The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Ten Ton Ninja

Ten Ton Ninja
Author: Marc Georgeson Submitted: 23rd December, 2008 Favourites:2
Genre: Action Downloads: 490

Edited By Rikus on 1/18/2009

Our latest game Ten Ton Ninja has just been released.

Fire your grapple line and swing into action in this exciting Freeware game featuring 22 tough to beat levels. Also includes a Level Editor so you can design, play & share your own custom levels.

The game also features:

* 22 main levels plus 10 custom levels to play.
* Download extra levels from the Addictive 247 website.
* An easy to use Level Editor so you can design your own fun levels and even get them included on our website for everyone else to play.
* Online high score table showing the Top 50 Ninjas!

More info at

Gameplay video at

The basics of how to play are included in the game but Playing Tips can be found at

Any and all feedback would be appreciated.

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Posted by Ecstazy 24th December, 2008

The menus looks pretty nasty, do I need some special font?
Posted by Marc Georgeson 24th December, 2008

The font called Manga should be installed as part of the installer. If it hasn't installed it just find it in the main game folder and copy it to the Windows Font folder.
Is anyone else having this problem??
Comment edited by Marc Georgeson on 12/24/2008
Posted by Marc Georgeson 24th December, 2008

Just tested again on Win XP SP2 and it works fine and installs the font correctly. Which version of Windows are you running?
Posted by Ecstazy 24th December, 2008

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't like installers, so I installed the game, copied the folder to my klik games folder and then uninstalled it.
But anyway I don't have an extra copy of the font in the games' folder, can I download it somewhere?
Posted by Marc Georgeson 24th December, 2008

That's the reason the font didn't register.
Just put it online for you. Get it at
Posted by JMT 25th December, 2008

Love the music / general ambiance
Posted by Ecstazy 25th December, 2008

The game has potential, but two things that bug me are that the ninja doesn't actually swing where I want him to when I release the hook, and that you can't move at all while you're on the ground.
Posted by Marc Georgeson 26th December, 2008

How do you mean when you say "he doesn't swing where you want him to when you release the hook"?

Not being able to move on the ground was done purposly. The game would be far too easy if you could run along at the bottom of the screen.
He's also an overweight ninja so he doesn't "do" running, hence the grapple hook
Posted by Ecstazy 26th December, 2008

Like when you swing at a high speed and then you release your hook just when you're about to reach the edge of your swinging, the ninja flies away in a way that I personally wouldn't expect, so it's hard for me to aim for further diamonds.
Posted by Marc Georgeson 27th December, 2008

Sometimes it's best to do slower swings when aiming for diamonds.

Don't forget that we also want you to submit your own levels to us that you create with the Level Editor.
We're going to release a level pack at the start of the New Year and it would be great to include some of your creations.
Posted by Ski 27th December, 2008
Rated :

Oh I didn't see you posted this here Great fun, love swinging around And he always swings where I want him to, Ecstazy clearly doesn't have the skill
Posted by RedEnchilada 28th December, 2008

The game was pretty fun, but I don't wanna rate until the level editor's fixed. When you clear the level, the editor closes, and a button to return to the editor would be nice. (Backspace?) It'd also be nice if the editor loaded your controls.
Posted by Marc Georgeson 28th December, 2008

Thanks for the comments about the Editor. Theres a few things we need to fix which we'll get onto straight away
Posted by Cecilectomy 28th December, 2008

those gradients look aweful. will download later.
Posted by Ski 28th December, 2008
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How do they look awful? I think they suit it pretty well actually. I do wish people would elaborate on opinions instead of just saying something looks awful, a reason as to why they look awful would really help the creator of the game.
Posted by Marc Georgeson 28th December, 2008

New build of the game just uploaded especially for RedEchidna, same link as original post.

Problems with the Level Editor are now fixed and it also loads your customized controls if you've changed them in the main game. Enjoy!
Posted by OMC 29th December, 2008
Rated :

Heh, Balding Overweight Man and NinJoe rolled into one.

