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2nd May, 2004 at 00:00:28 -

Uh-oh... Jp's fighting mad and if you cross him, he's going to... look at your user profile and make scathing comments about your age! Ahh!

Okay, so listen: it's obvious from the time and energy you put into this asinine conversation how much you care about impressing upon everyone how brilliant you are, so don't act as though your ridiculous comment about how much enjoyment you get out of it is just some kind of high-minded sarcasm that I'm incapable of following. It's not sarcasm; it's just sad. If you spent half as much time trying to get along with people as you do trying to criticize and intimidate them with what you feel is a superior intellect, you'd be a thousand times better off.

My advice would be to maybe get out a little more and learn to develop a personality based on something other than letting everyone around you know why you're the singular, all-knowing authority on everything. Even if you knew what the hell you were talking about, which you don't, it would still only make you an abrasive jackass. As it stands, you're an ignorant abrasive jackass, which is fine, I guess, if that's what you want to be. You've certainly got plenty of company, but I like to imagine you could probably get a little more out of life than that. Or, I guess you could just sit in your room and bitch on your computer some more about how you're right and cool and know everything about everything.


Shawn Wolfram

2nd May, 2004 at 02:14:37 -

Hey defenstrator, you are obviously an idiot, because this is an argument. Thats kind of what this general chat if for, for random things and expressing your views and lots of other stuff, smart guy. In fact, everyone should be glad that we actually have an interesting topic on this website. And don't even say anything about JP going into DEC's Profile, he has every right to, just as much as you or me do. It's a thing called "credibility". Showing that DEC is only 16, severly deminishes DEC's "crediblity".

You are sitting there calling all of these people here know it alls! How about you shut the fuck up!? I'm tired of people going around judging people because of stuff they say on things like this! You obviously don't know any of these people well enough to judge any of them like that, and you sure as hell don't know anything about me! Sorry about yelling so much, but that entire post was totally bogus! Calling people ignorant like that.

And Dustin, I believe that Muz said, "Yeah, I stand corrected on the media thing though. They don't go for what the government does. They just get news that people want to hear." Please read before you go and try to bash someone. And you obviously didn't get what we ment by government controlling the media. Please read the part where I stated, "And how do we know that the media isn't just working for the government and the government is all, hey lets first make someone look good, then make him look bad, then when the next guy takes over, he'll look twice as good. Well we may never know but, ah, it's not all that much to worry about." Granted, it's a little far fetched, but how can we all be sure. = Myspace is for fags.


Shawn Wolfram

2nd May, 2004 at 02:25:50 -

Well, then if your not going to read it, what's the point of trying to say anything? Don't give us your two cents if you don't know what they are. = Myspace is for fags.


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

2nd May, 2004 at 04:57:39 -

if you guys want to debate this so passionately can you refrain from just exchanging personal insults and have a sensible DEBATE? thanks.


Does he even go here


VIP Member
2nd May, 2004 at 05:03:25 -

Of course Georgey made a mistake with the WMD excuse. He thought that people would still be scared after September 11. He would have been best to go for the liberation theme, but then people would say "Why now? Why not earlier".

Overall it was a war one and a war that changed a country for the better.




2nd May, 2004 at 06:48:14 -

And a war that might change the rest of the world for the worse...? Daddy Bush should've got rid of Saddam last time, then we wouldn't have this problem. I mean, soldiers don't do peacekeeping, it was doomed from the start - our soldiers would be known as the oppressors, not the liberators. I can only hope that the number of suicide bombers that enlist from all the crap that happened in Iraq is relatively small...


Shawn Wolfram

2nd May, 2004 at 15:45:37 -

And what makes this such a moronic topic Dustin? Would you care to tell us? How is it that you can tell that this is a moronic topic without even reading it? Exactly. = Myspace is for fags.




2nd May, 2004 at 18:06:31 -

Gee, Gilligan, who was talking to you?
Nobody? Oh, well, what else is new, right, big guy?


Shawn Wolfram

2nd May, 2004 at 23:20:18 -

You have some issues dude. = Myspace is for fags.



3rd May, 2004 at 22:25:14 -

Defenestrator, you should practice what you preach. Everything you wrote as an insult to me applies directly to yourself, the difference is that you don't know me, were separated by 2,500 miles of ocean at minimum. I think your post is showing your true character, often what you hate about others is really what you hate about yourself.

"obvious from the time and energy you put into this asinine conversation how much you care about impressing upon everyone how brilliant you are

I don't need to impress anyone, and I sure as hell don't try, we were having a debate.
This comment applies directly to you, except you don't put any time and energy into it. You post pointless shit and think it's funny and witty, but it's not, and everyone is starting to hate you.

If you spent half as much time trying to get along with people as you do trying to criticize and intimidate them with what you feel is a superior intellect, you'd be a thousand times better off

You should try that. I get along fine with the people at TDC, maybe you got the wrong impression between me and DEC because we were debating, but when that’s over, everyone is cool with everyone.

"ignorant abrasive jackass"

Once again, you don't know me or what kind of personality I have, and don't ever call me ignorant. I am pretty damn open minded to anyone’s ideas.

And strangely enough "ignorant abrasive jackass" is exactly how I would describe you.

Your picture of me is strange and distorted, and I think you have some good advice for yourself in that post. You never address the fact that you make short immature posts with no content and a negative tone. It seems to me that you are trying to impress and scare teenage kids with your sarcastic and biting remarks.

Noting the age you "claim" to be, 28, you are very immature, and you certainly get very worked up about what just a couple of kids say. I don't think I should have to be explaining to a person almost twice my age (I'm 16) that he is acting like an unsophisticated jerk. Maybe you lied about your age, so no one would treat you as a kid, but you act like a kid, so it's backfiring.

Now a final piece of advice if you ever want to barge into a forum again.
"If you don't like baseball, get the hell out of the stadium."

So it's up to you, are you going to write a callow reply defending yourself and calling me names, are you going to ignore this message, or are you going to shape up?

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.



3rd May, 2004 at 23:59:49 -

Should've saved yourself some time, chief, and just gone with "I am rubber, you are glue." Maybe throw in a "nanny, nanny, boo-boo" or two.



4th May, 2004 at 00:22:36 -

Wow, how did I guess you would choose the first choice I laid out?

I was actually apprehensive about seeing your reply, thinking it would be a really sarcastic and witty comment, but alas, I overestimate you.

To dustin: Oh hells no Tamkia, you don't dare take away my Tyrone, he my baby's daddy!

/I didn't know they allowed blacks in Pine Valley.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.



4th May, 2004 at 03:51:23 -

I hope nobody minds, but somebody from the historical preservation society came by and asked if I could make sort of a graphical respresentation of the most boring, inane conversation on the entire freaking internet so that future generations wouldn't have to read this crap in order to understand that nobody here has any purpose in life. Here's what I came up with:



Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

4th May, 2004 at 14:13:32 -

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