The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Battle Blade

Battle Blade
Author: bladeboy Submitted: 26th January, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 393

Battle blade is a shmup inspired by varius cave and treasure titles like progear and rsg.

arrows move
button1 main weapon
button2 weapon individual to each ship
button1+2 aimed shot, "milks" stars at full chain

power up levels are exp based
8 levels in total

Ive had lots of problem with this game and as a result it no longer have any save system for the highscore. Long story short its a mix of my old computer and mmf.

Review This Download (1.2mb )

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 27th January, 2005

The graphics look nice, but I'll have to download this later (at school right now.) Also, I'll have to do a search to see how many members at the DC have 'monkey' in their names. ;)
Posted by Yuhkaz 27th January, 2005

Graphics are nice, downloading.
Posted by mojofltr 27th January, 2005

Wow! This is great! :-D There are just two things that I would suggest: I think that there needs to be some more sound. The music and the sounds you've already incorporated are nice, but in some spots (ie, at a boss) the game feels a little bit quieter than it should be. Also, I think a screen in between levels that tells you your points, how many lives you have left, and the name of the next level... etc. It needs something to break up the action. In my opinion, the game seems to jump into the next level a bit too quickly. This is an impressive game... it looks like something that might have been able to compete with Gradius III or something similar during the lifespan of the SNES! Great job! :-)
Posted by Yuhkaz 27th January, 2005

Its a sweet little game
Posted by Zombie New Human 27th January, 2005

Awwww, fuck yeah!!! The fact that you mentioned cave automatically makes you awesome in my opinion, let alone putting up a 2d shooter...( is my favorite game ever)...I will be reviewing this ;)
Posted by contra 29th January, 2005

You did everything right on this one Stefan (well exept the hiscore saving...;)) Great design and above all else, FUN to play! Fast jag gillar inte att du smyger upp dom här utan att säga till... :P
Posted by Imadjinn 29th January, 2005

Decent shmup you have here. I shamefully admit to losing in the 3rd level in Kids mode, things got way too hectic and the 3rd boss shooting up from the bottom of the screen unexpectedly didn't help.
Posted by Ben Berntsen 29th January, 2005

Only played for a couple minutes so far but it's good! Pretty much the only things I could think of that might make it better would be 1) Parallax scrolling 2) More sound effects 3) A little more animation, maybe. Very awesome though! Been a while since I played such a good simple fun game!
Posted by Tim* 31st January, 2005

Posted by scaneider 31st January, 2005

Not bad, not bad.
Posted by FBEpyon 31st January, 2005

This was very entertaining, I would like to have seen a little more detial int he sprites, but hey this proves that not all games have to super graphics, this one is all play :P
Posted by 2nd February, 2005

Been reviewed.
Posted by gustav 2nd February, 2005

very nice, indeed. nice to see a game that both looks and plays professionally on here for once. keep it up.
Posted by SlowMotionRiot 2nd February, 2005

Excellent job, man! Brought me back to my roots.
Posted by clwe 9th February, 2005

*votes thumbs up* This was a blast to play. I Found the game a bit hard at first as it moves quite fast, but I soon got the hang of it. Now I just need to try and beat that bugger of a boss on level 8. All in all, it's top-notch.
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 11th February, 2005

Fun. Really fun. And Imjadin isn't the only one who lost. I managed to beat the first vawe of the ships that shoot a bit up, and they are yellow. Too many bullets onscreen for me to dodge.
Posted by Goemon 14th February, 2005

Not bad, it really captured the feeling of the old shooters I used to play. You still need zen-like concentration at times to sucessfully dodge, but that's key to these games. Great work. The sound was a bit lacking, but all in all, it fit together. I like the pseudo-8-bit backgrounds as well. Nice touch!






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