Anywho, it was neat. I like the soundtrack. I had no desire to play past the second level though because of particularly frustrating out-of-reach placement of jewels. Still a neat game.

Recommendation: You may wanna make an installer-free version for TDC. You'll get more downloads.
Posted by AndyUK 29th December, 2008
Rated :

Pretty good actually, Nice and polished. I liked bouncing around like a madman. However there wasn't enough to keep me playing.

I noticed you can't fire your grappling hook when you're off the top of the screen,
also it seems a bit silly that the line has almost unlimited length when you're on the floor or in midair , but it suddenly becomes limited when you are latched onto something.

Overall nice, but i got little excitement from it.
Posted by Assault Andy 29th December, 2008
Rated :

Very well presented but I found that the actual game engine was quite unplayable. I also found it strange how you couldn't move while on the ground, but more than that the actual grappling onto objects seemed glitchy. Whenever you snap onto a new object the ninja 'jumps' a large distance rather than a smooth movement and swinging becomes largely unpredictable.

It looks quite good however I didn't really find the actual gameplay much fun, which is quite essential to any game. It was quite frustrating at times.
Posted by Cecilectomy 30th December, 2008

when i look at those pictures, and see the style of the game, and then the background gradients, it doesnt fit. they look like tgf made gradients, even in 16million colors, gradients come out disproportionate the closer together a set of colors are.

i still havent downloaded it as ive been restoring all my computers. will get to it soon hopefully.
Posted by AndyUK 30th December, 2008
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There does appear to be a general consensus that Gradients = Bad.

I disagree however,
Infact i use them a lot on my games, but with a bit of dithering to smooth it out a bit.
Posted by OMC 31st December, 2008
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The gradients look fine, really... Alot of times, they look purty pooey, especially in older klik products like KNP and TGF, but a good gradient doesn't look too bad if it suits the graphic style, and I think it does in this case.
Posted by AndyUK 31st December, 2008
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creating a KNP or TGF gradient in 256 colour mode looks awful because the colours aren't even. But people don't do that very often because it's even too ugly for most n00bs.
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 31st December, 2008
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I very much like the game's aesthetics and general gameplay. It's clear that you've put a great deal of work into this, and it's really fun to play. The ninja rope engine was surprisingly easy to get used to as well (even though the last time I used a ninja rope was Worms, and I had to "unlearn" that game's rope physics).

However, I think you should have implemented a "jezzball" level-completion system instead. Rather than having to collect EVERY SINGLE gem before the timer went off, it'd be better if you had to collect a certain percentage of gems. This percentage would start out low, and gradual increase as the game progessed. This would pretty much eliminate this scenario:

"Great, I've collected almost every gem, and now I have 3 whole minutes to get those last two. [3 minutes later] DAMMIT! TIME OUT!"

This change would make the game much less frustrating.

Overall, great job!
Posted by OMC 31st December, 2008
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Percentage = Good idea.
Posted by erghhhhx 1st January, 2009
Rated :

Good engine and pretty fun, for a while.
Posted by Marc Georgeson 1st January, 2009

Thanks for all your comments guys.
The percentage idea is something that will be cropping up when we do a massive add-on pack/new version of the game called "Ten Ton: Training Academy". It will feature loads of mini-games for you to play!
Posted by TylerFusion 29th January, 2009
Rated :

Nice concept and fun gameplay. Pretty good graphics, which stayed within its style... I think the gradients worked. I agree with the percentage idea, and I also agree that the game engine is not perfectly intuitive. The physics simply felt a bit off and I had to adjust to the game's idea of gravity and whatnot, which I shouldn't have to in a physics centered game. Assault Andy made a very valid point about grappling in mid-air. And I'm sure as a new user I'm not allowed to say this, but Adam... don't be so full of yourself.

This game has a great concept, which I'm sure will be polished to perfection eventually.

While I was playing this I kept thinking: "this could be really cool as a swinging (scrolling) platformer"... maybe you can do that after TT: Training Academy.






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