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13th February, 2005 at 13:45:55 -

hey everyone.. i saw a post today about GM vs MMF.. and sometimes, you guys are SO CLOSEMINDED.. judging something as instant crap just because you don't know how to use it.. anyway, here's a Sonic 360 degree engine my friend made in a week. I just want to show you an example of why GM is WAY more powerful than MMF. And btw, I've been an avid MMF user for 6 years(and still am) before I began using GM; so that you don't label me as a "fanboy"(which is retarded considering we're talking about game development programs here).I've already played a megaman game in GM as well that is the closest simulation to a true megaman game i've ever played(and my friend actually thought I WAS playing a emgaman game).

I've heard the arguments "But wahh MMF has extentions".. why does it have so many extensions? Because the base program isn't as complete. GM *also* has extensions btw(in the form of DLLs), however it doesnt need as many and can do ANYTHING that MMF can do so far(including a much more stable method of online play which isnt very difficult). Anyway, i just am trying to say to stop judging so fast when you don't even understand anything.

The Sonic physics engine i posted above: my friend also made it in MMF(which is pushing MMF to it's limit, itself) and it can only handle 1 instance of sonic. this GM version of the engine supports upto 10 instances without slowdown(60fps) on a really slow comp. And if any of you can show me a more optimized & better sonic physics in MMF(and no, I'm actually a staff member of THE GAMES PAGE, so don't even mention Super Speed Ball > heh), then the next time somebody brings up GM you guys are excused to do all your bitching. I've also seen a VERY worthy street fighter engine vs style in progress(which i can't talk about yet), something Clickteam will.. NEVER EVER do correctly(until MMF2, anyway). Anyway, stop being so closed minded people. If you want to make jokes about putting stocks in GM and how it sucks so bad, then learn to use it and stop being an arrogant newbie.

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Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
13th February, 2005 at 13:59:08 -

"GM is WAY more powerful than MMF"

why does that prove gm is way better?

I have seen this, and have also seen the 360 degree engines available for Multimedia Fusion and The Games Factory over at the sonic fangame headquaters. They are just as good.
MMF will run at 50fps because it is made to do so unless the pc is to slow to. Just because gamemaker syncs to the monitor refresh rate does not make it way better.

Basically mmf is not less powerfull than gm



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
13th February, 2005 at 14:05:14 -

You should practice what you preach.
It seems you're also close-minded. If you think half the stuff you mention isn't possible in MMF then it shows you don't know how to use it to anywhere near its full potential. So there.


Destroyer (CrobaSoft)

13th February, 2005 at 14:06:35 -

i have seen a better sonic engine done in mmf.
i know how to use game maker, and it isnt complete crap, but almost. it's non scripting events is completly useless and the scripting is limited in realtion to it's a scrpit. the rooms is completly unproffesionaly made, and it so annoying to work in, looks like something done in 30 minuttes. it produce the BIGGEST EXE i have ever seen in my entire life. and all it can make is games no screensavers no internet games no apps.
and last (in not writing a book so im gonna stop here) isnt it something like there only is 1 or 2 of those extensions ever made.

Visit or you're a Noob.



VIP Member
13th February, 2005 at 14:23:20 -

It's true that many klikkers underestimate Gamemaker, but GM is not more powerfull than MMF.

"why does it have so many extensions? Because the base program isn't as complete." -> It means that MMF keeps expanding. Extensions are made by independent programmers.
I have used Gamemaker myself for a while, and its interface is really stupid. MMF is much more easier, faster and powerfull.
BTW, where are you trying to get at? So you think Gm is better than MMF. Well good for you, but no klikker is going to switch to Gamemaker.

This space is for rent



Has Donated, Thank You!Code MonkeyVIP MemberThe Cake is a LieThe Spinster
13th February, 2005 at 14:31:03 -

He must be stupid if he's posting this on a kliking community website..

This is a signature. Have this one on me.

Deleted User
13th February, 2005 at 14:43:31 -

I would like to mention one strangeness I found in GameMaker,
You see a loading screen in most games made with GameMaker. Did you know that you can actually skip them, by pressing Alt+F4, or you could wait until it finishes the splash loading screen.

