The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Noitu Love and the Army of Grinning Darns

Noitu Love and the Army of Grinning Darns
Author: ZeroTau[FA] Submitted: 11th April, 2006 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 832
Game of the Week Winner

The year is 2188. The city is protected by an organization called "The Peacekeepers League" and everything is swell except for that it's under attack. By a robot army lead by professor Darnacus Damnation!

This game is an action packed adventure of several long levels (with save feature) and you play as Noitu Love, a young and talented boy, who's purpose it is in life to stop Darnacus and live up to his intercom girl Lori's expectations.

6 levels, 5 difficulties and several unlockables are to be found, and you'll play as four different characters.

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (139)
Posted by Odin 17th April, 2006

Collecting 100 beakers gives you an extra life. Also, the beakers you collect add to your bonus score at the end of a level.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 18th April, 2006

There was a big damn thing I forgot in the game, and that's that you don't get to play the entire flying sequence in Level 4. It's fixed now, and it was not like this the first few days of upload, it's been like this for maybe 4 or 5 days.

Posted by Radix 18th April, 2006

How do we know if we've played the entire sequence or not?
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 18th April, 2006

If you didn't fight a rich darn sitting in a bigass moneysack, you did not play the whole thing.
Posted by Imadjinn 18th April, 2006

I wondered who the Hell that moneysack guy was...

Also why the flying sequence consisted of the big missile launching mouth and all of two enemies...
Posted by RenatoDep 18th April, 2006

I got stuck on the second boss, the monkey got stuck inside a platform/obstacle and I had to quit the game
Posted by Odin 18th April, 2006

Imadjinn: Before, the level 4 rocket sequence contained enemies before the rocket launcher, and the moneysack guy. It took much longer to pass through, so it was shortened.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 19th April, 2006

It was shortened by mistake, Odin.
Posted by sashman 19th April, 2006

Hey, im not much of a new member, just made this account to report a bug, etc.

anyways, on the second level, at the part where you stand on the platform, press something on the computer, and it slowly rises. That part, when playing, after killing the very last enemy(those jumpy green robots) i somewhat-accidentally jumped off of the platform, and then coincidentally right after the green guy blew up, all my movement stopped, even gravity, and i was stuck RIGHT UNDER the moving platform. i figured it'd get fixed when i got to the top and to the next screen, but instead the platform sort of "dropped" me off and i think i fell all the way down, and after that i just appeared at the screen, stuck like 10 pixels from the ground in the air BTW, and was mad.

er, very bad description, if you care, i'll maybe redo and analyze that specific part more.

It might not even be a bug, im probably just stupid,

anyways, great game! Right when the title came up, my head went straight to Advance Wars. Maybe thats not what you were hoping would happen, but o well. Also, i heard the music in the beginning, in the title i mean, and i liked it, lol, very video-gamey, and since i er sort of make techno/trance/etc alot, i really appreciated all the little songs that you made, very DNBy, lol.

ya, fun, game, great, 10/10, or more, k, bye. i wanna beat on expert mode, but first there's normal and hard,
Posted by Matt Boothman 19th April, 2006

Noitu Love backwards is EVOLUTION - just to let you know.
Posted by RenatoDep 19th April, 2006

I can't beat the third boss on the spooky place...ugh I don't know how to hurt him...but honestly, best click game i've ever's rather adictive!
Posted by RenatoDep 19th April, 2006

ugh I figured out but died grrrr
Posted by Bo Fu 20th April, 2006

I hate the third fricking boss. Genius gmae besides that.
Posted by JohnLastrologue 20th April, 2006

Wow, greatest click game ever made... I wonder how all those graphical effects are made
Posted by DaVince 20th April, 2006

noitulove sounds like "Know it, you love". Heh.

Great game!
Posted by Imadjinn 20th April, 2006

Duzzat mean I have to download it again just to fight a guy on/in a money sack?

I will btw.
Posted by RenatoDep 20th April, 2006

Zero, are you working on a sequel?
Posted by RenatoDep 20th April, 2006

Oh, and I love the song from the OJoy2 or something music, and the boss it!
Posted by sashman 20th April, 2006

haha, that "evolution" thing is clever.
Posted by AndyUK 20th April, 2006

Aw, it crashed when the weak spot appeared on the 2nd boss. Which is a pain, i don't want to have to play through the same level tons of times.
Posted by Matt Boothman 21st April, 2006

Yeah, I found another bug on the 5th level - can't remember exactly where though. It's done that to me three times now in three different places, which is annoying to say the least.

