The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Steeplechase Redux

Steeplechase Redux
Author: Solgryn Submitted: 21st December, 2009 Favourites:2
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 254

Edited By Solgryn on 12/26/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 12/22/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 12/21/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 12/21/2009


Long time since I made a game..

Steeplechase Redux is kindof a joke game I made one night. It only took like 1 hour to make it and I recorded it all to put on youtube. I got the inspiration after seeing a Steeplechase for Atari 2600 review on Youtube. I was bored so I made this .

The way it works is that you must adjust your jump height to get speed bonus when you jump over the blocks. If it's a high box, jump high. If it's a low box, jump low. Just as close to the box without hitting it to get awesome speed bonuses!

The graphics are supposed to be pixelated! It's a spoof of an Atari 2600 game therefore the epic graphics

If you would like to see the review on youtube click here:

Check out the making of Steeplechase

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 (395.94 kkb )

Posted by Jon Lambert 21st December, 2009

I just thought I should tell you that the logo isn't visible on all the DC skins.
Posted by Jon Lambert 21st December, 2009

In addition, I was able to go fast enough to go off screen, and from that point on I had to do nothing. I automatically got the point for jumping without jumping anything and never got knocked back or slowed down. Then the trees stopped coming but the game kept going.
Posted by OMC 21st December, 2009
Rated :

Nothing to keep it from being approved, as far as I can see.

Ah the things you can make in an hour. Would have taken people a long time to make this on the Atari, I'd bet. Very entertaining!
Posted by Ski 21st December, 2009

Reminds me of Tin Can Knight
Posted by Solgryn 21st December, 2009

@Jon Lambert
Yea, I fixed that now

Never played that =P

Posted by Falcon Eaglehawk 21st December, 2009
Rated :

How come the graphics are sucky? All games should look like this! Anyone calling that kind of graphics sucky is a funting smugfunt.

Simple but yet entertaining. Oh, and I got the same bug as Jon. Might wanna do something about it.
Posted by Assault Andy 21st December, 2009

Mine just seems to be bugged. When I jump over stuff I move backwards. I moved off the screen and then I couldn't do anything. I also had a negative score.
Posted by Solgryn 21st December, 2009

Well you're supposed to move backwards/forwards when you hit the ground. Read the description.

You can loose/gain points .. And I seemed to have uploaded it with a wrong name

Also, fixed the bug now. I had the spikes on a different layer -.-

@Falcon Eaglehawk
I appreciate your love for teh pixels =D
Comment edited by Solgryn on 12/21/2009
Posted by nim 23rd December, 2009

Pretty good game! I really enjoyed watching the "Making of" videos too. How do you enable onion skinning in the animation editor?
Posted by Solgryn 23rd December, 2009


Glad to hear =D. And about the onion skin it's down where the frame number is, theres a little slider bar. Slide it to the right and you view the next frame, slide it to the left and you view the previous frame.
Posted by nim 23rd December, 2009

Posted by Va1entine 25th December, 2009
Rated :

Great retro feel, enjoyed the making of too
Posted by Fordom 26th December, 2009
Rated :

The making-of was fun. I like those sort of things.

Men alle som sier at slik Atari-grafikk ikke er pen må brenne for evigt i helvetet.


Posted by Solgryn 26th December, 2009

@Sven från Svitjod

Thanks =P I'm not swedish though . But I think you wrote:

But all who says that nice Atari-graphics arent pretty should burn in hell for all eternity.

Correct me if I'm wrong, my swedish isn't quite up to date





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