The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Klik Basestation 1

Klik Basestation 1
Author: Keatontech! Submitted: 2nd October, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 147

Edited By Keaton B on 10/3/2005

A cool application that is also a game. The way it works is that Klik Basestation 1.0 logs you on and gets your money (unfortunately it is fake money), downloads,ect... Then it downloads lists of games and their descriptions, download links, and stuff like that. You can choose games that look cool, download them, then use them to get you money, and lose you money (if it has a store). Developers can submit their own games for free, it is a great means of advertising and allows users a better gaming experience. Example files of how to get your games to work with it are included, I will also be posting an article on that soon.
If you don't get what I am talking about, think of it as a big arcade where you can submit your own games. You can earn money just like you would earn tickets in an arcade. You can use the money in any games that have stores.
PLEASE submit games, everybody who submits a game gets 100 bucks (we are still talking about fake bucks). Also, visit often because if you visit enough, you will become a moderator.
If you find any bugs, please report them. If anybody hacks into the program, I will know and they will be banned.
Passords,Money,Downloads,ect... are protected. If anybody has any ideas for upcoming versions, post them here.
Anyway, please download it, it's like a free arcade that grows all the time.

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 (603kb )

Posted by Milo 2nd October, 2005

There are a awful lot of downloads, I hate that :( and, the link doesn't work
Posted by -Vinny- 3rd October, 2005

wow man, those colours burn my eyes, please change the backgrounds to something easier on the eyes
Posted by DaVince 3rd October, 2005

The backgrounds can be customized in the options menu! ;) Yay, my app is in the list! :)
Posted by DaVince 3rd October, 2005

"The page you requested is unavailable"
Posted by Reno 3rd October, 2005

If you go to you get a much nicer "File not found" screen. :P
Posted by Hempuli 3rd October, 2005

There is a "404 error" :D
Posted by Hempuli 3rd October, 2005

Is it nicer :D:D
Posted by Zethell 3rd October, 2005

Argh! Soo many damn colours xD Ima remake this but more neutral in Black and White! :P
Posted by Keatontech! 3rd October, 2005

Just a sec... I'll fix the link
Posted by Keatontech! 3rd October, 2005

The Link's Fixed
Posted by DaVince 4th October, 2005

Can't you add in a standard colour scheme file? It shows black at the start now, which is a bit unclear. :P
Posted by DaVince 4th October, 2005

Well... My download, PublicMediaViewer, doesn't work. And the description is not there. :P
Posted by Keatontech! 4th October, 2005

Sorry, the lists are off
Posted by Milo 4th October, 2005

Keaton your gonna be noticed ALOT now ;-)
Posted by Jason Orme 4th October, 2005

a very nice idea
Posted by Wicked Studios 5th October, 2005

Yeah this really is pretty cool. I'll have to overload it with crappy games like square vs circle, with three colors total. Just kidding, but really a great idea.
Posted by Milo 5th October, 2005

Actully I might actully do that exept good programing and I'm not gonna spam. {celebrate}
Posted by DaVince 6th October, 2005

Making a forum-like thing in this app would be very cool, or game comments / rating... Like a games site, but managed in an app. :)
Posted by Milo 6th October, 2005

He's just taking advantage of doing EASY in a hard way. :( :( :( :(
Posted by Keatontech! 6th October, 2005

Easy? Are you crazy? I will work on version 1.5 with forums and things soon, but for now I am sick of FTP.
Posted by Hempuli 7th October, 2005

Looks awful.. but the concept is new! Great!! :)
Posted by Hempuli 7th October, 2005

Doesnt work.. :(:(:( "550 list\Oi.lst.." Something about it
Posted by Keatontech! 7th October, 2005

Sorry, sometimes things like that happen. It's not a bug, my FTP was just being flaky. It's better now.
Posted by Fragasnap 7th October, 2005

This has great potential, but I hope you can filter out games that are like: Always give player $10,000 Press any key to end 'Cause that'd stink to have everybody doin' that.
Posted by Phredreeke 8th October, 2005

How about having each game a limited amount of money to give. If a game gives lots of prizes, then the future wins will be reduced.
Posted by Keatontech! 8th October, 2005

I personally check every game before putting it on, if it gives more than about 100$ regularly it will not make it.
Posted by Justin 16th October, 2005

This doesn't work. It logs-in the names, and I choose mine, and type in the password, and hit "LOGIN". But it always says that the password is incorrect. Why? Believe me, I typed it just as I did in the create-password field.
Posted by Keatontech! 23rd October, 2005

uhh, sorry 'bout that, i'll fix it
Posted by Keatontech! 23rd October, 2005

If your password isn't working, please email me.
Posted by Crazy Chris 12th November, 2005

Is this game online?
Posted by supaguygames 28th March, 2013

Oh no the game isn't working anymore





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