The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Drachenhort

Author: Tiles Submitted: 29th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 517

Edited By Tiles on 9/3/2011

Edited By Tiles on 12/5/2005

minimum requirements:500mhz,128mb ram,graphic card with 32 mb ram(it makes no fun with slower pcīs because of the loadingtimes between the frames,but should be playable)

my biggest game ,a 2d-actionadventure.

collect jewels,explore dungeons , enemies , riddles , traps...

playersprite is a dragon called gwynnalfaidur.some wizards has stolen his treasures...

(by the way ,"drachenhort" is the german word for the treasures of a dragon...and my translation proggie hasnīt found a word for this)

Review This Download (9.54mb )

Posted by Shme (Stupid Liar) 29th January, 2003

sys. spec. too high for me...
Posted by LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios) 29th January, 2003

My system meets the spec but I can't download 9meg in a hurry
Posted by DaveC 29th January, 2003

i'd say this game is a thumbs up. nice enough graphics and some clever programming in parts. what i dont like is the default movement??? i hate bouncing off trees and walls that i walk up to.....anyways its a cool adventure, im probably not very far into it but it seems like its a fairly alright game. is that a genuine loading in this game?
Posted by Tiles 29th January, 2003

well,i betatested it at an amd with 450 mhz.and the loading times between the frames were around 5-8 seconds.pretty much.i am still at searching a proper way to implement a working loadingscreen in such big frames ( actives,pictures and subframes are shown AFTER all is loaded... ) ...thatīs why i said minimum 500...:-) the default movement..well...what can i say ?this was a very big project.and the engine is at its speedlimit without extra programmed movement ;-).on the other hand :i think it is good enough... anyway,mmf made me mad with its cutnpaste bugs and its not working codepieces and i definitely will not change anything at this game anymore...debugging was more work than building the game...and no fun at the end loading..hmm...i am using an arrayfile to define the position of the gems,value of items,health and so there is much work at the start of every frame...same at the end of every frame :save position of every gem,save status of sprite and inventory... the game itself is miles away from what i wanted to do.especially my enemiebosses AI.i m not this good in programming.but i learned so much building this game.especially about mmf bugs and limits....waiting for mmf 2...:-P special note to wong chung bang:the game is too big for my extra webspace,so this time there seems to be no way to give you a working download url... maybe you could find somebody who can send it to you via email or icq....
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 29th January, 2003

Sorry, my computer's too useless to run the program anyway. You won't be getting a review this time, I'm afraid. <Ķ-(
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 29th January, 2003

Thanks for your consideration, though, I'm quite flattered to be honest.
Posted by Razorshark Productions 29th January, 2003

Seems like trying to reach the front page isn't a big deal anymore, Too bad, because if it was, this would be good enough for sure... Downloading <--
Posted by alperoz49again 29th January, 2003

i'll upgrade my computer to play this game of the year :) great amazing sensational ...falan filan (falan filan is turkish i guess i'm the only turkish member :) )
Posted by MattB 29th January, 2003

Well, my system meets requirements. You can expect a thesis-type, essayish review on it in a few weeks, since I'm guessing it'll take me a while to finish it (I just don't feel right writing a review without playing first, y'know?) So, um... one hour, 8 minutes left on the DL.
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 29th January, 2003

I would download it but ive got a 350mhz. i wan a 2ghz (and i dont even know what that means but its supposed to be good :) )
Posted by HS2 29th January, 2003

I'm begging to think that it's useless for me to visit this site, I need upload space and I don't think people with such pathetic computers can make outstanding games( no offence )
Posted by Elvn 29th January, 2003

Wow! I thought this would be crap because of the so little downloads! But this looks really cool and it looks like a lot of effort has been put into it!
Posted by nawitus 29th January, 2003

Well i think i know how to make loading, havent tested it thought. First make new loading frame before the playing frame.Then copy all the objects from playing frame to loading frame ( but them so u cant see em ) and make loading text.Then event start of the level next frame.
Posted by Tiles 30th January, 2003

effort?no ,just one year of developement ;-) for the loading screen:hey thatīs really an idea,to make all objects global...why havenīt i thought about it?worth to test it :-D well,it is playable with an 350mhz pc,but it has very long loadingtimes between the frames....
Posted by kreature 30th January, 2003

Very nice, although I do question the default movement (even if you have answered this question before, up there). It wouldn't take that much time, if you compare it to how neat the result would be. But anyway, this looks indeed professional. Neat.
Posted by Dragicorn 18th January, 2011

Awesome Game! I'm wanting a sequel!
Posted by Tiles 18th January, 2011

Wow! Never thought that this game still gets played

Glad you like it





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