The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Wings Of Vi Beta

Wings Of Vi Beta
Author: Solgryn Submitted: 19th August, 2012 Favourites:2
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 730

Wings of Vi is a challenging platform game in which you control Vi, an angel who survived an attack that led to most angels to become mortal.

Vi is sent out to destroy the evil and recover the energy that has been taken from her people, defeating any foe that may rise along the way.

Arrow keys - Move
Z - Jump
X - Attack
C - Flutter

The game has controller support.

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 (18,8 mb )

Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 21st August, 2012

First, the forced internet connection wasn't the most welcome sight at the start. I'm sure you have your reasons, though.

Second, the very first enemy killed me by knocking me off the bottom of the level in the screen after you encounter it, then the screen went black and white and the (lovely) music played, but it just stayed like that forever. No key presses had any effect.

Looks promising, though. Very nice pixel art and music.
Posted by Jon Lambert 21st August, 2012

There is a reset key, although I'm not sure what it is by default. The first thing I did was change the controls and set reset to Enter.
Posted by Solgryn 21st August, 2012

The restart key is R by default.

Oh, and the forced internet connection is just because it's a beta. I don't want people to play old versions ._.
Comment edited by Solgryn on 8/22/2012
Posted by Asholay 2nd September, 2012

Extremely hard - had to stop when I reached the monster which stretches up and down. No margin for error so it feels frustrating rather than challenging.

Difficulty setting doesn't really seem to help in this mode as most things are insta-kills (i.e. spikes or falling).

Nice graphics and feel though
Posted by Callebo 9th September, 2012

I see what you're going for with the difficulty, and I can see it working to. Right now the it's the beginning of the game when it feels like it should be half way through.

Looks sweet though, what engine is it?
Posted by Solgryn 10th September, 2012

I made my own engine.
Comment edited by Solgryn on 9/10/2012





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