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13th February, 2005 at 16:13:06 -

As said, this doesnt prove at all that GM is more powerfull then MMF. Seeing from the way you typed the piece you were in obvious furious rage about what was said about GM. There are always stubborn people around. Especially on a Klik board, when you are posting stuff about GM. You can't expect them to all turn around, leave this forum and start using Gamemaker. Oh and that streetfighter engine. I think I'll try and make one, just for provers (is that a word??) sake

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Why, Creativity is my middle name!


Possibly Insane

13th February, 2005 at 16:29:59 -

C++ still kicks both of their booties.

Nice engine

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G


Best Article Writer

13th February, 2005 at 16:30:37 -

"an example of why GM is WAY more powerful than MMF"

Very strong words, my friend. You mentioned that GM is extended, so I don't doubt that it has some, maybe even many, of the extensions and features that MMF has, but let's think for a moment:

MMF can, when extended, do Blowfish Encryption. Does GM have such a feature/extension?
Can it frontend with WinSock, letting you interface with transfer protocols, websites, etc?
Can it zip and unzip files?
Can it interpolate motion between two points using vector calculations?
Can it use FTP?
Can it run ActiveX controls?
Can it manipulate binary data?
Can it control the CPU registers?
Can it read and edit the memory?
Can it play MP3, MOD, OGG files?
Can it load, display and manipulate files from the disk?
Can it load, display and manipulate PNG files and alpha-transparent sprites?
Can it stringparse?
Can it URL-Encode?
Can it base-switch? (hex to oct to dec to bin to whatever)
Can it create icons for itself in the system tray?
Can it create shortcuts?
Can it play DVD?
Can it run pathfinding routines?
Can it interface with serial ports?
COMM ports?
LTP ports?
Lego models!?
The modem?
Can it display lists of files and folders as the Tree object does?
Can it play CD-Audio?
Can it block user input such as the alt key, windows key, etc?
Can it use alternate colour systems like CMYK or HSL?
Can you change system display properties?
Screensaver settings?
File extension associations?
The Registry?
Can it evaluate textual expressions entered by the user, including performing user-generated functions (so user enters 'a = myFunc(12, 5, 6)' in an edit box and gets a result)?
Can it do even basic encryption? Bitshifts?
Can it handle formatted text?
Can it get pixel colours onscreen?
Offscreen? (so outside of the window border)
Can it handle and even change windows system colours?
Can it replace a colour in one object with another?
Can it handle INI files?
Can it integrate with OpenGL?
Can it work with MCI commands?
How many different algorythms for 'random' does it have?
Can it create web plugins?
Can it create screensavers?
Can it generated windows-style popup menus?
Windows Progressbars?
Can it change task priorities at runtime?
Kill other running tasks, or get data about them?
Can it interface with a webcam?

I'm sure it can do some, maybe most of those things, but I seriously doubt it can do all.

I'm not saying GM is a bad program, of course - as you yourself said, as someone who's never used it I have no right to do that.

But MMF is not a game making program. It is a software design package for which game-making is just one of many possible uses.

As an application development system it's not limited to the uses needed in game design, which is why I don't see how you can possibly get away with saying GM is 'WAY more powerful'.

Whether GM can do all those things or not, it may give a better example of its power if you ran through the list I just posted and tick which ones it CAN do. That may impress more.

191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
13th February, 2005 at 20:10:12 -

i got about half way through that above post.



13th February, 2005 at 20:19:08 -

I used GM myself for a short time. It didn't 'convert' me, so to speak (I don't think I'll ever move completely away from MMF), but I wont deny it's a powerful tool IF in the right hands. Trouble is, the vast majority of Gamemaker users don't seem to know how to use the program very well. A good deal of the games I've tried run at a bad frame rate...well under 30fps, and I have a reasonably fast computer. From...err, 'showcases' like these, I can see why some people are quick to put Gamemaker down.

Robert - "And if any of you can show me a more optimized & better sonic physics in MMF(and no, I'm actually a staff member of THE GAMES PAGE, so don't even mention Super Speed Ball > heh), then the next time somebody brings up GM you guys are excused to do all your bitching."