Excellent game though.
Posted by sashman 21st April, 2006

i really like how you completely mesmerized the player with that last level, i mean, for like AT LEAST 5 seconds i was stunned at how .....3D it looked, lol.

normal mode seemed too easy though, too basic, so now its on to expert.
Posted by 22nd April, 2006

WOW! This is great.
Posted by Josh Whelchel 23rd April, 2006

Great work zerotau. (:
Posted by Josh Whelchel 23rd April, 2006

Oh, and because I love to make two comments in a row, I very much appreciate the o2joy boss. Brilliant work. (:
Posted by mrpectate 24th April, 2006

What an amazing game! The outrageous action reminds me of Rocket Knight Adventures (days of 'ol), with some twists and a real storyline thrown in. Excellent graphics, music, sound, and heart-pounding boss fights; what more do you need?

P.S. Is gone for good?
Posted by Joey vvvv 28th April, 2006

Nice!Awesome!This is Treasure Games(the guys who made Gunstar Heroes)Quality!I hope DC gets to see more games like this sometime soon.Shame is down........
Posted by RenatoDep 28th April, 2006

The one thing I don't like, and I wish it could be fixed...everytime I start level 5 cuz i die, I start with 0 lives... I can't beat it like that
Posted by Fredrik Ortmon 28th April, 2006

Hyr en svensk ! Lol
Posted by Jest 29th April, 2006

It reminded me of Rocket Knight Adventures (sparkster on SNES) for some reason. Probably the rocket bit and figuring out how to kill a boss with weakpoints. For this game to be on par with in my Rocket Knight Adventures on Sega (in my opinion the best Sidescroller out there)is quite an achievment.
Posted by izac 29th April, 2006

lame boring and stupid crap little pixel graphics, all out sucks. the music at the start of the game wanted to make me die. the little graphics make me wanne hurl. wtf? is with these lame little crap games? why do people like them!? they suck!!(and this one more than others!)
Posted by izac 29th April, 2006

I voted goos, and i wanted to vote bad! but when i looked at the picture it looked like a realistic war game. but when i played it, it was a lame little marrio gameboy style bag of wank.
Posted by thinlikenate 1st May, 2006

i was just about to beat the boss (i think) on level 6 on expert mode and the game crashed. boo. how many times do i have to push that stupid pink button anyways?
Posted by thinlikenate 3rd May, 2006

getting 100% was a bitch. it wasn't really worth it. "infinite power mode" is useless once you've mastered every aspect of the game. there's no reason to play it anymore! make a sequel.
Posted by Bo Fu 8th May, 2006

U.2, people in glass houses should not throw stones.
Posted by DaVince 8th May, 2006

I got this bug where I could come somewhere as a monkey where I wasn't supposed to be as a monkey, then a battle started and there was nothing I could do, so I had to close down the app. Played three levels for naught.

Well, for fun anyway.
Posted by DaVince 8th May, 2006

Oh, and a big LOL at U.2.
Posted by Bibin 9th May, 2006

U.2... drugs are bad, m'kay?
Posted by izac 9th May, 2006

I don't take drugs Teh Bibmaster. i know drugs are bad! but so is this lame game!
Posted by Aaron Tomko 9th May, 2006

Fantastic game ZeroTau[FA]! I love the traditional old-school graphical style. The controls are simple and easy to use, the bosses are fun, and the presentation is great. I really hope you continue with these high calibur titles in the future.
::Thumbs up::
Posted by Odin 9th May, 2006

U.2 is either a troll or an idiot.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 10th May, 2006

Thanks for the kind comments!
Posted by Hill Gigas 22nd May, 2006

This game is brilliant! This is by far the best klik game I've ever played. I got to the final boss, but he whipped me. So close. I'm going to try again soon. I'm soooooo happy that you made a save feature! Whoo hoo!

GREAT work on this game. Your hard work really paid off.
Posted by Ray Vaughan 25th May, 2006

Gteat game worth the download, but how do I save game?
Posted by Ray Vaughan 25th May, 2006

Great game but how save game??
Posted by Greasy 26th June, 2006

A great well refined game. Got boring for me after one level though.
Posted by jpSoul 19th May, 2007

GREAT game !!!
Posted by Spiriax 20th November, 2007
Rated :

This one's a classic.
Posted by ]Alpha[ 30th January, 2008
Rated :

This is my favourite click game!!
Why it is not rated anymore? O_o
Anyway, without any doubt I rate it 5/5
Posted by alastair john jack 30th March, 2008
Rated :

This is fairly good game with great graphics.






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