Aku's Arcade Classics
Author: | Mitch M
Submitted: | 11th April, 2003
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Arcade
| Downloads: | 393
Rated: |
Edited By Aku Software on 4/11/2003
Takes you back too the fun times!!!
It is a fantastic 4-pack of amazing arcade clones,
remakes and a made-up ( Companyname carying ) arcade styled
platform game!!!! Here's some info on the following games:
A old arcade game brought back to life with the use of TGF!
Here you control a spaceship that you must use to blast all astroids.
As you go on the astroids keep going faster...
There are 9 speeddifficulties to accomplish! A complement is granted
when nr. 10 is reached!
..::Saving the City::..
You control a long distand gun with exploding shells and rockets
which you must use to save your city. The city is being attacked by
Alien machines and by the badguys, earthtargeted rocks. You must simply
keep the city liveble for 2 minutes ( Shown Right-Under in the screen )
to win the game... Some rocks can be shot with normal bullets, others
need the rockets... ( Ammo for both fals from the sky for you to shoot )
..::Get 'm - An::..
Simple pac-man clone with one level ( A big one ) This game is
not the best pac-man clone ever and the A.I. issn't that good.
( If you can call it A.I. ) The cellmovement engine is bugless though!
..::Aku's Special Game::..
This is a nice action platform game with the character Aku! A small weird
guy from "Zuliwhahili" that doesn't know why he's living. Actualy....
He knows nothing. For this game you don't have to know anything either.
Just collect the tokens in order to repair the spaceshuttle which you
will use to go the the next level. This game is a game with 3 levels and
is kinda' fun to play. It's also pretty hard so good luck!
NOTE: I really hope it's bugless for I tripple-tripple-tripple checked it.
If it still contains some bugs let me know as soon as possible so I can quickly
update it. I doubt there are any though. I spend more time checking then making this game!!
( That last line was a joke )
Review This Download
 http://www.freewebs.com/akuakisoftware/AkuArcade.zip (1.56 kb ) Please Note: The server this files is hosted on does not allow direct linking, if you are having trouble downloading this file, right-click the URL and select Save Target As.
 Mitch MPossibly Insane
Registered 09/02/2003
Points 2472
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