I'm not going to say more optimised or better necessarialy, but go take a look at my 'Sonic DIY' demo. What I do know is that during gameplay, it ran at a good framerate on somebody's ancient Pentium II 233 computer. It also worked very well on an old PIII 533 of mine, with only 64Mb RAM. That's not bad at all, seeing as we're talking about proper levels, rather than just an engine test. Some people in the sonic fangaming community have moved on a lot since Super Speed ball, buddy

Dines - the full version of Gamemaker (which you have to pay for) comes with a whole bunch of extensions, though I don't know what exactly. Still, I'm doubtful as to whether those could match up with MMF's bulging extension list.



13th February, 2005 at 20:31:09 -

PS - Should have guessed it was you, mister 'RC' =P



13th February, 2005 at 20:48:14 -

clwe: i respect your ability & recognize you're one of the better click programmers(don't get me wrong here). And btw, to the other people in the forum, if you go to sfghq, my nick is "RC" and i myself have made better engines than SSB(and clwe you should know that well since i am the #1 hyper down at SFGHQ ) in MMF but i was just providing an example that you'd all recognize. And this thing in GM is only a *base tutorial*.. it's not like it's anywhere near complete or functional or anything like that.
And, as for something that the engine up there can do that MMF can't do?(somebody asked.. and i dont want to scroll up to who), look at the way the "instances" are handled, you can instantly clone sonic and have upto an infinite number running at once without any difficult extra coding required.. oh.. yeah, here's an example of the instance thing i was talking about

some slight modifications and you have the "Sonic & Tails" mode ala genesis. See.. the thing about Click products is that the instances only have certain unique properties, unlike objects/classes in C++.. where you can just assign them *any* variables.. sure Click has it's "alterable variables", but when you're dealing with multiple collision masks, without some bogged down fastloop you won't be able to ID many masks to one object. In MMF for example, without creating objects and using the built in "collision" method, you can't create a collision box system that handles unique instances correctly(which is why fighting games can only go so far). And to whoever said it, go ahead and try making a fighting game in Click.. even if you succeed, you will have done *way* more work than should be neccecary in any sort of scripting language or game making program. Anyway, I'm in no way saying MMF sucks.. i use it all the time. I find it easier than GM(because GM requires some practice with GML).. but.. GM is a bit more powerful in terms of *games*

and.. also btw, I am not stupid or a newbie Clicker. I know well that MMF only runs at 50fps(duh ; the basis of the whole program).. But I've tested on slower comps. And believe me, Dami is pretty good at optimizations; Sin/Cos Precalculated, positioning and collision checking loops only run when ultimately neccecary, etc(i know cause i helped him with the newer bases )

oh yeah, i'm also not trying to convert you.. it's just that every time somebody mentions game maker, you all start immaturely bashing it(despite the fact that if it's put in the right hands it *is* more powerful than MMF.. tho you guys can debate with me over that )

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Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
13th February, 2005 at 21:21:05 -

Maybe it's more powerful than bare-bones MMF, I dunno I never used GM, but one reason why MMF rules is that it's so expandable, plus it's not limited to games.



13th February, 2005 at 21:53:17 -

when i said it's debatable.. i meant let's leave it to our opinions and i'll respect yours.. i dont want to actually debate why(i dont want a flamewar). just trying to make a point that GameMaker shouldnt be bashed(well, it can be.. but let's keep program bashing to educated bashing ). At most game making communities, people don't go saying "ahaha.. Game Maker sux0rz" or "Game Maker is t00 powerful for feeble Clickers" or crap like that .. it's just gettin kinda annoying to read some of the posts here with the way most people comment on GM to an unnececary extent when they've never really learned it
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


13th February, 2005 at 23:02:15 -

Hello, I couldn't resist on posting on this topic, since my engine is being used as example :/


Quote: I have seen this, and have also seen the 360 degree engines available for Multimedia Fusion and The Games Factory over at the sonic fangame headquaters. They are just as good. MMF will run at 50fps because it is made to do so unless the pc is to slow to. Just because gamemaker syncs to the monitor refresh rate does not make it way better.


