The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Blobs Adventure 2

Blobs Adventure 2
Author: Solgryn Submitted: 11th April, 2009 Favourites:8
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 1635
40th Place     (4.62 / 5)

Edited By Solgryn on 12/21/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 11/9/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 8/16/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 7/21/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 6/17/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 6/1/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 6/1/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 4/25/2009

Edited By Solgryn on 4/25/2009It is time... Time to go on adventure with your trusty buddy, BLOB!

This time the levels are bigger, the bosses are badder, and there are all sorts of cool effects! Venture through 25+ levels with 6 bosses and some bonus levels! Lots of cool stuff to explore!

There are some new features added in Blobs Adventure 2 that wasnt there in Blobs Adventure 1:

Save function! (Yes, you can save your game progress!)
Checkpoints! (No more frustration from restarting from the start of the level anymore!)
Coins! (Collect coins through the levels and earn score and if you collect enough, there will be bonus levels!)
Highscores! (Add your highscore and compete with your friends!)
New music! (Listen to magical tunes throughout the game! 12 tracks!)
New cutscenes! (Cutscenes explaining the levels and the story of the game!)

Blob ventures once again on his quest to find and destroy the Skeleton king! (the boss from the previous game). On the way he is troubled by enourmus bosses that the Skeleton king has sent out to destroy Blob!
Will Blob manage to kill the Skeleton king?
Do characters REALLY die in video games?
Are you ready for your biggest adventure YET?!

The all new Blobs Adventure 2 has a redone, costum platform engine which is flawless, unlike the previous game which used the built-in platform control.

New music has been added to the game, there are 12 sound tracks to acompany you in Blobs crazy adventure!

All graphics are original and made by me, I used mostly the ingame editor, but also Photoshop for the shading and effects.


EXTRACT the .zip file or errors while saving may occur!!!


I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it!

Link collection(For my own amusement ):’s-adventure-2.htm

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Review This Download

 (48,5 mkb )

Posted by Jon C-B 11th April, 2009
Rated :

This is taking s really long time to download...10% there and its at 13 minutes
Posted by Jon Lambert 11th April, 2009

Just downloaded it. It was good. Short though. Why is it so big? Did you use wave files? Anyways, how come when I beat the Skeleton King it was over, but I only went through 5 levels?
Posted by Solgryn 11th April, 2009

Any problems may be solved by unzipping the .zip
Comment edited by solgryn on 4/11/2009
Posted by Matthew Wiese 11th April, 2009

Awesome it's out! I'll download and play it after I get back from Boy Scouts and the mall.'(And off my DSi which I'm on right now.)
Comment edited by Matthew Wiese on 4/11/2009
Posted by OMC 11th April, 2009
Rated :

YES! *downloads*
Posted by Jon Lambert 11th April, 2009

It worked right when I started over...
Posted by OMC 11th April, 2009
Rated :

Wow, fun! Congratulations on making one of the only hard click games that kept my attention for a long time! This would be even more original with its own soundtrack instead of the SMG music, but it's still great. It appears that when you're battling the Zombie King, during his second attack, if you hit his tongue before the fist comes down a third time, it doesn't do anything. Other than that, I found the game to be cute. The flob or whatever it was was hilarious and the voices and noises where fun. I'll play some more later. (only played until I beat the Zombie King)

Great job! This is the epitome of Klik game fun.
Posted by Jon C-B 11th April, 2009
Rated :

Downloaded it and encountered the bug Jon got. The reason is that you pressed a button while the cut scene was playing. Well, at least I think that's the problem... The game play was pretty fun yet frustrating but I always get it in a couple trys thanks to the savepoints. 4/5 Stars
Posted by Jon C-B 11th April, 2009
Rated :

Downloaded it and encountered the bug Jon got. The reason is that you pressed a button while the cut scene was playing. Well, at least I think that's the problem... The game play was pretty fun yet frustrating but I always get it in a couple trys thanks to the savepoints. 4/5 Stars
Posted by Dr. James MD 11th April, 2009
Rated :

Awesome I'll give this a shot tonight after the Easter TV goodathon.
Posted by W3R3W00F 11th April, 2009

