The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Furry 2

Furry 2
Author: Dustin Gunn Submitted: 8th September, 2007 Favourites:1
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 1506
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Dustin Gunn on 2/6/2013

Edited By Dustin Gunn on 12/8/2009

Edited By Dustin Gunn on 8/3/2008

Edited By Dustin Gunn on 8/3/2008

Furry 2 is an action platformer streamlined to fit into the style of such old apogee games as Duke Nukem or Commander Keen, but cranked up to 11. You'll dodge countless types of obstacles and bash the blackball army with one of 5 weapons as you progress world to world to destroy the ominous Commander MacReady, leader of the enemy balls.

Controls are in the readme and as follows:

Shift - Jump/Swim up
Ctrl - Fire
Arrow Keys - Move
Down Key - Duck
Down + Jump - Pass through thin platforms

The game features 3 comprehensive difficulty settings that affect many things that you probably won't notice, and yet you will die much faster on Professional!

You get 5 lives, and can get more by collecting 50 gems. If you run out you will start at the beginning of a level. There's 16 long, long levels each with 5-6 continue points, divided into 4 themed episodes with a guardian boss at the end of each. The game saves after each world and lets you select from the 4 episodes.

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (68)
Posted by DaVince 9th September, 2007

Looks more like "Fury" than "Furry"... Downloading.
Posted by Johnny Look 9th September, 2007

yeah how the hell am i supposed to kill the first boss ?
Posted by The Chris Street 9th September, 2007

Johnny: Grab the beach ball with CTRL and swim to the bottom, then release it when the boss is above you. He won't go right to the bottom.
Posted by Cazra 9th September, 2007

it doesn't want to download right for me. It thinks it's done downloading at like 3.5 mb or somewhere else.
Posted by Attan 9th September, 2007

"The mines were layered up because they were difficult to see otherwise"

I'm not talking about the mines, but about the water! The guy is in front of the water at one point.
Posted by robin90 9th September, 2007

I had played & enjpyed it fully
Great job u have done
I even write a review for your game at caiman.

Vote for u , dude
Posted by Ski 9th September, 2007

"I'm not talking about the mines, but about the water! The guy is in front of the water at one point."

Yeah, you could have added a few more tiles around the edges of hidden areas in walls too, when I jump around he appears and it just looks that teensy bit unpolished.
Posted by Johnny Look 9th September, 2007

awesome thanks !
Posted by Dr. James MD 9th September, 2007

Torava - whoa!
Posted by Cazra 9th September, 2007

ok, it downloaded fine for me this time.

Pretty good so far. Is there a special ending if you beat the game on Professional mode?
Posted by Dustin Gunn 9th September, 2007

weapon select.

Kinda hard to make a special ending when the game literally has no story.
Posted by Cazra 9th September, 2007

yay! I got teh secret weapon select ending!
Posted by Radix 10th September, 2007

Starts off pretty mediocre, then rapidly gets fun with all the secret areas and varying obstacles and such. Didn't play for all that long. Someone needs to tell me that it lets up with the fucking bouncing bombs.

Something I noticed: with all the secret areas, there are some which are off the bottom of the screen and rely on the player to respond to a hint to jump down there (such as a jem or overhang or whatever). That's a pretty common technique. HOWEVER, near the beginning (first or second screen probably) there's one such pit with a decorated overhang that looks like a secret area, but jumping down there results in death. After that I stopped investigating pits. I don't know how common actual secret ledges are after that bit because I stopped checking them, so if there ARE any, you might consider getting rid of that fake-out as it sends the wrong message.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 10th September, 2007

I don't know what you mean by decorated, like the darkened background rocks going down it?

And yeah it lets up a bit with the bouncing mines as the later stages get more varied obstacles. The first 3 levels of world 1 were created under the pretense that the game would be completed in 2 weeks and not 2 years, so they're quite a bit more bland than the later shit. I added that cave-in thing at the start to make it atleast a bit more interesting.
Posted by DaVince 10th September, 2007

Pretty fun to play. Reminds me of Duke Nukem 1, amongst other classics.

The game crashed during the first boss. Windows critical memory error.
Posted by Radix 10th September, 2007

Fuck when did I forget how to spell 'gem'.

Yeah, I meant the dark rock backdrops. I don't know whether you actually do use the semi-leap-of-faith secret gimmick too much, but I thought I'd point it out.

The only other thing I noticed was the way he jumps outside the actives you have over the secret passages, and that the damn bouncy bombs have a pretty generous hit area (or they hit the animation rather than a hitbox, or something). But neither of those are a big deal.
Posted by Torava 10th September, 2007

Did you read my message, Dustin Gunn? It's serious thing!
Posted by AfterStar 10th September, 2007

When I play in Full screen mode the game goes extremely slow.

I used a command to enable DirectX use in the shortcut, //DRAW ,the graphics were smoother and the game goes smooth also, even in Full screen mode but still the character goes extremely slow whenever he is in the water,making it almost impossible to play.

Any suggestions how to overcome this problem?
Posted by AfterStar 10th September, 2007

Ok I managed to defeat the boss in the sea...
I found some bugs in the castle area.
There were some lava areas where I could walk freely withour harm.
The level just before the boss Mr.Meany or can just fall down and it takes you to a *secret level*?
Then at the boss level,there is a small open space just before falling to the boss section,you can just jump over and entirely skip the boss and go to the forest area.
Are those intended?
Posted by MJK 10th September, 2007

Great game, thumbs up. But I think Torava made an important point; perhaps you should respect the copyright they have over their music and remove it from the game?
Posted by DaVince 10th September, 2007

AfterStarX: change your resolution to the lowest possible and THEN fullscreen the game.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 10th September, 2007

Ok Torava all yours.