The 360º engines that are on SFGHQ were made by ParadoxX (original angle detection concept) and me (engine programming), plus other helps on specific stuff (RC on optimizations, DMAshura on platform routines, etc). All the routines and events wich the MMF (and specially, the TGF) versions needed are way more Game Maker's version need, making it faster and less cpu-consuming.

Even if MMF is intended to run at 50 fps, it shouldn't need as much CPU as it requests. A normal Sonic fangame with 1000+ objects (that's the average number of objects on a medium Sonic act) could slowdown up to 35 fps or less even on a P4 1400 mhz.


Quote: i know how to use game maker, and it isnt complete crap, but almost. it's non scripting events is completly useless and the scripting is limited in realtion to it's a scrpit. the rooms is completly unproffesionaly made, and it so annoying to work in, looks like something done in 30 minuttes. it produce the BIGGEST EXE i have ever seen in my entire life. and all it can make is games no screensavers no internet games no apps.
and last (in not writing a book so im gonna stop here) isnt it something like there only is 1 or 2 of those extensions ever made.


The Drag & Drop events are meant to be easy and simple for let even a 7 years old child do a game. The real strenght of the Game Maker lies within the script, wich isn't in any form as limited as you say, it's more flexible than events as it can handle expression evaluations in a better way than MMF does. Also, you should remember that MMF events are an script language too, so I don't think your point is valid at all. What I agree with you is that the room editor isn't very confortable but it's a minor think since the part that takes more work are just the scripts, for level creating only putting objects is more than enough.

You should know that the Game Maker also produces smaller exe than MMF since you need the runtime dll, and GM doesn't since all the runtime code is integrated on the exe. And as for DLLS, there are more than enough with the same capabilities as MMF ones, also, almost all of the stuff that is required by extensions is done built-in.


As for Dines post I won't list all the features GM can handle (</sleepy>, but it can handle a large number of those since there's a large variety of DLLS (check the Game maker forums).

Here's a little list I've found of some dlls:


I have to say I've been using MMF for a year and half (or the like) and I've learned a lot, I think they are equally capable to do the same stuff and I like MMF, but it's probed that Game Maker is faster and can do the same in less lines. MMF's interface it's just more beautiful.

Also, there's a very cool feature going on, someone is working on a Game Maker to Java convertor program (since script syntax is very similar to C and C-based ones (Java, PHP, etc) wich would make games easily portable between platforms.

So, stop flaming Game Maker because it's a very good tool, as MMF does.


*goes to sleep*



14th February, 2005 at 01:36:05 -

No one flamed Game Maker, if you haven't noticed, this is our home turf; bringing up old posts and ranting about our preferred software is not acceptable.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.

Assault Andy

I make other people create vaporware


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerGOTM JUNE - 2009 - WINNER!GOTM FEB - 2010 - WINNER!	I donated an open source project
14th February, 2005 at 02:23:08 -

I have to say I've been using MMF for a year and half (or the like) and I've learned a lot, I think they are equally capable to do the same stuff and I like MMF, but it's probed that Game Maker is faster and can do the same in less lines. MMF's interface it's just more beautiful.

It depends on the coder. A really bad coder may create and RPG writing every line of chatting code such as this:

Press z
+ is overlapping 'bob' - Change string to "hello"

A better coder would write something like this:

Press Z
+ is overlapping - Change string to [retrieve string from array]

Using the first method it would take you many hundreds of lines, using the 2nd it would take 1 and the rest be simply implemented externally. I'm sure the same thing goes for gamemaker, it depends on the coder.

MMF has the 'calldll' object aswell. So theorhetically it can use all those dlls you just listed.

Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.

Deleted User
14th February, 2005 at 05:11:46 -

I would like to put an end to this topic perhaps. The reason you are getting bashed here is this site uses clickteam products and you're like advertising GameMaker here which (I think) no one really cares. So my suggestion is; go somewhere else to be not flamed here buddy.



