The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. BubbleChug 64

BubbleChug 64
Author: Museum CareTaker Submitted: 21st May, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 303

Edited By Museum CareTaker on 5/21/2009

-This game is part of the Klik Museum-
Game Created by: by Peter Newman and a little bit by Joe Fitton

Time to race with your Bubble-Car. Lots of tracks to pick from. Bubblechug 64½ is only being released because of the popularity of Bubblechug v1.0, which only had one track and less options and stuff. The track was "Tiny Pines Raceway" which also appears in this game.

!!!--This game contains ONLY original--!!!
!!!-graphics and music by Peter Newman-!!!

BTW, if you think this game is good, then believe this: I'm only 15 and Joe's only 14. Yep. Dave and Al are also only 14. We're cool. And we are all self-obsessed. Especially Al, Dave and Joe. I'm too good to be self obsessed.

Review This Download (1.84 mkb )

Posted by bigredron 22nd May, 2009

I remember this game! I used to play it heaps years ago
Posted by DBack 22nd August, 2009

WOW, I remember this. Tried to get my friends to play it once, I think, and I think it didn't work The 64 and 1/2 thing is funny, it comes from an N64 game with a similar title, I think Chameleon 64 1/2? I'm not gonna bother looking though...
Posted by Va1entine 28th September, 2009
Rated :

I wouldn't call this one a classic, well put together though!





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