* New version has removed the darkforest song
* Spammed the sign used on world 3 to signify death pits in the areas Radix was talking about
* There's now 2 exes, those with normal monitors can use the one that changes resolution mode, those with weird monitors can use the windowed and stretchy display one
* The problems with the quick backdrops overlaying the lava and making it so you could walk across should be fixed
* you can no longer skip the 2nd boss (How the hell did I miss that that was possible?)

I have NO idea what you mean by secret area via falling down unless you mean the secret alternate route that leads above the enemy rainer.
Posted by Ski 10th September, 2007

No more negative than anyone else.

I probably posted the nicest comments on your Trick or Treat game, but nevermind - It was you who said nasty things about about me on Total Klik the other day, remember that ... I never had a problem with you.
Posted by Dr. James MD 10th September, 2007

¨[ Dustin Gunn ] - 8 Aug 2007
I like how they have -Adam- as a staff member. Just reading his posts on TDC makes me wonder if he's autistic or something.¨

Could be something to do with that perhaps?
Posted by Muz 11th September, 2007

Lol, the 'people who don't like me giving me bad reviews' was why I voted for a new game rating system in that poll
Posted by Johnny Look 11th September, 2007

hugs hugs hugs
Posted by Spiriax 12th September, 2007

This game rocks! Great work, Dustin Gunn! I didn't quite like the first boss though, and I had to go check here how to defeat it. Gotta give it another shot now!
Posted by The Chris Street 12th September, 2007

I just beat the Childrens mode (which was still very hard), hurrah!
Posted by The Chris Street 12th September, 2007

Deleted some of the comments, please don't try and start arguments in someones download but keep comments relevant to this game.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 12th September, 2007

I honestly can't tell, I can beat professional with 20 lives to spare
Posted by AndyUK 12th September, 2007

Maybe because you made the game? That would make it a bit easier.
Posted by Imadjinn 12th September, 2007

I have the nurts to admit that I did not like this game. >:<
Posted by -Nick- 12th September, 2007

Dustin, you should really consider that YOU know how the game is made so it's a lot easier. Let two or three people of varying ability test it to make sure it's the right difficulty.

As for the game, it was nicely made! The only downside is i got bored by the fifth level in the first world... i think the game is a bit too long, or not varied enough. Maybe try making shorter games in the future?
Posted by -Nick- 12th September, 2007

I'd just like to add, i didnt mean that to sound aggressive or anything, i was just trying to add helpful advice.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 12th September, 2007

"Maybe because you made the game? That would make it a bit easier."

That was my point.

And while there are only 4 levels in the first world I know what you mean and the other levels are much much better in that regard.
Posted by TechVision 13th September, 2007

In the elevator level (2?) in the last world there's a bug. Twice the elevator stopped moving after the first stop. It's a nice game, don't think it's too long. Looking forward to Furry 3...
Posted by DaVince 13th September, 2007

Well, Nick, it gives the game some challenge if you can't get through it easily, right?
Posted by The Chris Street 13th September, 2007

I've got to be honest, please don't be offended but I felt most of the third world was quite tedious in terms of level design. Jumping on tree branches continuously while avoiding the bomb dropping jet-pack dudes got very annoying after a while.

But the rest of the game is good
Posted by AfterStar 14th September, 2007

Finished in professional mode. I would say difficulty was normal/ok, apart from some parts with those bouncing enemies.

Those bouncing black balls are very annoying.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 15th September, 2007

"I've got to be honest, please don't be offended but I felt most of the third world was quite tedious in terms of level design. Jumping on tree branches continuously while avoiding the bomb dropping jet-pack dudes got very annoying after a while."

I see what you mean, fair enough
Posted by Aliashoj 22nd September, 2007

Where can I play Furry 1 ? Can't seem to find it.
Great Game btw Dustin. But I can't even complete it on Childrens mode =\
Posted by markno2 25th September, 2007

This would be better with MORE WEAPONS!!!! And a weapon inventory. And you should replace the balls with people =P. Anyway this is a quality game!! Finished in professional mode.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 25th September, 2007

"This would be better with MORE WEAPONS!!!! And a weapon inventory. And you should replace the balls with people =P."

Posted by Dustin Gunn 25th September, 2007

Oh yeah furry 1: I think
Posted by Aliashoj 3rd October, 2007

thanks =]
seems you didn't do as much work on the second one as I though
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 12th October, 2007

Hmm...I didn't like this game. The engine feels annoyingly stiff and jerky. And I noticed a bug right away (an enemy walked through the wall). Maybe I feel this way because I recently discovered Cave Story, and this game plays very pale compared to it. But seriously, I've played quite few freeware platfomers lately (Spuds Quest, Plasma Warrior, Paroxysm, Knytt, Noitu Love, Secret Agent) that play much smoother, and to be honest, the way platformers should. Perhaps I got spoiled, but this became the fundamental part of platformers I now except in order to enjoy them. Everything else is secondary.

Recently I got disappointed with Eternal Daughter in a similar way.

Anyway, I didn’t vote. Will try the game later as you said that the game picks up in later levels. As someone already said, the first world feels very bland and boring in the beginning. Not a good way to hook the players.

Posted by Dustin Gunn 17th October, 2007

I don't really care about hooking the player I barely bothered to finish this game and have nothing to gain from it
Posted by andy liken 11th January, 2008
Rated :

How do I get past the 3rd boss - this is totally holding me up - he always catches me ... thanks for any help.
Posted by Dustin Gunn 17th January, 2008

shoot ground with rocket
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 8th April, 2008

Wow, how did I miss this? Downloading...






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