Best Article Writer

14th February, 2005 at 05:33:44 -

The main issue people have with this thread is the 'GM is WAY more powerful' line - which even if they *are* equally matched is still untrue by far. 'Equal' does not evaluate to 'Way more powerful than'. It never has, it does not now, and assuming we don't get taken over by logic-bending aliens then it probably never will.

Surely you can imagine our annoyance. Here's someone saying we shouldn't mock GM without trying it (which I personally don't anyway), yet making such a blatantly exaggerated comment like that. No wonder people are complaining, lol.

All software has pros and cons, and I think Dami's post is the fairest yet. There are too many factors involved to really compare the two.

Scripting is always going to be more flexible than an event-based system. That's why Jamagic exists. However events do have their advantages. Spelling mistakes are almost completely eliminated (no forgetting semicolons, or using the wrong type of brackets, or using one '=' instead of two '==' for comparisons, or mis-spelling variables and functions), and there's almost no ploughing through line after line of syntax equations (although GM won't worry about this if it's a compiled language, I don't know).

Events are simpler in concept and easier to understand at a glance than code is too.

So each has their pro's and con's, I suppose it all depends on what you want. MMF and Jamagic are fine for me.

191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7

Retired Kliker Lazarus

The Ed Wood JR of TDC

14th February, 2005 at 11:35:31 -

Mr. Robert Concepcion- Game Maker sucks.

Get out of here. You're wasting webspace.

Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.

Retired Kliker Lazarus

The Ed Wood JR of TDC

14th February, 2005 at 11:36:49 -

P.S. Did you really expect everyone to agree with you on a CLICK site?

Image Edited by the Author.

Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.


14th February, 2005 at 11:52:00 -

me posting about something I think everyone will agree with anyway is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.. lol(then what would be the point of posting it?). It's much more of a "waste of space" to go on a click site saying "MMF is awesome!"(it is, but.. come on.. everyone would agree). Why don't you stop dictating who enters a virtual world, loser

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Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..

Deleted User
14th February, 2005 at 12:15:50 -

We need an admin here.



Evil Faker

14th February, 2005 at 14:09:32 -

Patriotic as ever, eh dines?

Templar: Won't be long before circy rears his ugly head

My signature is never too big!!!


14th February, 2005 at 14:43:56 -

What you're doing is equivalent to walking into a crowd of black people and yelling "WHITE POWER!"

You only came to TDC to piss people off. If you had come here ethically and said "Hey guys, I use a piece of software called 'Game Maker' and I think it may be on par with MMF." You wouldn’t be getting a bunch of shit right now.

Posting something we might not agree with and flame bait are two totally different things, grow up.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.


Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less


Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberI'm on a Boat360 OwnerAttention GetterThe Cake is a LieCardboard BoxHero of TimePS3 OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!
I'm a Storm TrooperSonic SpeedStrawberryI like Aliens!Wii OwnerMushroomGhostbuster!
14th February, 2005 at 18:42:30 -

"and no, I'm actually a staff member of THE GAMES PAGE, so don't even mention Super Speed Ball > heh"

That is sooo not true! Liar!

Heh is definitly greater that Super Speed Ball!

"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"


Klik Legend

14th February, 2005 at 19:25:40 -

Just get my opinion in before an admin locks this

I don't know what all this about instances is, MMF can do instances perfectly well too (i.e. qualifiers).
Also, I don't know why you're talking about optimisations either. Pre-computed sin tables? Who cares? Running even an uber-fast interpreted script will waste 90% of the CPU time, this applies to both MMF and Game Maker. If you know anything about interpretation then you're going to be doing a whole bunch of CPU instructions just to execute one simple piece of the interpreted script. So unless you're ticking a box which says "Use Hardware Acceleration" or something, your optimisations are not going to make much of a difference, especially on anything faster than 1GHz.

Also MMF is primarily event based, and Game Maker is primarily script based (so you claim)... and scripts are very difficult for beginners to get to grips with. Events are innately easier, IMO.

Did you think 1400mhz was slow? To be honest a 33mhz 486 is slow, and I'm pretty sure a simple MMF platformer would run acceptably on there. I've run an MMF RTS game with 1000 objects on a 600MHz pentium 3, and got around 30FPS. And I tell you, teams of units are doing a lot more than your tree in a sonic platform game.