Awesome game so far! I'm still playing through it...
Posted by Solgryn 11th April, 2009

The bug that some people encountered (Jon C-B and Jon), has been TERMINATED! will upload the new version right now!
Posted by OMC 12th April, 2009
Rated :

On the level with the shark, if I died and jumped in the water I couldn't control him.
Posted by Jon C-B 12th April, 2009
Rated :

Reviewed it
Posted by Matthew Wiese 12th April, 2009

When I play the last boss, and it's where he's mimicking the zombie guy who throws his arm down on you, when the skeleton gets to 1/3 health, after his first double punch, he stops attacking.
Posted by Gokotti 12th April, 2009
Rated :

Awesome game. You really must fix that stupid arm thing. It spoils the whole game experience.
Posted by Solgryn 12th April, 2009

The bug with the arms has been fixed, uploading it now. It takes some time though

Comment edited by solgryn on 4/12/2009
Posted by Guru Rinpoche 12th April, 2009
Rated :

You broke one of the fundamental laws of game-making: creating "unfair" obstacles. This isn't hard, as everyone is saying, but unfair...a spike falling out of nowhere isn't anything you can dodge, you just have to go through the obligatory first death then try to remember where it's hidden. Obviously many people like this type of gameplay, but I just found the lack of fairness frustrating. But the animation and humor is worthy of a decent score.
Posted by Rikus 12th April, 2009

" you just have to go through the obligatory first death then try to remember where it's" thats just part of the game really, and since there are save points all over the place its not really hard to go back and try again.
Posted by Dr. James MD 12th April, 2009
Rated :

I was enjoying that until the space ship levels. I don't get it, you can't fly above or below an enemy? Holding up or down did nothing (could speed up/slow down though). One hell of a strange bug that!

Also no joystick support? Gah.
Posted by Solgryn 12th April, 2009

uhm, space ship levels? You can move in all directions but the enemies must not get past you
Posted by Dr. James MD 12th April, 2009
Rated :

Found the problem! I had set the controls (CTRL+Y) to joystick, the keyboard still worked on the platform levels but you couldn't move vertically on the space ship ones. That's kind of strange.

You should add in control support. Replace all the left/right direction keys with "player presses left/right". It's strange you should overlook that when the rest of the game is quite well coded.
Comment edited by Dr. James on 4/12/2009
Posted by Matthew Wiese 13th April, 2009

Do I have to redownload and replay through all of the levels to get to the last boss, or can I just download it and transfer over the save file to the new folder?
Posted by 3kliksphilip 13th April, 2009
Rated :

I can't beat the final boss. After his first double punch, nothing else happens.

The skulls looked like bunnies

The helicopter levels were annoying

...but on the plus side, I liked the saves. Although this game is unfair, at least you don't have to replay a large section each time. I found the invisible section interesting. Didn't like the ice cube levels, I ended up twisting my head to the side to play them properly.

I'm going to give this game a 5. It has had a lot of thought put into it, it's a substantial length of consistent quality (though I do think the worlds took less and less time to complete as you carry on through the game) and the music was varied. And there's a save feature.
Posted by Solgryn 13th April, 2009

You can transfer it, and 3klik try to redownload, I fixed that problem
Posted by Dr. James MD 14th April, 2009
Rated :

I've still not beaten it but this is a really enjoyable game. Reminds me of them early games everyone makes but with the quality-o-metre pointing to full.
Posted by Sumo148 14th April, 2009
Rated :

ugh 13 minutes to download
Posted by Sumo148 14th April, 2009
Rated :

Great Game! I love the new features such as the wall jump and double jump!
Posted by Wackie 17th April, 2009
Rated :

This is a really cool series, you should make more
Posted by Spikes 17th April, 2009
Rated :

Great game man
Posted by Wackie 27th April, 2009
Rated :

Ufff, forgot to vote... 5/5 you deserve it!
Posted by Knockturnal 1st May, 2009
Rated :

Posted by Nuklear41 12th May, 2009
Rated :

Omg, it's morning. What happend? This game took my night away.
Posted by B.N.F 22nd May, 2009
Rated :

OMG Awesome game
Posted by Mkingy 6th August, 2009
Rated :

Pretty darn good.






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