The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Quadrick - Pre Alpha Teaser

Quadrick - Pre Alpha Teaser
Author: Solgryn Submitted: 25th March, 2011 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 472
14th Place     (4.75 / 5)

Edited By Solgryn on 3/25/2011

Edited By Solgryn on 3/25/2011

Quadrick is a platform game with an interesting movement mechanic.

The level contains a lot of the features that I made in Quadrick so far, including most of the enemies, water physics, the gun, a rideable dinosaur and so on. But I couldn't include all the features in the level so I will list a few here:

- 4-directional gravity
   - Later in the game, there will be puzzles or action stages involving gravity switching.

- Enemies
   - Skeleton shooting lasers
      - Slow, and take multiple hits.

- Demon shooting small lasers
   - Runs away and shoot lasers towards the player in a set pattern.

- Powerups
   - Hover
      - Quadrick can hover for a short period of time.
   - Fly
      - Quadrick can fly for a short period of time.
    - 1-ups

More to come !

All the graphics were made by me and the music was made by Ozwaldd, who is making music for my games, so I got his permission. Hear his other stuff at

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Posted by Zephni 26th March, 2011
Rated :

Very orrigional i love it! Im stuck on the snot bit? It wont let me jump on them, and if i jump into them from underneith it hurts me... confuse. love this game though cant wait for more game!!!
Posted by UrbanMonk 26th March, 2011
Rated :

Posted by AndyUK 26th March, 2011

Looks like a solid engine with some decent gimmicks.

I think the art could be much better. It's all so flat!
Posted by Solgryn 26th March, 2011

What would you suggest for the GFX then? I'm using an NES palette. Personally I like this style of GFX, but it's the first time I've tried to make such GFX. =P
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Also I might change the background sometime, I just put in a scrolling image real quick =p.

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And at the snot part, I just checked it and it's a bug apparantly :S I changed the looping in the platform engine from the built-in to an extension and forgot to change the collision with the snot thingy... I'm gonna fix that and reupload.
Comment edited by Solgryn on 3/26/2011
Posted by AndyUK 26th March, 2011

It is quite nicely drawn. But it's basic and flat. Also the parallax background layer and floors are repetitive.

Some things look less flat, like the rocks in screenshot two.

But hey if thats the style you have purposely chosen then go for it
Posted by Zephni 27th March, 2011
Rated :

Completed it, cant wait for the actual game!
Posted by Willy C 27th March, 2011
Rated :

Pretty neat.

Love the different enemies. I would like it even more if the signs didn't spoil how to approach the enemies.
Posted by OMC 27th March, 2011

Enjoyed what I played up until the snot stuff, which didn't work at the time.
Posted by Hayo 27th March, 2011
Rated :

I really like the gfx, one of the cleanest looking games on this site
Posted by Ski 27th March, 2011
Rated :

I agree. And if you're worried about them being flat, just slap a perspective object on top. It makes platform games look like REAL 3D
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 27th March, 2011

Wow this is awesome! Will definitly download it when its done.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 27th March, 2011
Rated :

I really liked it, though it has a few bugs (but hey, it's preAlpha). Some of the moves, like the doublejump, felt awkward (or perhaps I'm just old and stale).

Very nice scrolling though!
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 3/28/2011
Posted by AndyUK 27th March, 2011

I don't see much difference.
Posted by Bricnic 28th March, 2011

What are you talking about! That is awesome. It looks like you are playing it on one of those oldschool arcade machines- now all you need is to put in a joystick and some buttons, and the illusion will be complete!
Posted by Codemonster 28th March, 2011

Posted by Solgryn 28th March, 2011

@Eternal Man

Which bugs did ou encounter? I'll gladly try to fix them =D
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 28th March, 2011
Rated :

Almost always does with keyboard controls.
Someone should make an example on how to bypass that issue.

EDIT: Hmm, first off, if you mount the dino with the gun you'll fire it if you use the dino attack, I think the player should be able to conserve the gun ammo while riding.

The level doesn't "reset" states after dying, like the destroyable blocks(but that could be intentional though). I also think you should add an animation for quadrick when holding the gun, it ruines the immersion when you discover that the gun is just floating above the shoulder with the arms doing a bunch of other stuff.

I can't remember if there was something more, I'll play it again and take a look!

EDIT 2: The spike enemy's gravity doesn't seem to change while under water. Text wrapping is classic klik bug. It'd be nice if the gun stayed in the same hand. Gun goes behind signs. The red spike thingy disappeared when outside the visible area under water. Dismounting the dino can be a bitch since you almost always mount it again. The timed blocks melody doesn't resume after pausing, however, their function does. The gun doesn't work on the snot machine(don't know if that's intentional though). The gun looks really weird when aiming up/down since quadrick doesn't reflect the direction. Quadrick's booster pack goes behind the sign after the springs.

Sorry for the brick! Alt-tabbed while playing!

Also, I just listed everything I could find, the game's fine.
Comment edited by Eternal Man [EE] on 3/28/2011
Posted by Solgryn 28th March, 2011

Thank you, I'll write em down and try to fix em =P
Posted by Pixelthief 29th March, 2011
Rated :

Cute graphics, very solid engine
Posted by Jon C-B 30th March, 2011

nice game. how did you do that cool screen transition?
Posted by Solgryn 30th March, 2011

It's just an active object that scrolls over the screen =P
Posted by Chizuko 31st March, 2011

Cute game! =^n.n^= I'm aroused!
Posted by Tropik 16th April, 2011
Rated :

I love this colorfull arts!
... but it's quite difficult ]:>
anyway - 5/5 stars for that.





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