Anyway I invite you to replicate Terminal Orbit in Game Maker:
And the level editor application, also made in MMF:

- Tigerworks


hot for teacher


14th February, 2005 at 19:42:09 -

Whoah, that editor is sexy.



14th February, 2005 at 21:06:35 -

Peblo:.. you havent been goign to TGP have you? I used to be known as "vibrantdarkness". I was a member of the staff for 2 years(until they just redid the site). Only reason i'm not on the staff page at the moment is because i've taken a break from making games. Anyway, you guys should reread- i did not claim MMF sucks or any of the sort. Just saying GM deserves *some* sort of respect .. i dont even care if you dont use it.
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


14th February, 2005 at 21:52:09 -

No, you claimed that it was unequal to your lousy program; you also imply that we are illiterate losers who are, arrogant, and immature 'newbs'.

That’s a lot of name calling for someone trying to get people to respect their opinion.

Now, since there has been no support for you as of yet, I'm going to go out on a limb here and speak for all of us when I say that we:
1. Have read your posts
2. Evaluated GM as an alternate program for game making.
3. Prefer MMF
4. Defend click Products
5. Do not like to be called names
5. Do not appreciate mockery of someone who has no knowledge of the working of TDC nor our inside jokes, e.g. stocks.

If you had just said that "GM deserves *some* sort of respect" in the first place instead of the immature approach you took, we would have no problem.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.


Savior of the Universe

14th February, 2005 at 23:49:29 -

"You should know that the Game Maker also produces smaller exe than MMF since you need the runtime dll, and GM doesn't since all the runtime code is integrated on the exe."

This means that you only use one dll file for 50 MMF exes while you have 50 "runtime codes" inside 50 GM exes, which means that the GM exe will eventually be much larger than the MMF exe.
Also, that Game Maker DLL page had nothing whatsoever on PNGs. PNG is one of the best picture file formats out there to use because it can make small picture files while sacrificing barely any (if at all) quality.

Crystal Clear (H.E.S)

Possibly Insane

15th February, 2005 at 00:43:59 -

Woah TO is looking great tigs, i still think you should replace those units graphics, they just dont seem to blend with that delicious terrain.
And i would also like to see something like TO done in GM
ive used Game Maker before, and have played many games created with it, yes its a great product, but in my oppinon id take MMF over it anyday.
"and can do ANYTHING that MMF can do so far(including a much more stable method of online play which isnt very difficult)."
Have you seen the MMF extension list? i saw the GM DLL list and LMAO MMF has basically all of those plus alot more.
"I've heard the arguments "But wahh MMF has extentions".. why does it have so many extensions? Because the base program isn't as complete."
No its because its to make MMF Expandable, just like the whole point of DLL's in GM

HES homepage:
Crystal Clear Productions:


15th February, 2005 at 00:46:59 -

You should die just for saying GameMaker.



Possibly Insane

15th February, 2005 at 04:27:01 -

Tigs, that looks like TA's editor :B

also, well said JP

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"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G


15th February, 2005 at 07:47:28 -

JP's right. There's nothing wrong with the idea of this topic per se, but your 'approach', RC, leaves something to be desired. Your tone suggests that you were accusing everyone here of bashing gamemaker, which I very much doubt is true. It's also unfair to label everyone in a community like that. If you go in with the intention of starting a one-on hundred argument, don't expect to make anyone think a little differently at the end.



15th February, 2005 at 22:00:53 -

"No, you claimed that it was unequal to your lousy program; you also imply that we are illiterate losers who are, arrogant, and immature 'newbs'. "

Dude.. Where the hell are you coming from? I made 5 posts/replies on this topic. Read them. You're not really making any sense. you should clear your mind before reading other replies, and then read *my actual posts*. and.. "Your" lousy program? There's no such thing as "my" and "your" program. That comment was so entirely rediculous and immature. I use MMF too.. I've *been* using MMF(for almost 7 years.. well.. KNP/TGF/MMF). I can think it's unequal, that's a matter of opinion. How about having an intelligent discussion about it instead of actually getting angry. And BTW, a lot of my friends are very formidable game makers here at this site. In fact, I've been going to this website for about 4 years, and I used to post under another name. I've even helped with a lot of game projects that you guys see on this site.

