The Cyber-Brainwashing Study
Author: | Keatontech!
Submitted: | 22nd November, 2005
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 139
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KeatonTech Labs* proudly presents the Cyber-Brainwashing study. It's a valid** study. Scientists have managed to brainwash people through the computer, so I want to see if I can do it. Basicly, it chooses a random phrase from a list that I made and desplays it on the screen at a random time, in a random place, for up to 3/100 of a second. Hopefully i'll get some sort of result. Please give me your data by adding a comment to this post.
I know it's kinda*** stupid, that's just 'cuz I got bored and decided to do something random.
* Not a real company, I just made it up.
** May not actually be Valid
*** May be stupider than "kinda stupid"
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Keatontech!Possibly Insane
Registered 10/07/2005
Points 2720
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