Special Agent (Demo)
Author: | David Newton (DavidN)
Submitted: | 30th September, 2006
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Platformer
| Downloads: | 432
Rated: |
Edited By Clubsoft on 2/21/2008
Edited By David Newton (Wong) on 9/30/2006
"Special Agent" is a game inspired by Apogee's old platformer "Secret Agent". The game is a series of platform levels with individual objectives, which range from destroying targets to collecting items and several more complex stages.
You play as Special Agent Robert, whose latest assignment is to reach one of the remote islands owned by the SDDS (the Society for the Development of Diabolical Schemes) and to sabotage their buildings. This will prevent them from being able to carry out their world-threatening plans, such as flooding the crisp market with Prawn Cocktail flavour, and giving Jeremy Beadle another daytime TV programme.
There are two game modes - Graded and Time Attack. In Graded mode, you are scored on how completely you finish every mission, with regard to enemies destroyed, items collected, and so on. In Time Attack (which opens after you've finished a level in Graded mode) only the time you take to reach the exit matters.
In this demo, three stages are available - the tutorial and two full levels. You'll be able to save the world from a virus to remove all Click games from the Internet, and a spate of demo timeouts. The online high score table also works for the two game modes on all levels.
The game's site is at http://wired.st-and.ac.uk/~wong/agent/ . Any comments, bug reports and other suggestions are welcome, here or at the site.
I've just been reminded that I'd better explain the controls. S is the Jump/confirm button, Tab to cancel/show your objectives, and A and D to fire.
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 http://wired.st-and.ac.uk/~wong/agent/zips/sa-demo.zip (3.kb )
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