Romeo and Juliet Death Scene
Author: | MonadoBoy64
Submitted: | 11th April, 2018
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 290
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Edited By MonadoBoy64 on 27/01/2019
Last year in school, when we were studying Romeo and Juliet. My English 1 teacher gave the class an assignment to make your own Romeo and Juliet death scene. The options for making your own death scene from what I remembered was to make it in a powerpoint, word, painting, etc.
I decided to make my death scene in Clickteam Fusion 2.5. At first, my teacher was skeptical about it. So I took a day off on Saturday from the project I was working on back then, to make a prototype to show to my teacher to the all clear to make it. And I show it to her on Monday and she gave me the all clear to make it.
But the problem was that it was due the next day. And I didn't work any of it because I didn't know if she was going to approve of it. So when I got home from school, I basically spent all day making it. By turning the prototype into the full death scene. But thankfully I finish around before I went to bed. The turned it in the next day.
A couple of days later my teacher gave me my grade for it. And I got a 100% on it and also see ask if she could keep a copy of it to show it to her next year class. And I agree with it but unfortunately this year she is teaching Economics but I hope she goes back to teaching English so she can show my death scene to her future students but if not that's okay.
Warning: The graphics are horrible and I use pre-made assets from the clickteam fusion library. And for playing it. There are no controls and it's basically a cutscene (air-quotes) and the only controls are for the space bar to pause. But other than that there are no controls.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and have a good day!
Space Bar: Pause
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