The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. BeatMaker 2000

BeatMaker 2000
Author: Mitch M Submitted: 21st March, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 559

Make your Beat by selecting a number of sounds and loop them, write them and hear them and become the world #1 Digital Clickstyle Beatboxer. You can chose from a total os 15 drumsounds to place and you can create your own style by puching the tempo up and down. This game is for fun and for fun only. Also I will set up a only 1 time compo.. The BOTW! ( Beat of the Week ) While playing your beat the computer writes your beat down automaticly.. So all you have to do is make a superstyle Beat, copy it into a Dc mail to me and click send! I’ll ask Tom to put the winner on the frontpage and I’ll give a fully animated character away!! ( For fun ) A TGF Style cartoony character...
I’ll hope you will say after playing this game: “It was fun while it lasted...”

Cheers... AkuAki

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Posted by Jaffa [Mpp] 21st March, 2003

OMG! I have made an exacly same game once! It's wasn't so good but I just wanted to tell you that...
Posted by Mitch M 21st March, 2003

I thought so to Cirx.. This is a bit less irritating isn't it? X) I also forgot 1 very important thing: ALL THE SOUNDCREDIT TO MAGIX!!!
Posted by Reaven Khali 21st March, 2003

It's nice, I like HAmmerhead Rythm Studio Pro better though. I beleive that was from MMF.
Posted by Mitch M 21st March, 2003

Rightclick to delete a sound :D
Posted by Mitch M 21st March, 2003

And also I forgot to tell you you must type the spaces between the sounds yourself if you want to send your beat... I forget alot.. X)
Posted by Joeri 21st March, 2003

sounds great. downloading
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 21st March, 2003

Looks Good,Downloading it right now!
Posted by Yuhkaz 21st March, 2003

Posted by TomH 21st March, 2003

i'll be putting it on the front page will i?
Posted by Mitch M 21st March, 2003

Yeah will you? :D
Posted by TomH 21st March, 2003

Ok, i will just because you asked me nicely.
Posted by Mitch M 22nd March, 2003

Although there's no putting on the frontpage if nobody mails there beat is there?! :(X)
Posted by Jon Chambers 22nd March, 2003

downloading, slowly. Very slowly.
Posted by ruffles 22nd March, 2003

if you had a preview of the sound it would be nice. and i'm thinking, how will you play ppl's tunes, and why don't you let us the users play other ppls's beats?? or i'm missing something?
Posted by Mitch M 22nd March, 2003

Yeah I could have done that. The fact is that I came up with the compo thing while I was submitting! X)
Posted by Mitch M 22nd March, 2003

Why won't nobody send there Beat??? :|
Posted by Matt [cash money klikaz] 22nd March, 2003

2000 was 3 years ago.
Posted by Jon Chambers 23rd March, 2003

Matt, 3 years ago is a complement. C'mon is there even a way to do create a rest? Or two sounds at once?
Posted by Mitch M 23rd March, 2003

You cant do two!! But thats not to blame me for.. The Clickproducts only play one wave file at the time you know!!! O you don't?
Posted by Mitch M 23rd March, 2003

And read the lines before adding this sort of comments.. < & > can create rests...
Posted by Pete Nattress 23rd March, 2003

"The Clickproducts only play one wave file at the time you know." ummmmm... can't you check the 'play multiples samples' option in the game set up?
Posted by Mitch M 23rd March, 2003

Is it realy?? Damn... I ow an appology Jon... SORRY!!! And thanks Pete for the tip!
Posted by Mitch M 23rd March, 2003

Damn I hate myself for being such a shithole!
Posted by EleXor 23rd March, 2003

Sounds nice. I must try this ^_^;; '';..;''
Posted by Weston L 23rd March, 2003

No way of exiting?
Posted by Matt [cash money klikaz] 23rd March, 2003

No need to hate on yourself, Aku. We all make mistakes.
Posted by Mitch M 23rd March, 2003

Thanks... Big releaf..
Posted by DragonDraikk 23rd March, 2003

hey, it doesn't work!
Posted by DragonDraikk 23rd March, 2003

hey, it doesn't work!
Posted by Lucas 24th March, 2003

takes a long time to D/L verry slow
Posted by Lucas 24th March, 2003

Okay, theres no way to slow the speed down before you play, you have to ajust it WHILE its playing, and when you press play again it goes back to its normal speed the loop thing doesnt seem to work, but nice layout and idea!! When you work out some of the problems itll be a sweat program
Posted by Meric 16th April, 2003

Downlaoding it right now, this looks fun :)
Posted by Lew 8th May, 2003

I think, next version, you should add multiple sounds, ability to change between crotchets and quavers, and a tablature view. Easy enough ;)
Posted by Lew 8th May, 2003

I think, next version, you should add multiple sounds, ability to change between crotchets and quavers, and a tablature view. Easy enough ;)





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