The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. 4four Spramy Edition

4four Spramy Edition
Author: Spram Submitted: 1st February, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 578

4four was a game originaly done by Zaratustra, this is my "remake" (with his permission). Totally different graphics, levels and music (not done by me or anyone working on the game).

The plague was released... a vile flesh-eating virus was released on the atmosphere.
Half of the population of the continent has been decimated, and the rest will sure follow, unless an antidote can be found.
You grab the single containment suit left and a gun, and leave the lab to collect the necessary elements for the antidote...

The gameplay is similar but (obviously) way crappier to Metroid. There is no save feature (that'll be in the sequel) but you dont really need it, since the game is short and easy (at least for me).

The game is slightly buggy, specially since it uses the original MMF plataform movement, but if you are like me, you must be used to it already. There are 4 different items to find in the game including a Jetpack. For more information read the txt file:

Review This Download (2.82mb )

Posted by vortex2 3rd February, 2003

i liked this game, the gfx are good and well animated, the music fits, and the sound effects are used good. it remindes me of the old dos games, and it has a very non click feel to it :) What i really like about the gfx, is that there shaded! it makes them look sooo much better. The only thing i would do, is make a custom movement, so he doesnt have the hanging effect :) btw, the way the worms curl up and fall as a dieing animation is really cool, and a nice touch. :)
Posted by Jaffa [Mpp] 4th February, 2003

I am sorry but Oxygen is spelled with an Y. Not an I:
Posted by Jaffa [Mpp] 4th February, 2003

I am sorry but Oxygen is spelled with an Y. Not an I.
Posted by The Chris Street 4th February, 2003

It can be spelt with an I. That is, if you're drunk. This looks pretty cool, dloading...
Posted by The Chris Street 4th February, 2003

this would be absolutely brilliant if it had a custom engine. For now though, its pretty damn good. Great work :D
Posted by Spram 4th February, 2003

In the wierd foreing planet where the adventure takes place Oxygen is Oxigen.. :) Uh, just kidding, I really screwed up there.
Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 4th February, 2003

the game looks cool! downloading
Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 4th February, 2003

What... uh, what were i supposed to do with that boss? what was the story? and why didnt u use modern sound effects? graphics were great, but i felt like playing an old ms-dos game, and i dont like that feeling. lol. :)
Posted by Spram 7th February, 2003

Not like anyone cares, but here's a map I made of the game:
Posted by Galaxy613 12th February, 2003

This looks COOL!
Posted by Galaxy613 12th February, 2003

This looks COOL!





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