world hardest multiplayer game
Author: | PotatoCannon
Submitted: | 25th March, 2010
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 98
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Edited By .:superpower1:. on 3/25/2010
Edited By .:superpower1:. on 3/25/2010
Edited By .:superpower1:. on 3/25/2010
Edited By .:superpower1:. on 3/25/2010
I made this game for a verylong time ago and now its out!
this is a game when player 1 is a red box and player 2 a pink box
the controlls are:
player 1:
player 2:
arrow keys
you also have a M and R button
M: Menu
R: restart
it is 15 levels.
the graphic could be better...
Have fun!
this is only a multiplayer game and it is meant to be a team exercise
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