't found anything better.
some advice for the downloading site:
-You must wait some seconds before downloading;
the timer is shown at the center of the site.
If you have time and mind (oops, don't mind!) from the host, please download!
For those who do, enjoy!
Thank you
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 http://koti.mbnet.fi/arvitei/Point'n'cilck.zip (434 kkb )
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