Bernard & Hank : Springtime Again
Author: | Hayo
Submitted: | 5th April, 2007
Favourites: | 1 |
Genre: | Platformer
| Downloads: | 574
Rated: |
Game of the Week Winner
Edited By Joshtek on 25/09/2022
Edited By Joshtek on 25/09/2022
Edited By Hayo on 8/8/2009
Edited By Hayo on 4/11/2007
Bernard & Hank : Springtime again
About the game
This is not Bernard & Hank 2. This game originally started as a little entry for an easter compo in 2006, basically just an easter expansion for BnH1. It used the same graphics and engine as the original game, but then Matt Esch suddenly turned into a good coder so a new engine was made. The game we submitted was still kinda lame and flawed, you can see here to
see how terrible it was, so we decided to keep working on it
to make it more of a worthy game. Then we stopped working on it at all till Matt suddenly turned into a better coder
and made anoter new engine, this time a very solid one. Now it's done, it's not called Bernard&Hank 2 but you can
probably see it as a second Bernard&Hank now. Still, if you didn't like the first one I suggest you don't download this
and go play monopoly with your friends instead.
Hank makes some pocket money by selling eggs, and plans to win the yearly egg contest with a huge egg. NationalLiberal, on the prowl for revenge, steals the big eggs and sends out his minions to paint and hide the rest of the eggs. Bernard and Hank have to go through 25 levels to get the bigg egg back and collect as many eggs as possible. If you don't like easter stories I suggest you don't download this and go watch a horror movie with your girlfriend instead.
The game still has the same graphics as BnH1 because I was lazy (and working on too many other projects). Some gfx have been improved a little here and there, and some effects for water and fog were implemented, but its still low colour "old school" and "retro" and comformist bullshit like that.
if you are not a fan of old school or low colour I suggest you don't download this game and go play your Xbox instead.
Sound and music
All music tracks and sound effects are original (I do believe people who pick sound effects from the net should be shot btw). The sound effects are not like the ones of BnH1, this time it has SNES-ish samples and real voices.The music was made using the SMG180 soundfont and real intruments. This mellowed down the original (kind of piercing) midi music alot. Special thanks go to Joshua Mononoetoe for soundfont advise. As the game is very about farmers, cows and barns most of the music is country and honkytonk, with a little bit of cajun, blues and rockabilly here and there. I am fully aware that this might not be your taste so if you don't like it I suggest you don't download this game and go listen to your pop songs and trance mixes instead.
Levels and enemies
The game has 25 normal levels, "hidden" bonuslevels and also plane levels between worlds. Apart from the generic enemies from BnH1 every world has its unique enemies like the eilingLiberal, the Liberal Mole and the decending UziLiberal. If you don't like liberals I suggest you don't download this game and be a communist instead.
Extra stuff
The game also has extra stuff in the form of a jukebox (you can listen to all music track there yeah), and the
Liberball minigame that also was in the first BnH but nobody ever played that because you had to beat the main game first. Liberball is just pong with liberals and gravity by the way. If you don't like pong I suggest you don't play liberball and just play the main game and listen to the jukebox instead.
Matt Esch: Coding, level design, music
Johan Jansen: Level design
Hayo van Reek: Graphics, level design, sound effects, music
Sander van Reek: Coding
Testing players: Joshua Mononoetoe, Adam Lobacz, Jonas Isakson, Steve Harris and Sander van Reek.
(If you don't like any of the people above I suggest you don't download this game and go to bed and have fun with your Bulbasaur pillow instead.)
Version 2.1
Fixed in this version:
- Swimming in the air
- Flying bunnies
- Stuck at boss
- Ghost wrecking balls
- Press A key
- some stuff that nobody will notice
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