The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Arunderan

Author: Tiles Submitted: 27th October, 2005 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 547
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Tiles on 9/3/2011

Edited By Tiles on 12/5/2005

Arunderan is a mousecontrolled 2D Action Adventure. Somewhere between Zelda 3 and Diablo 1.

The nimble Stan has the oder to free the town Arunderan from a curse. All citizens are changed into sheeps. Their bodies are trapped in soulstones, which are placed all over Arundistan. Destroy those soulstones to change the citizens back to normal. Defeat the bad Gnarz who has cursed the citizens of Arunderan.


Amazingly big gameworld, riddles, traps, real time combats ...

Two languages. German and English.

800X600 Screenresolution, fullscreen

Minimum Requirements* :

1 Ghz Processor; 256 MB Ram; Win 9X, ME, 2000, XP; DirectX 8 or higher

*That should be enough. The game was developed at an AMD XP 2000+, 1 Gig ram, and a Radeon with 128 MB ram.

Just for fun i have tested it at my stoneold AMD K6/2-450 with 128 MB Ram and an Ati Radeon with 32 MB Ram. The game was amazingly slow, running at 5-10 FPS. And the loading times between the frames was also a chapter for itself. Well, it worked, but it makes no fun that way. THIS configuration was definitely too slow

Development time: nearly three years.

Arunderan is Freeware.

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 (76.7mb )

This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (65)
Posted by DaVince 29th October, 2005

IT'S FINISHED! IT'S FINALLY FINIESHED! HOORAY!! I've long awaited the completion. This game is HAWT! :D
Posted by Tiles 29th October, 2005

@Kitty, bad news that you cannot download it. My page comes through Port 1059, which is been blocked by some firewalls. I cannot do anything against it. Sorry bout that ...
Posted by Tiles 29th October, 2005

Oh, and yes, all selfmade. Except the music which is from a professional musician. David Wide was so kind to allow me to use his music for my game :)
Posted by Dr. James MD 29th October, 2005

SEVENTYSIXMEGABYTES! brilliant! downloading! Game looks utterly fantastic.
Posted by AndyUK 29th October, 2005

big is not always good. but i will see when it's done, gonna take 20 mins for me...
Posted by Gamesreul 29th October, 2005

Downloading Now...... ...... ...... WILL IT EVER END!!!!!!!!
Posted by Gamesreul 29th October, 2005

This Better Be Good..................................
Posted by maVado 29th October, 2005

finally! great game
Posted by Jason Orme 29th October, 2005

Is this an online game or not?
Posted by Zephyr 29th October, 2005

When the game begins to load the actual start of the game, it stops responding. ARGH!!!!
Posted by maVado 29th October, 2005

It's Single Player
Posted by Tiles 30th October, 2005

What the ... ? How did you do that? None of my Beta Testers has ever reportet about this. Confusing. And what do you mean with stop responding? It needs some moments until it has loaded. Even with my AMD2000+ it needs a few moments. Maybe you don´t have enough patience. What´s your PC specs?
Posted by Tiles 30th October, 2005

Phew, that sounds really weird.I have no clue what is wrong here. And i cannot reproduce it. Which means i cannot fix it, sorry ...
Posted by Mephistex 30th October, 2005

Is there any significant difference between this version and the beta that would be worth re-downloading the whole file for? Awesome game, I just wish it had a slightly more interesting combat system.
Posted by Death Reaper X0 30th October, 2005

Very nice! I like the little touches like the rats running away and things like that! The skeletons got me - thought it was a bit unfair I couldn't even punch them! But I'm sure I'll play again later.
Posted by maVado 30th October, 2005

well once you get a feel for the combat system you can easily beat those skeletons, try hit and run for the beginning, after that the game progresses well and has tons of dungeons and reagions to explore, especially later in the game the monsters are cool and it feels a bit like playing diablo :)
Posted by Spiriax 30th October, 2005

Me myself downloaded this when it was just recently uploaded, haven't commented it yet... But this game is good! However I have played too little too be able to judge it, just made it to the Old Mine. We'll se if it gets more or less interesting later.
Posted by Tiles 30th October, 2005

The final Version contains the final Music. The Betas contained the unfinished raw mixes.

If it is worth redownloading besides that depends of which Beta version you own. There were three

When you still have Build 890, then there were just a few quirks fixed for the final Version of Arunderan, which is Build 905. Nothing really world shaking. Mainly the music.

You should definitely redownload when it´s Build 833 or 872. Lots of fixes. There was also a main bug in the firedungeon that traps you. The princess refused to go on fighting when leaving the fight (dying for example). But you have to defeat her to go on ...