I never implied that this entire community were newbies or were arrogant; i just imply that there are a lot of people here that are(and, if you're going to defend *everyone* in the community.. then go ahead because i will scoff at that). when i said "you guys", i was reffering to the people that DO THAT. Having an angry mob mentality because a few other people are overly fanboy-ish of a *game making company*(the immature ones) doesn't make the situation much better. In fact, I don't even use game maker OR mmf to make games anymore; i use C++. Even if I am not a regular poster here(or, i'm a 'lurker' as they say), I don't think making a post with my opinion on it is such a blatant thing to do. Isn't that what forums are for? It's not like I am writing hate letters(or, even writing *about* hating) to clickteam or about clickteam products or about the daily click.

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Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


16th February, 2005 at 00:29:13 -

Where am I coming from?
This is where I'm coming from:

Illiterate: "Anyway, you guys should reread"

Losers: "dictating who enters a virtual world, loser"

Arrogant: "learn to use it and stop being an arrogant newbie"


Newbs: "learn to use it and stop being an arrogant newbie"

Added to the list:

Stupid: "you don't even understand anything"

That is where I am coming from.

“There's no such thing as "my" and "your" program”

"Your" is referring obviously to the product you are defending.

"That comment was so entirely rediculous[sic] and immature"
Coming from a guy who started a thread full of immaturity, my comment is how I feel about Game Maker compared to MMF. Neither immature nor a personal attack.

So far I haven't made any irrational posts and have described to you why no one is on your side after you "ma[de] a post with [your] opinion"

My point is that went in the wrong direction trying to get your opinion across, now you have no credibility.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.


16th February, 2005 at 01:50:18 -

The subject of this thread and the location he placed it under in TDC's board system shows just how smart he really is... I mean, why post it in the Code-It area?



16th February, 2005 at 07:20:35 -

RC, I gotta say that that engine did look pretty sweet

By the way, the new MMF, the TGF/MMF integration next generation one, will it also use the 50fps thingy?

Why, Creativity is my middle name!

Deleted User
16th February, 2005 at 07:32:17 -

Hey! where is an admin when you need. This post could go on forever and be 12 pages like the old posts that had the same topic.



16th February, 2005 at 09:36:06 -

If you really want an admin to inspect (and possibly deal with) this topic, then contact them =P No offense, but 'flapping your arms' in this topic alone isn't going to alert them.



Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
16th February, 2005 at 09:48:08 -

"i saw a post today about GM vs MMF.. and sometimes, you guys are SO CLOSEMINDED.. judging something as instant crap just because you don't know how to use it"

i think i know the topic you are reffering to, that person claimed gamemaker to be way better than mmf and put it too us even worse than you did RC.

anyway i have used gamemaker and didnt like it, i will admit it didnt try it for long and never touched the spripting but i still prefer the click products. As long as i can make the games i want to, i will continue to use them.


卍 chicken14528 卍

16th February, 2005 at 18:04:23 -

-dances and flaps my arms- im an attention whooooooooore



16th February, 2005 at 18:19:01 -

sigh.. JP you dont get it.. I wasnt talking to anyone in specific, or everyone for that matter. All of those quotes you just showed, aren't toward EVERYONE. Just certain people. You are showing somewhat of an angry mob mentality, because *you* aren't the people i was reffering to. Obviously as in any community, there are people who are different from each other. When I judge a type of person i can't talk about the whole community. Anyway if it makes you feel better to hear it, I wasn't talking about people like *you*. The only time i did is when i reffered to the "angry mob" mentality . Now, if you're going to use quotes, give the entire posts.. instead of little snippets that make it look like I'm a fiendish asshole because you left out the entire other parts (example: "dictating who enters a virtual world, loser", you forgot the part where i mentioned that MMF is a very good program. You also forgot to mention that he told me to "get the hell out" for posting my opinion at a website that i visit. also "learn to use it and stop being an arrogant newbie" - I was reffering to people who don't know how to use GM who bash the hell out of it blindly.). Anyway i dont know why you think everyone in the community is the same person, you should understand that there *are* idiots in this community as well as any other, and stop making it like if i say something about a certain type of person that I speak about everyone.
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


