Zombies Now abandoned
Author: | AsparagusTrevor
Submitted: | 2nd November, 2008
Favourites: | 4 |
Genre: | Abandoned
| Downloads: | 591
Rated: |
Edited By AsparagusTrevor on 11/16/2008
Here is the abandonware of my Zombies Now game, made in MMF 1.5. It might not be the end of the game, I did start making a fourth build in MMF2, but recent life stuff has slowed down production. As it is, it's basically like a zombie playground.
The game is about a dude called Ralph Kippel. He is a surly hermit who lives alone on a small island in the North Sea.
One day, after drinking a lot of whiskey and passing out on the couch, he wakes up to the sound of breaking glass. Ready for a burglar, he tries to snap out of the drunken stupor and gets ready to take on his trespassers.
Unfortunately for him, the assailants turn out to be zombies who overpower Ralph, and as he escapes the overrun house the island is overrun by zombies as far as the eye can see.
Ralph must find a way to defend himself and find a way off the island back onto the mainland and hopefully back to civilisation.
The titles feature music composed especially by my good friend Ken Bryant. The title track is called Ralph Kippel after the main character.
You can skip the credits by pressing a key. Some of the menu options don't work, Action Game and Load Game don't do anything. Everything else works as it should.
The Options Screen works completely, so if you have trouble running the game smoothly, turn down the Weather Effects, Advanced Effects or Shadows. Also, if you're still having trouble, turn off the Night Filter, although this is recommended to be left on for atmosphere and my artistic vision.
Anyway, there are three levels in this demo, the second one is the only finished level, the first and third are work in progress, so the second is the one to play.
You need to pick "New Game" on the menu. Pick "Level Two - The Island." for a fuller gaming experience.
I've now made a proper menu so you press left and right to select a level, rather than the mouse.
Up - Run up
Down - Run down
Left - Run left
Right - Run right
Shift - Fire primary weapon
Forward Slash (/) - Throw projectile
Ctrl - Direction lock
Return - Drink energy drink
Space - Use / Enter
The controls aren't customisable as such, but they use the default MMF player control setup, player one and player two controls together, so you could customise both of those relevant to the default controls.
The game has a unique direction lock system, which means you can hold CTRL and lock Ralph in whichever direction he's facing, while still moving in any direction you please. This makes it easier to shoot zombies while backing away, or strafing etc.
This is very useful, I find it best to look towards a zombie and hold CTRL while you shoot, then you can move around freely, e.g. to dodge, while still shooting in the same direction.
Seeing as this is an abandoned demo, you can use any weapon in the game. Here are the keys to press:
1 - Unarmed
2 - Melee
3 - Pistol
4 - Shotgun
5 - Machinegun
6 - Flamethrower
7 - Magnum
8 - Bazooka
9 - Minigun
0 - Chainsaw
Y- Spade
U- (Unfinished)
I- Cricket Bat
O- Axe
P- Sledge Hammer
Q - Dynamite
W - Molotov
There are a few abilities and techniques with some weapons that are useful to know.
Melee weapons all have different strength and range. The spade is weak but has long range. The cricket bat has moderate power and range. The axe is strong but has short range, and the sledge hammer is strong and has moderate range.
The Shotgun does more damage at close range. If close enough, it can kill a zombie in one shot.
The Magnum can blow the head off a zombie in one if you leave Ralph to aim for a few seconds before shooting.
The Flamethrower can quickly set a zombie alight, and it will eventually die if left alone. Keep shooting the zombie with flames and it will die a lot quicker.
The Minigun takes a few seconds to spin before firing and also limits movement while shooting.
The chainsaw is always active as long as it has fuel. A zombie walking towards you will be hurt on the spinning blades even if you don't attack. If the chainsaw runs out of fuel, it can still be used as a weak melee weapon.
Ralph can run faster and push objects such as wooden crates when unarmed. Crates can be used as obstacles to protect from zombies.
There are two explosive projectile weapons that you can throw. You can throw a projectile weapon at any time, without having to arm yourself with a different weapon. Both the projectiles can hurt Ralph if he is too close.
Dynamite will explode after about 3 seconds of being thrown. If you throw dynamite at a zombie it will land at the zombie's feet.
Molotovs are thrown a short distance in front of Ralph, where they burst into flames. The flames from a molotov will spread if near flammable objects.
You have limited energy, which is depleted when running for long periods of time, being overpowered by zombies or being hurt in any way, such as explosions or fire.
Drinking Energy Drinks replenishes Ralph's energy, and gives him a temporary boost which makes him run faster for a short while.
You can enter the car by pressing Space when nearby. The car can be used to travel around faster, and also to kill zombies.
Using the car is a totally different experience, so play around, it's a laugh doing doughnuts and splattering zombies.
The car uses petrol, which can be collected in jimmy cans.
This new version has a slightly better camera than before, it automatically scrolls to show the view ahead, but still leaves not much vision behind you, so watch out for zombies sneaking up on you.
Anyway, hope you have fun with this. I've spent time just running round taking anger out on zombies in different ways.
There are lots of ways to kill zombies, lots of gory blood splatter and a moderate learning curve that is worth sticking to for maximum fun.
Zombies can be decapitated, dismembered, blown up, burned, beaten, chopped, sliced, all in gory detail. So go nuts!
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 http://www.asparagustrevor.co.uk/games/ZN-Demo.zip (52mb )
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