Posted by axel 30th October, 2005

Posted by axel 30th October, 2005

Looks nice. Heavy download though.
Posted by AndyUK 30th October, 2005

well the animation is very stiff, almost laughable and the english translation is awful, but they're only minor problems.
i didn't figure out what to do because i got fed up talking to the sheep but apart from that i found the game very solid and great pre-rendered graphics.

sorry i didn't give it much more time because 3 years of work deserved a few chances but i get the feeling it will be a little boring.
Posted by pulsecode 30th October, 2005

The animation is hillariously stiff, the way for instance the main characters hands are outspread just looks plain daft!
BUT the game seems mostly well made (apart from some path finding oversights and a few minor problems) and its clear a lot of care and effort went into making it. The music too is rather nice
Posted by 30th October, 2005

Great game!
Posted by Moonyjacob 1st November, 2005

WOOHOO! looks great let me download and take a look, eh! OOOOO!!! 6 Minnutes for me!!
Posted by Moonyjacob 1st November, 2005

Where's the rest of my comment?!
Posted by izac 1st November, 2005
Rated :

Whoops! WRONG ACCOUNT! why won't it let me log in properly!
Posted by izac 1st November, 2005
Rated :

Why did it log me into my brothers account??
Posted by Nothing, Ok? 1st November, 2005

Me like. ^^
Posted by Shadow reflex 1st November, 2005

Is it made in MMF ?
Posted by Tiles 1st November, 2005

Yes. MMF 1.5 Build 112 up to Build 119
Posted by DaVince 2nd November, 2005

Well, duh.

A question: are you gonna update this some time with better English? You know, just having someone who's good in understanding weird stuff is enough.
Posted by Tiles 2nd November, 2005

There are no plans for that, sorry. I know the translation is everything but perfect. Still, Never change a final. Makes too much trouble because of the versions then.
Maybe i will think of a patch when a big big bug appears. No promise. Chances are small after nearly three months of bughunting.
Posted by Shadow reflex 3rd November, 2005

You my friend, are very good at this
Posted by Shadow reflex 3rd November, 2005

What program did you use to draw the sprites ?
Posted by Bommut 4th November, 2005

I liked it a lot. Im in the lava place now. It's really well done. A lot more than I have been able to accomplish. Good job!
Posted by Tiles 4th November, 2005

The graphics are made with Caligari´s trueSpace, which is a 3D render and animation software. First i create a mesh, texture/paint it, add a skeleton, followed by rigging, scene setup, animating, and render scene to file. Needs around 2 weeks from the first vertice up to the final rendered bitmap results ...
Posted by Shadow reflex 4th November, 2005

Alright.. It looks very good
Posted by jonathan eriksson 6th November, 2005

if you ever make a patch for arunderan, make more "missions". like one more world, after you beat Gnarz. that would be awesome and make a HOUNTED MANSION in the other world, with ghosts and skeletons and zombies. and a land of clouds. and a desert. and the hell... with a devil as a boss. with big horns. i like horns.
Posted by Tiles 7th November, 2005

Sure it would. But i think three years of development for a game should be enough. I definitely reached the border of what a single person is able to handle with this game
Posted by Deleted 7th November, 2005

What's wrong with the graphics? The whole thing looks like it was drawn with paint's spray tool.
Posted by c-jayf 13th November, 2005

are you serious? this game looks amazing! and its awesome! only take me 5 mins to DL... hehehe
Posted by Hempuli 17th November, 2005

Very nice!!

(I dont likle the graphics style, but thats my problem)

How somebody can do so large and big and huge and GREAT game?

Posted by Hempuli 17th November, 2005




-All right.

Posted by Tiles 18th November, 2005

Damn, seems that i missed that one. It should be Baa :/
Too bad that the game is at its way to some cover cd roms of game magazines. Bad idea to fix the final now ...
Posted by KoJiro 24th November, 2005

Long Download, but worth the wait!
Posted by Suppart 26th November, 2005

2005-11-26: NEWS: The entire site of Tiles is down...
It may be up again on the first day of December, hopefully!

to download the *** final *** version of Arunderan.

Many obsolete and buggy versions exist on Internet,
I hope my good links will help you out,
though I could not download the both files myself.
Therefore, if you are very cautious,
you may need to check yourself your setup (exe) file,
with one of these following hash codes:

Any error in these tools* would mean than your file is:
- corrupt (the game may be playable though), or
- modified (is there a malware in it now?!), or
- a previous buggy version... (I hope not!!!)

* 7 examples (freeware of course):
MD Hash Tool (a cool Firefox extension) -
HashCalc -
HashTab -
Turbo WinMD5 (MD5) -
FileCheckMD5 (MD5 only) -
winMd5Sum (MD5 only) -

Link #1
(Filename is "arunderanfinal.exe")
* Please avoid the direct link, for a commercial reason...

Link #2
(Filename is "setuparunderan.exe")
* Please avoid the direct link, for a commercial reason...

And do use a download manager
if it looks too big for you

Posted by Tiles 3rd December, 2005

More than one week of downtime comes to its end. Phew, what a massive trouble. Two power failures within a short time period has killed some servers of my hoster. Including the one where my page was at. So i had to reupload the whole content to a new server.

One benefit of the new server is that it doesn´t comes through Port 1059 anymore. No more trouble behind hardware firewalls like routers or universities which blocks this port natively.

The move is done, and my page is back working. So the download should work again.
Posted by nicholas makhmaltchi 18th March, 2006

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to all u n00bs who dont no 1337:
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 14th March, 2007

Nough... It sucks. Although it's well programmed and steady the gfx and the story is bad.
Posted by izac 29th March, 2008
Rated :

how can the graphics be bad? you try draw something like that !






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