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16th February, 2005 at 19:00:24 -

Super duper quoute time! Let me make my quote smaller...
"Super Speed Ball > heh"
***Quote from RC

"Heh is definitly greater that Super Speed Ball!"
***Quote from me

"Peblo:.. you havent been goign to TGP have you? I used to be known as "vibrantdarkness"."
***Nothing to do with what I quoted. I believe your a staff member...

"you should clear your mind before reading other replies, and then read *my actual posts*. "
***RC's advice he should take.

It should read like this:
Super Speed Ball < heh -or-
Super Speed Ball, heh -or-
Super Speed Ball is less than heh.

"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"


16th February, 2005 at 21:38:56 -

So insulting one or two people is not as bad as insulting everyone?

"hey everyone"
"you guys are"

Words like "you" refer to the reader. "You all" refers to everyone on TDC.

Of course I get it, but because you were vauge in your insults you ended up making everyone angry. Next time you want to persued people to respect something don't call them morons.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
16th February, 2005 at 22:19:29 -

It is hard to tell who you are referring to in your post RC, hence the confusion, surely you can see why we all took it so personally. It's best to specify when putting a point across to people.



hot for teacher


17th February, 2005 at 18:37:56 -

I think we can all agree on that. Hooray!



21st February, 2005 at 20:05:08 -


"RC is a twat. Gamemaker sucks. End of discussion. "

Whatever .. I'd bet you that not only do you not know how to use GM, but you couldn't make a better 360 physics engine than me in MMF, itself. And yes, I have seen your submissions(and, I am directing this towards Phizzy).
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


hot for teacher


21st February, 2005 at 20:40:45 -

Shut it. We're bored with you know. Go walk repeatedly into a wall or something.

you couldn't make a better 360 physics engine than me in MMF
Congratulations on missing the point, dipshit. Making a 360-degree engine isn't particularly hard. Anything of that sort you can do in GM you can do equally well in MMF. Or a graphics calculator. Or Brainfuck, for that matter.



22nd February, 2005 at 01:20:09 -

"Shut it. We're bored with you know. Go walk repeatedly into a wall or something. "

you didn't even read that post correctly. The cursing was also unneccecary, ass-monger. I meant I can make a better 360 engine IN MMF. My point is also that I can talk because I know MMF very well as well as some knowledge of GM and unlike you I don't vouch for one over the other. Now stop being a gay fanboy; I wasn't even talking to you so go find another hole, hermit. Also who is "we"? Do you think you represent everyone suddenly? Fuck YOU(and when I say you, I don't mean everyone the way you think you are everyone).

Image Edited by the Author.
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..


22nd February, 2005 at 02:46:10 -

Pretty ironic and contradictory:

"The cursing was also unneccecary, ass-monger."

And actually, Radix does represent everyone.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
22nd February, 2005 at 09:10:55 -

RC, don't assume you are better than any particular person at Gamemaker or MMF. This isnt a forum topic anymore its an argument, your point has been made.



22nd February, 2005 at 10:21:18 -

no i called him a fanboy because he's saying every game making program sucks except MMF. Are you 2 lovers or best friends or something? Whenever I say one thing about the other one of you posts as if I was talking to them. I've noticed this happen at other places too. Obviously, you also didn't read my posts before you reply. It would be smart to, as you look like a complete ass as usual and what I actually said is it's stupid to take sides with a game making program. You're one of the people I would tell to know what's going on before you you stick your nose into shit. And Andy: They were talking to me as if I don't know how to use MMF. Thats why I bothered to mention that.

Image Edited by the Author.
Sonic: Corrupted Chaos. Coming soon..

Deleted User
22nd February, 2005 at 10:28:31 -

OK! we got it, could you just stop spamming around.


The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


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22nd February, 2005 at 13:30:22 -

Administrative Message: This topic has been locked.

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